I have one in my testing environment. According to https://community.intersystems.com/post/licensing-ubuntu-and-suse-20171-and-later, I should move to native Ubuntu build with 2017.2. So I downloaded Cache for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for x86-64) 2017.2.1 and tried to update my existing 2015.1.4 installation. What I got was:

Upgrade from lnxsusex64 platform is not allowed.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,741 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

It is often necessary to sort the results of a query on a string field containing a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters. In cases like this the default string collation may not always return the data in the expected sequence.

An example of this may be where a select from Samples.Person should order the results by the street address, but firstly ordered by the street number part as numeric, and then by the street name.

The default query will return the results as follows:

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0 483


Has anyone implemented the NHS Care Connect profile in HealthShare and if so could you share the steps you took?

I am not looking to integrate it into the SDA model, Just looking having the classes within HealthShare and then applying a DTL to convert to HL7 2.x

I was hoping i could just down load the profiles from git hub and import into Studio but it appears I need the XSD to do this, which are not available.



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I have searched through documentation, etc and see many mentions of using Ensemble / Health Connect along with the Java Gateway to interface with JMS Queues, but see no specific documentation on how to do this.

Does anyone have any information, or a concise example of using the Java Gateway to allow Ensemble / Health Connect to be able to place messages and retrieve messages from a JMS Queue?


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0 832
· Mar 5, 2018
Send txt file thourgh TCP


I'm trying to send a txt file over TCP.

The txt file contains lines, every line has a fixed length : 179 characters , however it seems that this length vary while sending it!

So, I need to send the content of the txt file as it is without adding anything.

I'm using as operation EnsLib.TCP.PassthroughOperation.

I need your help please.

Thanks !

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0 505

Hi Guys,

Can you please advise on the below queries.

Query 1:

Example 1:

 S a="345",b="arun",c="kumar",d="hi",e="yello",f="orange"

Example 2:

S a="345"

S b="arun"

S c="kumar"

S d="hi"

S e="yello"

S f="orange"

Can you please advise me, which one is performance wise is better.

Query 2:

Example 1:

S:a=1 R="Arun"

Example 2:

I a=2 R="Arun"

Please advise me, which one is giving better performance in this.

0 11
0 1K
· Mar 2, 2018

Can anyone guide me where is the documentation for $zt?

The google seems suggest it may be "$ztime" or "$ztrap".


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0 624
Set httprequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
	Set httprequest.Server="www.intersystems.com"
	Do httprequest.Get("/")
	Do httprequest.HttpResponse.OutputToDevice()
	Do httprequest.Get("/cache/")
	Do httprequest.HttpResponse.OutputToDevice()

The above is the code which i found in this link http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/documatic/%25CSP.Documatic.cls?P...

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0 3.4K

Hi, Community!

I have some good news for you!

I'm pleased to announce that Robert Cemper is a new Developer Community Moderator for 2018 year!

Robert joined DC in June 2017 and is responsible for a significant amount of experience, best practices and deep skills in InterSystems technology presented here in InterSystems Developer Community!

Congratulations, Robert! And thanks for your Yes to work as Moderator in InterSystems Community!

9 5
0 541

Hi, Community!

Enjoy a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Persistence in a World of Containers

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 314
· Feb 26, 2018
Copy Files

Hi Guys,

I'm looking to Remove file from a location to another similar to CUT & Past function, I'm using this :

 s file=##class(%File).%New()
 d file.CopyFile(File,ArchivePath)
 d file.Delete(File)

and the copying is happening but not the Deleting, and help pls?


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0 2.5K
· Feb 26, 2018 2m read
M:N Relationship

If you have worked with Caché Objects,
You know already all about Relationships (one:many , parent:child) ...
But you will not find a word on many:many relationships in the docs.

But I met the question quite often from new adopters of Caché objects:
"Is it possible to implement many:many relationships ?" YES - of course !

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0 1.2K

Reasonably new to Ensemble but have a requirement to take a HL7 message and send to a external source using a HTTP Post. I already have built an operation that will post a stream forwarded to it but was wondering if there was a shortcut for copying a complete HL7 Message (including end of segment and end of message) into a stream without having to parse through the whole message segments individually. Any pointers would be much appreciated.

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0 952

I have a service that uses the EnsLib.SOAP.InboundAdapter, and I seem to be facing an odd problem.

Our clinical document system sent a request which contained a word document in base64, and was presented with the error "ERROR #6253: Datatype validation failed for tag payload (ending at line 1 character 2111). Unexpected tag <ClinicalDocument> found."

I took a look at the word document sent, and found it contained an image which made the document size about 4MB larger than the average document.

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0 448


A file-based business service uses a local path on a Linux machine that is actually a mounted CIFS share. The mount is "soft" and is designed to not cache data, etc. There are times however when the remote system offering up the share (it's a Windows machine I believe) gets bounced or otherwise hung up the business service in the Ensemble production just hangs.

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0 1.7K
· Feb 26, 2018
How export data using query

Hi, iam newbie on caché database.

Iam trying, export data from query.

I read in some article that is not so simple.

So I create a view then a execute a query insert into select statement.

I have problem to know the job progress. I execute an hour ago and nothing happened.

Iam using intersystems web IDE.

Thanks for help!

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0 417

I am setting up a new Caché instance and I have managed to configure it where Caché username/password is required to initiate the Caché session:

csdfalsdkfjf@fra23e234sco:/opt/labmed/test/test81/proc$ csession cache1

Node: frxxco, Instance: CACHE1


I cannot find the setting in the management console that allows for unauthenticated login to a Caché session. Any help is much appreciated.

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0 1.6K


Getting below error on newly installed cache version 2017.2. This is running fine on another instance.

Q00QUASAR:TEST1>D $system.OBJ.CompileAll()

Detected 1229 errors during compilation in 145.4s.

Instance name:TEST2>D $system.OBJ.CompileAll()

Detected 202 errors during compilation in 211.7s.

Instance name:TEST3>D $system.OBJ.CompileAll()

Detected 784 errors during compilation in 186.6s.

TEST2>do $System.OBJ.CompilePackage("Calendar")

Compilation started on 02/25/18 17:21:33 with qualifiers ''

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0 1.1K