· Mar 29, 2017
Dollar Ranges

How to setup dollar ranges to get the number of patient accounts. So, I want to capture the number of patient accounts based on the original balance of:
0 to 499
500 to 999
1000 to 2499
5000 to 9999
10000 to 24999
25000 to 49999
50000 to 74000
75000 to 99999


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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,418 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Mar 29, 2017
Count Number of Pages?


We are working on creating a metadata file to accompany PDF documents produced by one of our third party systems for ingestion into our DMS. One of the pieces of data that the metadata file must contain is the number of pages of the PDF document.

In Cache ObjectScript does anybody know if there is currently a way of counting the number of pages within a file (specifically a PDF) without invoking a non-Caché ObjectScript program/function from within Caché ObjectScript?

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In this post, I am going to detail how to set up a mirror using SSL, including generating the certificates and keys via the Public Key Infrastructure built in to Caché. The goal of this is to take you from new installations to a working mirror with SSL, including a primary, backup, and DR async member, along with a mirrored database. I will not go into security recommendations or restricting access to the files. This is meant to just simply get a mirror up and running.

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I am exploring a simple restore procedure for a Cache instance and would really appreciate any help.

Basically, I have a CentOS machine with a Cache instance and let us say I backed up all the mount points where Cache data is located (install dir, DAT files, journals, WIJ etc). On another identical machine (without Cache installed), I mounted all these file systems exactly using the same mount points so all the data is back with the same paths.

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· Mar 28, 2017 2m read
Map, Reduce and Filter Collections

Inspired by the article "Declarative development in Caché" that's still trending on the dev com. The OP explored a functional style of iterating over a collection. A comment today suggested "Caché would need syntax support for anonymous functions".

With Macros you can kind of get anonymous like syntax using dot notation.

This is not production code, but it does work. First the macros...

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· Jul 4, 2016 8m read
Introduction to the iKnow REST APIs

After a five-part series on sample iKnow applications (parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), let's turn to a new feature coming up in 2017.1: the iKnow REST APIs, allowing you to develop rich web and mobile applications. Where iKnow's core COS APIs already had 1:1 projections in SQL and SOAP, we're now making them available through a RESTful service as well, in which we're trying to offer more functionality and richer results with fewer buttons and less method calls. This article will take you through the API in detail, explaining the basic principles we used when defining them and exploring the most important ones to get started.

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This earlier article already announced the new iKnow REST APIs that are included in the 2017.1 release, but since then we've added extensive documentation for those APIs through the OpenAPI Specification (aka Swagger), which you'll find in the current 2017.1 release candidate. Without wanting to repeat much detail on how the APIs are organised, this article will show you how you can consult that elaborate documentation easily with Swagger-UI, an open source utility that reads OpenAPI specs and uses it to generate a very helpful GUI on top of your API.

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Can you create ad-hoc Caché relationship objects that are not part of the original Caché class definition? One of the drawbacks with relationships is that that the more relationships you have defined, the more difficult it can be manage. I was wondering rather than having all your relationships defined in the Caché class, could you programmatically create relationships between classes as and when they are required?

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Hi, Community!

Here are some news on Developer Community enhancements.

In March we fixed a lot of bugs and rearranged the notification system, so I hope you'll be happy with it now.

Enhanced content of the notification

With this new release in every email notification you'll see the reason, why did you get this particular notification and the option to unsubscribe of this types of notifications.

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· Mar 17, 2017
ErrNoResponseClass Explanation?

I'm pretty new to Ensemble and Cache, and I ran into an error today that I haven't seen before: "ErrNoResponseClass: No Response Classname is assigned for Request class <<someNumber>>". I haven't found much documentation about this beyond the Ensemble Error Codes document, which is essentially just a duplicate of the information I can see in the error message when this problem occurs. Is there any further information about this error and the conditions that cause it? Or perhaps what the <<someNumber>> value represents?

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· Mar 26, 2017
How to split an xml into 3 xml


I have a xml stored in a globalCharrachter Stream.

I would like to get a full node parts of the xml to store it in an other file.

Exemple of an Xml store in cache


I would like to generate new xml from this one like

<product></product> to product.xml

<market></market> to market.xml

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Dear InterSystems Community! Do you control your Caché or Caché controls you?

Recently, I decided to start the project about control of Caché instance. The control is based on communication with chat bot.

For example, below text message shows current statistics of the certain Cache instance.

/stat <cache-instance>

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Hi Community,

This article assumes that you are familiar with Zabbix and SNMP monitoring, if not, there are some very interesting posts on the Community, especially this one ( which contains a lot of information on how to configure and request an SNMP Cache server.

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· Mar 24, 2017
Firefox V52

I have a 100% ZEN application combined with 100% ZENReports and am also using IFind which is part of the solution.

Our application is a cloud hosted solution where we lease a server which does not have a website, only Cache configured under IIS. Connectivity to our site is premised on a URL string such as

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GT1|1|1|Test^Test||123 Building^123 Building^Brooklyn^NY^11220^United States^^^Kings|^PRN^PH^^^^^^^^^(111) 111-1111~^PRN^CP^^^^^^^^^(222) 222-2222|||""|IN|DGH^Daughter

I'm trying to clear the phone number completely.

Remove target.{GT1(1):GuarantorPhNumHome()} still gives me _~_

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· Nov 7, 2016
CLS location from INT code

Given location in INT code, as Cache usually reports on error (zWriteReport+25^SomeFile.1), is there any programmatic way to determine corresponding place in original source code?


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