InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,677 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I needed to know programmatically if last ran failed or not.

After some exploring, here's the code:

ClassMethod isLastTestOk() As %Boolean
  set in = ##class(%UnitTest.Result.TestInstance).%OpenId(^UnitTest.Result)
  for i=1:1:in.TestSuites.Count() {
    #dim suite As %UnitTest.Result.TestSuite
    set suite = in.TestSuites.GetAt(i)
    return:suite.Status=0 $$$NO
  quit $$$YES

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1 620
· Apr 12, 2019
Method Performance Statistics

Hello All,

There are few tools for SQL optimization available and even query builder has Show Plan to give us an estimation of the resources needed to execute.

For Methods - Is there anything similar ??

I would like to see a similar approach as to the time taken for method to execute.

Is Studio Debugger only option ??

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0 342

Hi Community!

We're pleased to invite you to the DockerCon 2019 – the #1 container industry conference for all things Kubernetes, microservices, and DevOps. The event will be held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco from April 29 to May 2.

In addition, there will be a special session "Containerized Databases for Enterprise Applications" presented by @Thomas Carroll, Product Specialist at InterSystems.

See the details below.

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0 327

I have a query that I would like to have refreshing at certain intervals lets say every 30 seconds with out refreshing the page content using the META TAGS

refreshes the whole page but I have a jquery function that will run at those intervals that I can use the problem is getting the jquery to call my COS function or is the way to do it with pure COS

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0 427
· Apr 1, 2019 3m read
Closures in ObjectScript

After many sleepless nights it's a pleasure to announce the newer, better, moderner ObjectScript compiler which implemented pretty much everything you ever wanted to have in modern ObjectScript:

  • Design objective of this new compiler is to parse reasonable subset of current ObjectScript syntax which will look readable for stranger, and not scare them with 1 letter syntax. The good start for compiler was the old-good COS Guidelines from here
  • For reasons we mentioned above we do not parse 1 letter syntax. It's declared evil;
  • We do not handle dotted syntax for the same reason - modern syntax with {} is proper replacement for dotted syntax blocks;

But we not only parse the modern ObjectScript syntax, we have implemented finally the long-standing request which we always dreamed about. Closures!

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3 776

In a Business Process (BPL) I noticed that if I 'm using a "scope" to handle errors then inside the "scope" when a "call" is used, the "request" and "response" action (i.e set for callrequest.prop = request.prop & response.prop = callrespones.prop does NOT work !
The result is that the values of those properties in the callrequest are nulls (I do see the properties names in the content of the callrequest message)

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0 307
· Apr 9, 2019
SOAP Request Header

I have a wdsl soap request that now requires a header. Where do I modify the header to allow this new value to be sent?

    <Headers xmlns="urn:epic-com.2013.Interconnect.Headers"> 



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1 694

Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Implementing SSO for UI Integration
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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1 802

Hi -

I was wondering how if the "old FHIR gateway" works with the latest release of HealthShare Information Exchange. Since there is an impact on the amount of storage needed to use the "FHIR Gateway 2 which uses the Operation Data Store (ODS)", my question is how (if at all) can FHIR access to Information Exchange work without ODS?


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0 506
· Apr 10, 2019
Base64 Encoding Errors

I am trying to base64 encode a string with non standard characters encoded in utf-8 also tried windows 1252 and I am getting error like so

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zEncodeStream+18^ -- logged as '-' number - @' set encString = $TRANSLATE($SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Encode(streamString),$C(10,13))' 

any help appreciated if anyone has faced this before

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0 798
· Apr 8, 2019 4m read
Should we use computers?

The titular question was quite relevant and often discussed some thirty years ago. The thought went: “Sure, there are industries where computers are the norm, but in my industry we got just fine so far, the benefits are questionable, problems innumerable and unsolved. Can we continue as before or should we embrace this new technology?”

Today, everyone asks the same question but about Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The doubts are the same – lack of expertise, lack of known path, perceived irrelevancy to the industry.

Yet, as before, the correct, even the only possible answer is a resounding yes. Read on to find out why.

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1 374

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to migrate the IDE for programming in COS, we normally use the Studio, but we want to use a more modern IDE. Our team has knowledge with Visual Studio plataform, but we couldn't configurate the compiler and terminal, I installed the extension InterSystems ObjectScript and tried to configurate to connect with my local machine, unfortunately the connection don't sucessed.

Someone has material for how i can connect and compile? Some material i saw show how to use the compiler, but not how can i do the configuration.

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0 1.1K
· Apr 5, 2019
How to compare time

I am trying to get the time difference between two time stamps one is recorded earlier to the one happening current but the problem is sql expect string while I have the other stored in a variable and if I do the following I get errors any help please


please note that tx is a variable holding the time formatted the same way as the one being compared to

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0 649

Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in March 2019

New Applications

isc-tar published by @Dmitry Maslennikov

Compact files as TAR or Extract files from TAR files

Light weight EXCEL download v.1.0 published by @Robert.Cemper

This is the working example of a light weight export to EXCEL based on data in SAMPLES namespace. Good old CSP is well equipped to produce HTML tables accepted from EXCEL as input. With modern Browsers you don't even need and tags. So the required code around your SQL result set is really slim. And you are free to add any formatting you need either by HTML or in SQL.

PythonGateway v.0.7 published by @Eduard Lebedyuk

Python Gateway for InterSystems Data Platforms.

Adopted Bitmaps v.1.0 published by @Robert.Cemper

This is a running example of the Bitmap Adoption

WebSockets Tutorial v.1.0 published by @Lily Taub

A short tutorial on WebSockets in InterSystems IRIS 2018.1+ and Caché 2016.2+

Sync Data with DSTIME v.1.0.0 published by @Robert.Cemper

Other Sync-Tools just work from Caché/IRIS to Caché/IRIS. Synchronizing your data to some external DB you requires some other solution. DSTIME can do it.

HL7 and SMS Interoperability Demo v.1.3 published by @Amir Samary

This demo shows how easy it is to integrate an Electronic Medical Record system that is sending HL7 messages with AWS.

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0 211
· Apr 5, 2019
REST and CSP Sessions


We are using Rest Service with inheritance of %CSP.Rest, and we are having the following problem: when we receive 100 request from single IP adress - this creates 100 CSP sessions and takes 100 user licence for each request for few seconds. What can we do do about this? We've set this parameter:

Parameter UseSession As Integer = 1;

Thank you in advance!

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0 637
· Apr 4, 2019
Application ACK not working

I trying to get ACK back from the destination to the sending system.

I configured the Business Services to Ack Mode Application but sending system is getting Ensemble generated ACK [7] not destination ACK [9].

This is Ensemble 2018.1.1.312.0.

Ultimately I would like a NACK back when I have a Business Rule that blocks a messages from sending to Business Operations but currently [5] is an ACK |AA

0 5
0 822

Hello everyone!
I need to have a ResultSet of type % SQL.Statement show its contents when it is trafficked in a message property by Business Process.
I tried to use the % XML.DataSet type that inherits properties of type % XML.Adaptor, but did not work.
Is there any other way to traffic as an object, other than within a Stream?

Note: I can not traffic Streams and I will not be able to use Correlate in this case.

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0 259

Hey everyone,

I stumbled across a comment in this post that mentioned that the %SYS.GlobalQuery is a potentially faster alternative to %GSIZE. I tested it out and while I like the %SYS.GlobalQuery I noticed that it has some size discrepancies against a %GSIZE with details. Can anyone tell me which is more accurate for estimating the size of globals?

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1 2.5K

On one of our servers, when I am in Mgmt Portal and click the link for Configure / CSP Gateway Management, I get this url:


but the page displays a 0, and nothing else. Literally, just a 0. This link works on our other servers, with the same URL. Any idea why?



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0 316

Hello everyone,

i am in process of changing our authentication method, so we can integrate our AD authentication in our programs. At the moment i am using they %SYS.LDAP object, and trying to use the .Bind() method with the user information to authenticate. This seems to work without issues, but here the problems start.

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