Hi All,

I am trying to get JSON data from a REST api. I am using my web browser to get the data by hitting the URL.

The data is receiving properly, but the JSON contains a few HTML tags.

These tags are not not receiving in the browser while hitting the url. Is there any way to overcome this issue ?


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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,041 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Apr 26, 2017 2m read
How to install and use TFS in Atelier


This is a quick tutorial how to install and use TFS in Atelier. It is based on my self experience and some tricks that I 've noted.

If you are used to using visual studio maybe you feel that is a bit slow and heavy, but you have the same TFS panel as you have in Visual Studio, so don't need any special "training" to use it smiley

12 3
2 1.3K

Breaking news!

InterSystems just announced the availability of the InterSystems IRIS for Health™ Data Platform across the Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure marketplaces.

With access to InterSystems unified data platform on all three major cloud providers, developers and customers have flexibility to rapidly build and scale the digital applications driving the future of care on the platform of their choice.

To learn more please follow this link.

1 0
0 486

Is there a way or can it be done to use conditional logic in sql like so

 Query Q1(formal as %String) As %SQLQuery [ Final ]
    SELECT patientnumber,ID, CASE
    WHEN ID = 50 THEN "The is 50"
    WHEN ID = 30 THEN "This is 30"
    ELSE "The quantity is under 30"
END FROM Audit.Table WHERE ID = :formal AND EndDate is null} 


0 2
0 354

Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Choosing a Public Cloud

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

0 0
0 280

Hi community.

I'm trying to create a "setup" method to be called on a batch script but i'm getting the error <INVALID ARGUMENT> when I pass a string as an argument to this method.

The idea is to call the method with a folder as the parameter, for example:


My class (just for example)

Class test.MyClass

0 7
0 1.1K

I've been wondering about some code that I have come across a lot over the years.

Let's assume I have class Cinema and class Film.
Conceptually the data in these classes are never really physically deleted but only flagged as such, due to business requirements.

What I find is that developers tend to create a 3rd class "CinemaFilms", in a child relationship to parent Cinema, with a reference to Film. Rather than a one-to-many between Cinema and Film.

0 5
1 1.2K
· Feb 13, 2019
Record Map - MAXLEN

I am trying to read in a data file via a Record Map and I am getting the following error...

ERROR #7201: Datatype value '030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_B452' length longer than MAXLEN allowed of 50 > ERROR #5802: Datatype validation failed on property 'osuwmc.MatSys.DataStructures.MatSysIVT.Record:Bin', with value equal to "030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_030121_B452"

0 1
0 588

Suppose we need to store millions of values temporarily, that means, we don't care about them if we lose them but our application use them to get realtime information. Should I use Cachetemp or whatever other DB without journaling enabled? If answer is Cachetemp, shouldn't be a problem if we decide to scale using App Server + ECP? I'm not sure what would happen with the app logic in such architecture as I guess I couldn't map and share cachetemp...

Any idea/suggestion?

0 5
0 925

We have a Cache database in Azure, and want to expose it as an OData source (link).

My first attempt was to use Microsoft's Visual Studio 2017 and Entity Framework to create the data models...but it seems as if EF and Cache don't work together. (I do have those instructions from 2013, but they don't work. (See other post. Best answer seems to be "migrate to IRIS 2019.1.")

Is there any other form of OData support?

0 1
0 673

Hi community,

I would like to ask how to correctly enforce SSL on all "developer traffic" -- that is Management portal and Studio connections -- on a Caché instance.

Given large developer permissions, I would like to eliminate all plaintext credentials on the wire.

Currently, we compile our own httpd with SSL support for Management portal, but this breaks Add-Ins for us, in particular the SOAP wizard. So I guess this is not the "canonical way".

Thanks for any suggestions


0 12
0 685

Hi Everyone!

New session recording from Global Summit 2018 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Change Control: Value and Best Practices

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

0 0
1 362

I'm using Caché as an OAuth authorization server and I want to accept the password credentials grant type. I've found that if I make an authorize request, the Caché authorization server requires some URL parameters that shouldn't be required in password grant (redirect_uri, state, scope, and response_type). If I include these parameters, it calls my DirectLogin() method instead of just calling ValidateUser() as I would expect from the docs. I have two questions:

1 3
1 670
· Feb 8, 2019 2m read
Client Websockets based CSP

The Caché / Ensemble standard distribution contains in namespace SAMPLES
a nice example of a CSP page consuming WebService as a Client.
I have modified it not only to display the replies but to feed them back into a Global.
I used the classic Hyperevent to achieve this. The replies end up as a log in global^WSREPLY.
When there is no input anymore the page closes and goes away.

There are 2 versions with visible and hidden display during operation.
dc.WSCSP.reverseVerbose.cls and dc.WSCSP.reverseHidden.cls

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0 496
· Feb 8, 2019 2m read
Client Websockets based on Node.js

It will demonstrate the wide range that is openend by making use
of the power embedded in Node.js and its adapter to Caché, Ensemble, Health,..*
Node / JavaScript have wide reputation to work as a WebSocket client.
By using the Caché adapter it becomes easy to control it and to consume the results as a
Client for WebSocket Servers and to collect the replies in Caché, Ensemble, ..

I used node-v6.16.0-x64.msi and cache610.node as cache.node

You provide a Global for input:

14 0
1 827

Our development server is set up to automatically keep the .INT code of compiled classes and routines, but the live servers are set to not keep the .INT code.

I know how to set the system to keep this code ($SYSTEM.OBJ.SetQualifiers() ?) but what are the ramifications of keeping this code on the live servers? Is it just a space issue? I always thought it was to keep the code more private.

0 4
0 562

Hello everyone,

I'm using Atelier 1.3. When we configure a server and use HTTP to connect, works fine. But when we activate the Secure connection option I get the Unregonized SSL message, plaintext connection?

Do I need to perform any configuration on my server so that Atelier can access a secure connection?

0 6
1 450

Does Intersystems Ensemble support (for LGBTQ+) gender code "U" in Healtshare? Specifically for the clinical (or physician) viewer?

Test shows the gender code is consumed without error and stored, but the viewer does not present it except (as far as I can see) in the patient search drop-down.

The 2.3.1 HL7 ADT schema code table lists "U" as a supported option.

Would this require customization in the viewer code to support this?

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