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Member since Apr 4, 2017
Thank you very much. I meant that one job which is everything in process waits for being called with another. One process call other
S className = ..%ClassName(1)
S cls=##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%OpenId(className)
F i = 1:1:cls.Properties.Count() {
S prop = cls.Properties.GetAt(i)
S propName = prop.Name
i prop.Name'["%" {
S idRow = {Id}
x "s value={"_propName_"}"
s date=+$h,time=$p($h,",",2)
&sql(INSERT INTO LogClass (className, dateOfChange, fieldName, ip, newValue, oldValue, operation, timeOfChange, users)
VALUES (:classname,:date,:propName, '192:168:1:1',:value,'','Insert',:time,'asfasf'))
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Thank you all, dear friends for your help. You all really helped me.