· Oct 9, 2019

InterSystems Open Exchange Release, September 2019

Hi Developers!

I'm pleased to announce the September release notes of the InterSystems Open Exchange!

Here is what the new release introduces:

  • Better performance;
  • Better UX;
  • Discuss and Issues tabs on the application page.

See the details below.

Better Open Exchange Performance

We improved the REST API and introduced a caching mechanism for Github descriptions thus the performance of Open Exchange has been greatly improved. If you think we need to improve it more please submit an issue!

UX improvements

We introduced several UX improvements e.g. you can right-click on an app tile and open the app page in a new tab. Also with this release, you can open apps with a particular tab - tab selector is added in URL. E.g. check the URL with releases history of Serenji.

Discuss tab

If you add the link to community article related to the app this will activate the Discuss button and with the current release, it also will introduce the Discuss tab on the app page which contains the iframe with this community article. So you are able to read and comment on the article in the Discuss tab without opening the community page. See the example.

Issues tab

If you submit the app with the link to Github repositories this will introduce an Issues tab that lists open issues for the application and lets you submit a new issue if you click a NEW ISSUE button. E.g. check the issues for VSCode ObjectScirpt or add a new one )

Check the full list of tasks solved in August-September.

Here is the plan for the next version, add your bug fixes and enhancements, submit your solutions and tools to Open Exchange, and stay tuned!

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