InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,975 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Jun 10, 2019 1m read
more usefull Object Dump

During testing your code you are often confronted with the need to examine
the actual content of an object. Either using ZWRITE or $system.OBJ.Dump()
you get a picture of simple properties as "--- attribute values ---"
while "--- swizzled references ---" are more confusing than informative
and with "--- calculated references ---" you are just left in the lurch.

This small helper class allows you to dump an object to terminal or
e.g in background to some stream for later review.
By default, you see just properties with content,

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Adopting InterSystems IRIS
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I have a custom process that is parsing HL7 and inserting it into a table. Periodically the inserts fail with # due to error: ERROR #5803: Failed to acquire exclusive lock on instance of....

Traditional databases would wait until the lock is removed then do the insert, but cache fails. I'm sure it's my coding approach.

How can I work around this? A Try/Catch loop?

Thanks in advance.

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hi, i am new to Studio and also new to objectscript, but i am not new to programming and

want to implement some synonymfunctions e.g. LOCATE should be used as InStr (.. like in much languages ;o)

more generally spoken, i want to implement a library for my string routines BUT of course i want an need autocomplete.

defining a macro $$$InStr does no autocomplete when i type $$$In<CTRL-SPACE>

example: my lib is called STRINGS and the functions are: InString, Split, ...

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Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in May 2019

New Applications

Background Jobs over ECP published by @Robert Cemper

An internal variant of a PIPE

Simple Remote Server Control published by @Robert Cemper

Simple monitoring of several servers at a lightweight level

iris-nodejs-101 published by @David Reche

This application demo a REST API build in node.js able to receive HTTP GET, POST and DELETE of custom JSON

Sea Battle published by @Evgeny Shvarov

Simple terminal game an approach to "Sea Battle". Example of simple ObjectScript method calls and terminal interaction The code is an ObjectScript remake of Python example in CodeAcademy

PHP-module for Caché published by @Sergey Kamenev

This is PHP-module for InterSystems Caché. In current moment module works only locally, on same server where running Caché. Module has excelence speed because uses c-callin interface for access to DB.

PHP-module for IRIS published by @Sergey Kamenev

This is PHP-module for InterSystems IRIS. In current moment module works only locally, on same server where running IRIS or Caché. Module has excelence speed because uses c-callin interface for access to DB.

TSQL Checkers v.1.0.0 published by @Anton Umnikov

Demonstration of TSQL support in InterSystems IRIS. Checkers game

isclib v.2.1.0 published by @Kyle Michel

Go library for interacting with InterSystems Corporation products like Cache and Ensemble<--break->

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I assume there is a simple explanation for this, but I do get <OBJECT DISPATCH> error, when I am trying to set a global to a value.

My example is huge, but I reproduced it using Samples namespace:

First I delete the Title from ##class(Cinema.Film) - 3


SAMPLES>s ref=##class(Cinema.Film).%OpenId(3)
SAMPLES>w ref.Title

SAMPLES>set ^AK(1)=$G(ref.Title)

SET ^AK(1)=$G(ref.Title)
<OBJECT DISPATCH> *Property 'Title' in class 'Cinema.Film' must be MultiDimensional

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· Jun 5, 2019 1m read
Using Interjob Communication (IJC)

Earlier I've written about command pipes.
This is the internal variant of a PIPE.

To make this more tangible and visible for you I prepared a small example
The scenario is to run a monitoring process that receives
input from an unknown number of sensors. (Could be Lab equipment or similar.)

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Hey Community!

As you know, InterSystems Developer Community is always evolving. We have a number of different pages in popular social networks. And now we're more than happy to launch the InterSystems Developer Community on LinkedIn! Please welcome:

1. Developer Community Page on LinkedIn: to stay in the know about articles, answers, announcements, hot discussions, best practices based on InterSystems technology - so good if you are an active user of LinkedIn!

2. InterSystems Developers Group on LinkedIn: to network with other developers.
Imagine that you want to invite a high-pro DC member to your event, or you have a question or need advice... How to contact him/her? Now it's easy! Go to DC LinkedIn Group and send a direct message!

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Hi everybody,

after importing an XML schema from xsd into Ensemble I´d like to add it to my Studio-Project but can´t find the imported schema in the namespace view. For example when working with custom hl7 schema, I could easyly add it to my project under namespace view schemaname.hl7. Is this also possible with xml schema? If so where can I find it on an component level?

kind regards,


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I would like to use EnsLib.HL7.Operation.HTTPOperation for sending HL7 messages via HTTP. It sends the Content-Type as "text/html"

I would like to change it to something else, say "text/plain". I cannot see a way to do it.

I have now written a custom Operation (based on EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter) and modifying the Content-Type while POSTing using SendFormDataArray(). It's bit frustrating to parse the response etc.,

I would rather prefer to use HTTPOperation of HL7. Can somebody help?

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· May 31, 2019
Conditions within ruleset

Hi guys

I have always struggled with this, tended to use workarounds but now decided to hear from more experienced people if this is something I am misunderstanding.

I need to basically add a "send" within the ruleset number 2, but without a need to associate a "when" node to it. Is this possible? What I basically need is to forward messages with status 160 to "ManageEDM" and also regardless of the status, it should get sent to "ManageRIS"

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Hello all,

I have a Recordset object which contains data from a table "XYZ".

Currently i use this object to extract data using %Get(COL1,COL2...) in a loop and than pass it to a function which inserts the data into another dynamically created Table "ABC" for each record. This takes a lot of time when 100's of records.

Is there a way i can directly copy a RecordSet to a dynamic table without looping through..?

Something like copy Recordset (COL1,COL2..)--> "ABC"



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When I try to open a DTL in the tabbed editor I always get this error:

You are using Internet Explorer 7. This version is obsolete and is not compatible with diagram editors. Please update Internet Explorer to a recent version.

My actual Internet Explorer is version 11.

I'm running Eclipse Photon.

Atelier IDE 1.3.141 InterSystems Corporation

The same error occurred with Atelier 1.2 on Eclipse Oxygen. I've never been able to get this to work.

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Say I have a property in a persistent class that stores list of colours and I would like to query that field and return a list and be able to loop that list to get individual colours how will l go about achieving this I have tried something like this but its not working as expected

 &sql(SELECT colour INTO :colourList FROM favouritecolours)
 While (SQLCODE = 0) 
 for i=1:1:$LENGTH($P(colourList,","))
 set fvalue=$P(colourList,",",i) 
write "the first"_fvalue,i, 
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Hi Community! Here is a digest of the Developer Community postings in May 2019.
Most viewed

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While we're working on a new data product supporting the analytics development process, we'd like to test some of the UX (User eXperience) design elements on a real audience. If you've got some battle scars from earlier analytics work and are interested in participating, please complete this survey and we'll get in touch when we have something to show!

Feel free to share this survey with your data-savvy friends and colleagues if you think they match the profile.

Thanks in advance for your participation!

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