· Oct 22, 2020 2m read

2020 Intersystems IRIS Roadmap - blueprint analysis

  1. I liked the transactional analytic DBMS and Advanced Analytics segmentation concept.
  2. The 1.0 version IRIS plug-in to VSCode is amazing. The partnership between community and InterSystems was very positive to it. However a low code option would do very well for IRIS in the near future.
  3. The Dynamic Gateways/Native API positions IRIS as the most advanced data platform for the main open languages in the market, but it is necessary use the public package managers from these languages, specially maven public repository.
  4. The API Manager is a good option but it is not available to the community IRIS version and can be used only with API created with IRIS. It is a critical point to resolve.
  5. OPC-UA adapter to IoT and Kakfa adapter to realtime events are great, I loved it. In the future, new adapters to the Salesforce, SAP, Office 365 and other most used platforms could be considered.
  6. Cloud support is perfect now, with ICM and IKO to deploy and manage and SAM to monitor.
  7. The FHIR accelerator is great option to FHIR projects, it's really very useful.
  8. IRIS really is getting faster and faster, impressive to be able to make something that is already very fast faster.
  9. The Adaptive Analytics was an impressive launch and very welcome, it has the ability to speed up and simplify the creation of analytical cubes (in a totally visual and intuitive way) and its exposure to excel and other data viewers in a wonderful way. In the future I would like to see InterSystems launching its own viewer, since IRIS Reports is for restricted use and is not available for community versions, making it impossible to popularize in the community.
  10. The IntegratedML was my favorite new IRIS feature. Very easy to use, any DBA can be use it. The AutoML is a fantastic technology and will be used a lot. Now, InterSystems needs to deliver a viewer of predictions and classifications to the end user, it could use the same technology as SAM, the Grafana.
Discussion (2)1
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I agree with you in most cases.

The most important announcement for me would be Embedded Python.
This will bring to the community the power of python libraries, it's a giant step forward.
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