In part I of this article, we have already learned more about HL7, its messages, structure, segments, and fields. In this part II, we will show you how to transform proprietary/custom data into HL7 using IRIS for Health. For our sample, we used the data generated by the SYNTHEA bulk data generation project ( So, we will show you how to convert 1000 patients from a CSV file to HL7 v2, using the Interoperability features of IRIS for Health.

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Hi folks!

Often, when we develop commercial solutions, there is a necessity to deploy solutions without source code, e.g., in order to preserve the IP.

One of the ways how this can be achieved is to use InterSystems Package Manager.

Here I asked Midjourney to paint an intellectual property of software:

How this can be achieved with IPM?

In fact, this is very simple; just add the Deploy="true" clause in the Resource element in your module.xml manifest. Documentation.

I decided to provide the simplest possible example to illustrate how it works and also to give you a development environment template to let start building and deploying your own modules without source code. He we go!

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· Oct 27, 2023 1m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #35

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

I also placed a bunch of Pull Requests on GitHub when I found a problem I could fix.
Some were accepted and merged, and some were just ignored.
So if you did a major change and expect a changed review just let me know.

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· Jun 8, 2023 1m read
How to write SELECT ... FOR UPDATE

InterSystems FAQ rubric

Since SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is implemented in many RDBMS as a method of explicit row lock acquisition, I think there are many cases where this function is used.

This syntax is not an error for InterSystems products, but it does not acquire row locks as expected.

This article will show you how to achieve equivalent functionality.

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· Jun 22, 2023 1m read
Countermeasures against SQL injection

InterSystems FAQ rubric

Countermeasures against SQL injection have been published on various websites, but we believe that it is possible to prevent SQL injection in applications using InterSystems SQL as well as other RDBMS by implementing these countermeasures appropriately. In addition, InterSystems Data Platform (hereinafter referred to as IRIS) incorporates several measures that make SQL injection more difficult than general RDBMS.

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Case description

Let’s imagine that you are a Python developer or have a well-trained team specialized in Python, but the deadline you got to analyze some data in IRIS is tight. Of course, InterSystems offers many tools for all kinds of analyses and treatments. However, in the given scenario, it is better to get the job done using the good old Pandas and leave the IRIS for another time.

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In the context of HL7 FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources), the terms "id" and "identifier" refer to specific elements used for identifying resources within the FHIR data model. For a newbie, these terms can be confusingly similar, but they serve distinct purposes.

Look at the below Patient resource for August T. Faulkner:

The resource has an id of “1” — generated by the FHIR server when the resource was created.
Patient August T. Faulkner also has a identifier (Medical Record Number) — possibly provided by the hospital — of 78510398960

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  • The idea of this package is to compare the performance of columnar storage inside IRIS without wrapping it to some foreign platform that is not my world
  • In addition, I do not want to measure network performance between 2 containers, but inside a closed IRIS environment that I have fully under my control
  • Even the use of SMP or some other browser-based presentation has some influence that I want to avoid.
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· Apr 30 3m read
mg_web for ObjectScript Developers

A few weeks ago I posted an announcement about a JavaScript-based interface for our mg_web WebServer interfacing addon module. mg_web isn't just restricted to use by JavaScript developers though. Many readers will be ObjectScript developers who are more used to using CSP as their web gateway. Some may even have much older legacy WebLink-based applications (and be wondering how to support them given that IRIS does not support WebLink).

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· Jan 21 1m read
Debugging a crashing container

I have been struggling with a docker run command that kept crashing, the error message was too generic to point me to the right direction.

Since the container is shut down after the failure, I was unable to login to it in order to figure out the problem.

I had to run the container in a way that I'll be able to log into it before it crashed, so I found the adding -u false prevents the docker run command to run the iris session IRIS and the container stayed up and running. then I was able to log into it using:

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Django, a high-level web framework written in Python, has become a staple for developers seeking a robust, efficient, and easy-to-learn solution for building web applications. Its popularity stems from its versatility, offering developers an efficient toolkit for building web applications. Integrating Django with InterSystems IRIS introduces a dynamic synergy, providing developers with a comprehensive web development and database management solution. That's why on the Ideas Portal, @Evgeny Shvarov suggested that having Examples to work with IRIS from Django would be beneficial. In this article, we'll explore two projects created to answer the posted idea — Django-iris by @Dmitry Maslennikov and Iris-size-django by @Heloisa Paiva.

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If you work with Productions, highlighting connections between Business Hosts is a very convenient feature, allowing developers to get a visual representation of a data flow.

This feature works by default with all system Business Hosts. If a user writes their own Business Services, Processes, or Operations, they must implement the OnGetConnections method for this functionality to work with their custom Business Hosts (or use Ens.DataType.ConfigName properties for connections).
That said, the SMP shows only the first layer of connections of the selected Business Host. Sometimes, we need to get connections of connections recursively to build a complete data flow graph. Or we might need this connection information to check which downstream systems might be affected by a change upstream.

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The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a standard, language-agnostic interface to HTTP APIs which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of the service without access to source code, documentation, or through network traffic inspection. When properly defined, a consumer can understand and interact with the remote service with a minimal amount of implementation logic. While for SOAP based APIs there is a special wizard in InterSystems IRIS that cuts down orchestrations development time, not all APIs used in integrations are SOAP. That's why @Jaime Lerga suggested to add a wizard similar to the SOAP wizard to generate a REST client from OpenAPI specification. Implementation of this idea cuts down the development time of the REST API orchestrations with InterSystems IRIS. This idea is one of most popular ideas on the InterSystems ideas. This article, the third in the "Implemented Ideas" series, focuses on the OpenAPI Suite solution developed by @Lorenzo Scalese.

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· Jun 16, 2023 10m read
Creating a REST service in IRIS

One of the most common needs of our clients is the creation of REST services that allow access to the information present in IRIS / HealthConnect. The advantage of these REST services is that it allows the development of custom user interfaces with the most current technologies taking advantage of the reliability and performance of IRIS in the back-end.

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InterSystems IRIS offers various ways how to profile your code, in most cases it produces enough information to find the places where the most time is spent or where the most global sets. But sometimes it's difficult to understand the execution flow and how it ended at that point.

To solve this, I've decided to implement a way to build a report in a way, so, it's possible to dive by stack down

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· May 23, 2023 1m read
Production settings

When developing interoperability productions, it might be useful to have settings outside of a Business Host. The primary reason is when you need a setting to affect several different Business Hosts and want to guarantee that the value is the same. While System Default Settings can be used to propagate settings for Business Hosts, they can be changed by overriding the value on a BH level (although the advantage of Business Host settings set via SDS is that they don't need custom code which our current approach requires).
Another reason is when you need to affect non-setting parts of the Business Host configuration (PoolSize, Enabled, etc.)

We will be adding an env setting to a production.

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A password manager is an important security tool that allows users to store and manage their passwords without the need to remember or write them down in insecure places. In this article, we will explore the development of a simple password manager using the Flask framework and the InterSystems IRIS database.

Key Features

Our password manager application will provide the following key features:

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0 225

In ObjectScript you have a wide collection of functions that return some value

set variable = $somefunction(param1,param2, ...)

There is nothing special about that.
But there is a set of functions that I classify as LEFT SIDED
The specialty of them is that you can use them also on the left of the equal operator
as a target in the SET command:

set $somefunction(param1,param2, ...) = value

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I was struggling with a procedure that was meant to receive a string and use it as a filter, I've found that since I want the procedure to do some data transformation and return a dataset, I needed to use objectScript language.

I've created the procedure using the SQL GUI in the portal, and everything works fine when calling the procedure from the SQL GUI but not through a JDBC connection here is the call "call spPatientOS('2024-04-07T12:35:32Z')"

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0 149

In my previous articles, I described my Command Line Extension to NativeAPI.
Of course, this is also available for any other NativeAPI package.
So I created this example as a demo for the actual Java Contest.
The package contains also an IRIS server in Docker for the demo
It is evident that it also works with any remote IRIS server.
You just have to provide it with my NativeAPI CommandLine Extension.

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Accessing Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) buckets programmatically is a common requirement for many applications. However, setting up and managing AWS accounts is daunting and expensive, especially for small-scale projects or local development environments. In this article, we'll explore how to overcome this hurdle by using Localstack to simulate AWS services. Localstack mimics most AWS services, meaning one can develop and test applications without incurring any costs or relying on an internet connection, which can be incredibly useful for rapid development and debugging. We used ObjectScript with embedded Python to communicate with Intersystems IRIS and AWS simultaneously. Before beginning, ensure you have Python and Docker installed on your system. When Localstack is set up and running, the bucket can be created and used.

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We return to the attack with our EMPI!

In previous articles we have seen how to configure and customize our EMPI, we have seen how we can include new patients in our system through HL7 messaging, but of course, not everything is HL7 v.2 in this life! How could we configure our EMPI instance to work with FHIR messaging?

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

Record maps are used to efficiently map files containing delimited records or fixed-width records to message classes used by the interoperability function, and to map files from interoperability function message classes to text files.

Record map mapping definitions can be created using the Management Portal, and we also provide a CSV record wizard that allows you to define while reading a CSV file.

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