At Global Summit back in April, in his keynote speech, John Paladino mentioned that improvements to our documentation search were being made. You might have wondered, since things seemed to go quiet, whether anything was really happening. Well, we had an internal demo of some of the upcoming features recently, and the new capabilities look really cool – searching documentation has been frustrating for InterSystems staff too! So, I thought it might be good to pass on a few details to give a taste of what is coming. Of course, InterSystems will be putting together much better information

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,741 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Interesting anecdote I want to share. Not 100% Caché related, but I hope it would be useful.

When CSP Gateway is configured on IIS, opening CSP Gateway Configuration page is prohibited by default -- as IIS blocks URLs with '/bin' in it.

In our documentation we advise to add <remove segment="bin" /> to applicationHost.config file.
That is correct.

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How to identify a patient of an encounter?

Doing the following query in Edge we are able to list the records of all patients.

I want select all records of a particular patient.

SELECT top 10 * FROM HS_SDA3_Streamlet.Encounter

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· Oct 12, 2016 12m read

Beginner’s guide to RESTful Application Program Interface (API) design and documentation. Through the example you will learn some common pattern for RESTful API.

Before you read

You need to know

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· Oct 11, 2016
Cache deleting users

Very new to this side of cache....

So, currently in the habit of keeping all users forever, up to over 5000... ? is what if we decided to start deleting old users who have been gone from the company, how would it affect any account level information? notes, payments etc.... Is there any documentation anywhere that would answer this or describe this process or maybe best practices??

Sorry if this seems stupid but i am working on a proof theory for work.

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The goal of this writing was to illustrate how to restore backup before the patch would be applied. The alert notes that:

The risk can be avoided by applying journals from the beginning of the journal file that was switched to at the start of the backup, rather than accepting the default of starting from the journal marker position.

Having non-patched Caché 2015.1.4, I ran sample database backup and restore just to get where I should answer "No". Collecting journal info from the backup log:

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· Dec 4, 2015 3m read
Atelier Beta Cloud Infrastructure

A few people wrote to me asking about the infrastructure behind the Atelier Server implementation. Its neat and a worthwhile story to share so I am writing it up here as a post on the community. I want to go in to a little detail on why it was needed and then I will outline in detail how we went about implementing this.

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Is this available anywhere (for Health Connect)? I've found a few presentations but they are aimed at entry level.

We're looking at supporting more and more FHIR, REST plus OAuth interfaces in future. I've built some of this into older versions of HealthShare and Ensemble but it's desirable to move to supported versions.

We would be using Healthshare as a facade to other systems.

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that may result in missing updates when utilizing Caché online backup.

This defect is present in all Caché and Ensemble versions 2015.1.x, 2015.2.x and 2016.1.x, and all HealthShare distributions based on those versions. It affects all platforms and operating systems except backups of OpenVMS cluster databases.

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0 367

We are interfacing through Ensemble with an application that does not like diacritic signs in text. I have been searching for a way to strip these signs from the HL7 messages that get send to that application.
The problem in short is we have an incoming HL7 message with e.g. é (or ë, á etc), this goes into Ensemble. In the outgoing message the é should be replaced with an e.

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This text is a continuation of my article where I explained the structure a Caché database. In this article, I described the types of blocks, connections between them and their relation to globals. The article was purely theoretical. I made a project that helps visualize the block tree - and this article will explain how it works in great detail.

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I need to create a query that return the amount of heath related information from a patient.

I created one using the Analitics but, once our Analitcs database is update once a day this information is not reliable during the current query day.

Part of my Analitcs query is shown below. Where can I find the equivalent tables in Health Share? Any help is appreciate.

Tanks In Advance.

--Analitcs Query

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0 452
· Oct 10, 2016
Telepath PMEP File

Hello All,

Does anyone have a specification for Telepath PMEP file formats?

They look like this

01|XXX|005|MIC|XXX Microbiology & Mycology|123456|25.08.16 15:06|
03|F|SURNAME|FORNAME|111222333|MRN1|01.01.1950|52 Some Lane|Somewhere|||AA11 1AB|MRN1|01.01.1950

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0 425
· Oct 10, 2016
PDFs from COS

We have a very old green screen application which is currently producing PCL "documents". I want to update this to produce PDFs - are there any shortcuts / tips? I'm aware Zen Reports can allegedly do it, but I want to avoid that route if I can.

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I experience this constantly with Cache SQL. Especially when querying the ATNA log.

SELECT TOP 400000 * FROM HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.Aggregation ORDER BY ID DESC

That took 12 seconds. I then upped the number to 500,000 and it took 185 seconds.

Shouldn't the execution time scale proportionately?

If I run the 500,00 query again it takes 2.4 seconds.

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0 458
· Oct 4, 2016 1m read
How to Parse a URL in Caché

How to parse a URL in Caché:

Let's pretend you are working on a project where you may be retrieving a URL for some purpose and you have the need to be easily able to parse apart that URL to get the various components that make up the URL.

Here's how to do that:

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0 1.8K


I have been working on changing a web application from using %FileBinaryStream to storing and serving the file content from a %Stream.GlobalBinary property, stored in a new database. I have managed to migrate the data across, and have also been able to redirect the stream so that it is being served through the web link. However, the previous method set attributes on the File stream to have the stream be rendered as the original file type through MIME, using this code

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· Sep 21, 2016
How to open ms-dos text files

Hi, There

How to use open text file. I have a one file. the file is original file from excels file. After later convert to CSV file.

some cells has include cr+lf control code. If i open and use from cache. reding time,Cache was wrong line feed point.

how do i edit my source code?


s infile="c:\csvfile.csv"

o infile:"r"

1 u infile r line i $zeof<0 c infile q

f i=1:1:10 s wd(i)=$p(line,",",i)

g 1


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