I am demonstrating a use case of how we can create an IRIS Interoperability Production for special use in an external language. InterSystems IRIS, within Interoperability has a framework called Production Extension (PEX), using which we can create productions and program them as per their purpose using external languages like Java, Python etc, and also develop custom inbound and outbound adapters to communicate with other applications.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,565 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I know there is the ability to enable Rule Sets within a Business Rule by dates, but what about Sub-Rules or just Rules in general? We have an upcoming go-live that is at Midnight and I was wondering if there was a way I could script out enabling rules/sub-rules within a Business Rule to save my team some time and headaches. Or is the best practice is just to create another rule for the go-live, then move it over once we are live...

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This is the ninth in a series of releases that are part of the developer preview program for 2022.2 Future preview releases are expected to be updated biweekly and we will add features as they are ready. Please share your feedback through the Developer Community so we can build a better product together.

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I have a problem on enabling SNMP monitoring on Cache.

I installed on HP UX NET SNMP 5.7.2 package from HP Software Center and enabled agentX protocol in snmpd.cfg.

When I enabled full debugging on Cache and NET SNMP I discovered that sent and received packets on both sides are not the same. Some bytes are different. I think the problem is in default charset for TCP/IP connection which is on our system set to CP1250 instead of default RAW. So result is that Cache notifies are not visibile from snmpwalk etc.

Is there a solution for this issue?

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YASPE is the successor to YAPE (Yet Another pButtons Extractor). YASPE has been written from the ground up with many internal changes to allow easier maintenance and enhancements.

YASPE functions:

  • Parse and chart InterSystems Caché pButtons and InterSystems IRIS SystemPerformance files for quick performance analysis of Operating System and IRIS metrics.
  • Allow a deeper dive by creating ad-hoc charts and by creating charts combining the Operating System and IRIS metrics with the "Pretty Performance" option.
  • The "System Overview" option saves you from searching your SystemPerformance files for system details or common configuration options.

YASPE is written in Python and is available on GitHub as source code or for Docker containers at:

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Hi Guys,

From where can I set a user/pass for an application pls?

I've the below application as an API to be used by a client to send requests and would like to set a user/pass for it, I can see the Password tickbox but where can I type in the required password, and can I set a use as well?


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Hi All,
I am a product owner for a 3rd party healthcare product.
We have built FHIR integrations with Cerner and EPIC using their FHIR sandboxes and would like to do the same for Trakcare.

Essentially we can lookup a patient record on the FHIR sandbox and import their demographics into our product. Switch out the sandbox credentials for production and we can integrate directly into the customers data.

Does a similar service exist for Trakcare?

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Reporting & Business Intelligence: What's New? @ Global Summit 2022

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· Oct 11, 2022 2m read
Accessing class documentation in Studio

As you have probably noticed, online product documentation has advanced tremendously in the last few years. Among numerous improvements under the hood, documentation has become easier to read and navigate. And we now have a powerful search engine that gets you to what you need more accurately than we could ever do with the old system of shipping documentation in the product. While most of you have probably had nothing but positive impacts on your workflows, it has come to my attention that some of you may be having a slight problem accessing custom class documentation.

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We started to use Azure Service Bus (ASB) as an enterprise messaging solution 3 years ago. It is being used to publish and consume data between many applications in the organization. Since the data flow is complex, and one application’s data is usually needed in multi applications the “publisher” ---> ”multiple subscribers” model was a great fit. The ASB usage in the organization is dozens of millions of messages per day, while IRIS platform is having around 2-3 million messages/day.

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InterSystems is pleased to announce that the extended maintenance releases of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1.1 are now available. These releases provide a few selected features and bug fixes for the 2022.1.0 releases.

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· Oct 22, 2022 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - Oct. 2022

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only own YOUR package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

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Hello ALL!

I am having trouble fining a way to derive (a list, an array, a file doesnt matter yet how it returns) ALL of the targets of a routing rule.

For example lets say I have:

  • a router of class: EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
  • Business Rule: HappyRRN
  • 1 rule set having 5 rules that each send to 1 DTL and 1 Operation (5 targets total)

My intent is to use some utlities we have created to disable all of the target operations of this router if the router errors out.

To do that I need the list of target operations.

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0 223

Hi developers!

Those who code IRIS solutions in VSCode using Docker often use the convenient ObjectScript menu, which contains links to Management Portal, Class Reference, Unittest portal, Productions, etc.

While drilling down to a Dev Container to code Embedded Python there is no such option, at least within my settings:

So I don't know how to connect to it.


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· Mar 1, 2022 5m read
How to become a time lord - The birth

Good men don’t need rules.

The Doctor.

It's not an easy task to be a master of dates and times, it is always a problem and sometimes confusing in any programming language, we are going to clarify and put a few tips to make this task as simple as possible.

Get on the TARDIS and I'm going to turn you into a Time lord


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· Oct 24, 2022 4m read
Embedded Python Template

Hi developers!

Let me share with you a minimal embedded python template, that I can recommend as a starting point for any general project with InterSystems IRIS that will use embedded python.


  • Embedded Python ready;
  • Examples of 3 ways of Embedded python development;
  • VSCode development ready;
  • Docker enabled;
  • Online demo enabled;
  • ZPM First development ready.

Let's discuss the features below!

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The new production component driver for Deltanji enables highly granular management of InterSystems Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the management portal. We presented it at the InterSystems UK&I summit this week and it received a great reception. 

It solves the current pain-point of Interoperability Productions being defined in a single monolithic class definition. Deltanji source control increases the granularity with which items can be managed. Instead of versioning a single class definition containing all the configuration items, this new component driver allows individual configuration items to be managed separately. Each configuration item has its own versioning and revision history and can be checked-out, checked-in, and deployed independently of any other items in the same Production.

Because each configuration item within a production class is managed by Deltanji as a first-class component in its own right, Deltanji provides all the source control, versioning, and workflow capabilities that it provides for any other component.

Watch the below clip to see it in action. 


We'll be talking about this new feature in more detail at our User Group Session on November 3rd at 3pm (GMT). Register your attendance on Eventbrite here - https://bit.ly/3yqzfvS

To find out more about Deltanji, visit our website georgejames.com or drop us an email info@georgejames.com 

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Hi Community,

In this video, you will learn how our financial services customers are using InterSystems IRIS to connect to a range of internal and external systems and sources to deliver a 360-degree view of a business and accelerate digital transformation initiatives:

What's New in Financial Services @ Global Summit 2022

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· Oct 13, 2022
JDBC Gateway Server Crash

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue I am having with the JDBC Gateway Server crashing at the %SYS level. I have numerous Linked Tables that are using JDBC to connect to a MS SQL database/tables to query values. I have written queries in other class files and within the class definition of the linked table to do the queries.

1. Should I be running the query in the class definition of the linked table as a class method? or is it best practice to run the query as a class method outside of the class definition of the linked table?

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