· Sep 4, 2018

Developer Community September 2018 Release

Hi, Community!

It's September 2018 and we have a new release on DC community engine! 

What's new?

Merging users, email content fixes, better moderation, small tweaks, and bugfixes.
See the details below!

1. Merging Users

A lot of members on DC have several alter-egos ) It's because we distinguish users by emails and you keep posting on DC from different companies (which we like very much of course) with different emails. Now we can transfer your content from one your entry to another your entry. We already started doing this and contact you what copy of you suites more to get the content. So, we will contact you. But if you want the merging now, please leave a comment in this post.

2. Email content formatting fixes

With this release email notifications come with full formatting: styles, code highlighting, youtube videos - all looks good now in your emails! Use DC subscriptions to Groups, Tags, Members and... to All! Learn more about subscriptions.

3. Comments moderation

Last month we introduced posts moderation - and it works pretty well! With this release, we introduced the same moderation for comments. It has some issues though but it will be solved this week. No more spam in your mailbox!

4. Tweaks and bugfixes

We introduced some small tweaks (like a better menu, mobile view, etc) and fixed several bugs (and maybe introduced couple new ;)  You can examine all the solved issues on this August project and can introduce new suggestions and bug reports here

Also, keep in touch what's planned in September and share your ideas on how to make Developer Community better!

Stay, turned! 


Evgeny Shvarov, 

Developer Community Manager

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