
I am trying to use the LogicialToDate method in the %Library.FilemanDate class. In the class documentation it talks about the parameter STRICTDATA (see below). I would like to set the STRICTDATA to a 1 but I am not sure how to do that when using this method because the method does not reference this as a parameter to be passed into it. (see below).

How do I set the parameter?


parameter STRICTDATA = 0;

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We have just completed a migration of a test environment from Ensemble 2012 to Ensemble 2017 on a new server. This is the last in a series of migrations but the first to encounter this particular issue. All web clients making SOAP requests to a particular external web service are receiving a fault that states:

The SOAP action specified on the message, '', does not match the HTTP SOAP Action, 'http://<expected target service action follows here>'.

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0 210

Off the back of the Interface Monitoring post I had created a class that queries the Ens.AlertRequest global and returns the entries between 6pm the night before and 6am in the morning.

I tested this build in our T&D environments and the build worked very well.

However in our production environment the query is being truncated, by what I believe to be a timeout and I get a partial query output.

In the System>SQL pages my 12 hour query times out.

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0 209


I've got a table with many attributes and data. There is 10 000 000 registrations approximatly.

I need to make a research on this table with filters, paging, and order.

You can see an example of my SQL request :

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP ALL * FROM ANCV_Data.Titre WHERE etatTitre = 'Emis' ORDER BY numRemise desc) v WHERE %vid BETWEEN 1 AND 25

Cause there are many data on my table, my SQL req is too long if I don't have index on my attributes BUT there are many associations possible...

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0 207
· Apr 24, 2019
80 bytes wrapped X12 files

Hello, our X12 File Service won't process files we encountered X12 files where they inserted CR LF after 80 bytes repeatedly in the middle of segments. X12 Parser does not seem to like it. I see there is a Whitespace property in Adapter. I am not sure if it ignores white space in the middle of a segment. I also heard about TolerateNewLine setting but I believe this also does not tolerate New Lines in the middle of a segment. We will probably have to read the file, strip out any CR and LF, write to a new file that the X12 file service can process.

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0 204
· Aug 12, 2019
Expand EnsPortal


How should I go about it to add a page to the EnsPortal? I want to display a dashboard like page and I would like to be able to have it accessible from Management Portal. I hope there is a better way than typing the URL in address bar. Is the menu for Management Portal editable?



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0 204

I try to create a column with computeonchange.

Its works with CREATE TABLE sql command, but if i use ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN sql command this computeonchange doesn't works.

any reason why?


CREATE TABLE MyStudents ( Name VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, surname VARCHAR(16))

alter table MyStudents add column fullname Varchar(50) COMPUTECODE { SET {fullname}={Name}_ "?" _{surname}} COMPUTEONCHANGE (Name,surname)

insert into SQLUser.MyStudents (Name, surname) values ('name1',null)

update MyStudents set name = 'name' where name = 'name1'

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0 203
· Nov 23, 2019
Clearing my cube of data

Hi I am experienced with Ensemble but working in my first DeepSee project, so forgive me if this seems elementary.

My question is, how do I clear the data out? Every time I build I am adding more and more data. But I would like to revert my cube to being 0 so I can reload it and start over? Set my row count back to 0?

I am unable to remove/purge through the management portal

-I've tried to kill my cube Do ##class(%DeepSee.Utils).%KillCube("MyCube.Cube") and then Rebuild it.

Thanks In advance

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0 203
· Jan 15, 2019

I have an sql statement that I would like to execute but I get the error

"zSearchChanges+5^MergeHyland.TypeTwoUtil.1 *KeyID"

and here is my sq

l  "&sql(SELECT Key INTO :KeyID FROM MergeHyland.TypeTwoDimesionalTable WHERE Key = :Key)" any ideas why 
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0 203
· Aug 27, 2019
Tools to find a class

Good morning,
I'm working with a persistent data class and need to know which classes are evoquing it.
Is there a tool in the system to do it, similar to use the F12 key to follow a class?

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0 202

I am playing with the FHIR Sandbox.

I want to sort the patients returned in the bundle from the Patient search using the _sort (according to FHIR standard the _sort parameter is what should be used to sort), but I get: "Invalid request URL parameter _sort specified"

So I am having to assume that InterSystems did not implement _sort.

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0 202
· Aug 29, 2019
Create multiple dependent Tasks

Is it possible to create a task that will initiate a Business Service that is dependent on the completion of a separate EDI data process?

I have a complex data flow with multiple EDI processes where one process must run and produce one or more files that get deposited in the source folder for the next EDI process. The entire process is currently set up where 2 of the EDI processes execute at a specific time. The problem with that is when a network or server interruption occurs at the time they are supposed to start, it causes a complete failure of the entire process.

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0 199

Hi All,

I'm currently trying to modify the provider portal using Trak to add a new column. Using the column editor to get the column to display on the page is relatively simple, but where I'm running into problems is modifying what will display in the column.

Essentially, it just needs to run a simple "if value in column A is in this list, display x, else display y" which is easy enough to write in ObjectScript, but the ISC documentation is relatively sparse about how to get a specific column to run that bit of code to display what I need it to.

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0 199


Can I use a the SQL 'Table-Valued Parameter' when i call a store procedure in sql outbound adapter using ExecuteProcedure?

to pass multiple rows all together as a block, I need to process all the records in one transaction using commit and rollback (if failure)



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0 199

I have two local instances:

  • IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.2 (Build 626_3U) Wed Jun 12 2019 19:07:59 EDT
  • IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2019.1 (Build 510U) Thu Mar 14 2019 14:13:37 EDT

I'm using Java Gateway to talk to external system.

Both instances are using the same:

  • jar
  • generated class
  • java version

They are calling the same method with this java signature:

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