· Jan 31, 2018

How to assign unique IDs to rows in the product of a table join

This might be more of a math problem than a Caché question.
I have a SQL query that joins two tables. I want to assign a unique ID to each row of the product table.

  1. I could append the GUIDs of the rows in the two tables, but there are a number of clients that expect a maximum length of 50 on this unique ID. Two GUIDs appended make 72 characters.
  2. I could append the two GUIDs and then truncate the result, but now I'm worried about collision.

What's the chance of collision if I append the GUIDs and truncate the result to 50 characters? Is there a good way to solve this without updating the clients?

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We have a table for holidays and for people. Both of these tables have a country column. Each country has a list of holidays and all the people in that country have all those holidays off. The result of the join means semantically: which people have which days off. I could create a third table for this but it would have to be updated any time a holiday or a person gets added.


Your suggestion of using a hash function is good, and I think I'll do that.

We're uniting this person+holiday table with a different table of personal time off to create a general absences table. Client applications access this table through a web service in order to sync a schedule. They need a GUID on each absence entry so they know what needs to be updated. For example, if a holiday changes there's an absence for each person in that country, and the client needs to update each of those entries.

We're only sending across the absences that have been updated since the last sync, so the client can't just rebuild the whole schedule every time.

Can you elaborate on your data model? What are your two tables, and what information joining them  generates.

Consider the following database: it has clients and products -and each client and each product has a guid.

The join between clients and products would mean semantically - what client bought which products.

But it's probably be better to store this information in another table - orders and just add properties/fk/relationships to clients and products.

You want GUIDs - a mark of persistency,  but you want them in a transient query. I think it would be better to create another table and populate it with the relevant data and new  GUIDs and return that new GUIDs.

Another approach would be exposing hash function as an sql procedure and passing both GUIDs into it and returning a hash to a client.

rewrite of comment:

if this is something like

SELECT,, people.ID||'^'||holiday.ID as UNIQ
FROM people JOIN holiday
ON =

Then the bolded expression should not be longer than your 50 Char.

IF you use CachéStorage
ID is always a unique positive Integer (1.... 19digits)  and you can always disassemble it by the separator.