· Sep 5, 2018

SQL Gateway, errors while building proxy classes

SQL gateway.

There is a basic problem with sql gateway,

while building the proxy methods, with:

##class(%Net.Remote.Gateway).%ExpressImport(class, port, host, 0, classObj)
it causes error messages as something in the class is not correct,

while this class passed OK all Visual Studio of C#

and same class working OK under the %Activate Assembly link

I think there is also problem  with overload methods (same methods names).



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Hi, Emanuel! I don't know the answer, but I have a comment - you have 3 questions in one. If we have a discussion here on all 3 it will be a mess. Also, we have a feature of 'Accepted answer' which you will choose when the problem is done - it's difficult to accept an answer for 3 different questions.

Could you please consider to split it into 3 different questions?