· Apr 28, 2016
Cache Installation Issue


Our Cache server(version 5.0.15) has recently crashed. We are in the process of recovery. We had replaced the server's hard disk and trying to install the cache(5.0.15) But getting the following error. Any body show some light on the issue.

CctrlInstallStartCP( CACHE ) failed! Return value: 1
CctrlGetLastError() returned:

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,566 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I'm pleased to see the new Source Control menu in the recent 1.0.165 build. This gives me access to the features of the same server-side source control class as Studio has always supported. It is particularly relevant for our Deltanji source control tool.

Our class makes use of CSP to serve up some dialogs through which the user controls the source control operation. Two observations so far:

1. In Atelier the window you display our CSPs isn't resizable. In Studio it is.

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I just used Help\Check for Updates and updated my Atelier from 1.0.158 to 1.0.165. Is there any information published about what's new/fixed in this compared to previous public builds? Having that information might help us target our testing and so increase the value of our feedback to you.

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Hi everyone!

I am helping a partner to develop a new application and one of the things we are facing is that this WEB application will be used on different time zones.

My first recommendation is that all timestamps should be drawn from $ZTimeStamp instead of $Horolog. That would allow the system to be draw the correct sequence of events even when they are generated on different timezones.

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I am trying to create a %Installer script and I noticed from our documentation that %Installer's <CSPAuthentication> will only accept:

Optional; within <Namespace>. Defines one or more CSP applications; the supported authentication flags are 4 (Kerberos), 32 (Password), and 64 (Unauthenticated).

Is "Delegated" authentication supported? What is it's code?

Kind regards,

Amir Samary

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NewBie's Corner Session 4 The Plus Sign and Concatenation Operators

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

Plus Sign (+) operator

Typically, the Plus sign (+) adds two numbers together. This is true in COS (Caché ObjectScript), but COS uses it in other ways as well.

Set the variable X to a value of +12

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Hi everyone!

I am trying to choose the best collation for a new application that will be running on a spanish locale (Chile).

I can see there are database collations for Spanish1, Spanish2, Spanish4 and Spanish5. What is the difference between them? I can't find anything on our documentation. Should I simply choose the latest (Spanish5)?

Kind regards,

Amir Samary

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0 411

Hi -

Let's say I want to override the HTML that is generated by provided ZEN Mojo Helper Plugins I use the onloadHandler method of my document page, retrieving elements, and modifying them using jQuery syntax.

For example, I'm using bootstrap, and, I want the <button> element automatically generated with the use of the $navbar layout object, to collapse/expand a different <DIV> on my page, to the default one it produces.

Is this the correct spot and approach to use ?



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Good morning, I am using a tableNavigatorBar on a tablepane. I want to execute the onselectrow method of the tablepane each time the tableNavigatorBar is used to proceed to a tablepane record. Has anyone connected these two component in this way before? Thank you for any hints, input and/or comments.

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Hi All,

I am providing support to an AP about using document criteria on Multiple Templates (Explicit Dispatch).

I am trying to set the criteria value from:


However it is not possible to get the criteria value on %GetJSONContent through pCriteria parameter object.

How can I do this with Multiple Templates on bootstrap plugin?


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· May 16, 2016
Roman Number Converter

My name is Sergio Fernandes and I'm from Brazil.
I would like to know how can i use MVBasic at Cache Terminal or .csp.
My original problem is to converter Integer Numbers to Roman Numbers and consulting cache documentation I found "Conversion Codes" at http://localhost:57772/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GVRF_basicfea...
My version is Intersystems Ensemble 2013.1.6.950.0
Thanks a lot,

Sérgio Fernandes

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NewBie's Corner Session 2 Variables Set and Write commands

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Session 2 – Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.


Like other computer programming languages, Caché uses Variables and the values they represent to control programming. Variables are elements that represent data values. Manipulating and interrogating variables is at the root of programming.

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Hi all,

I have a dashboard which shows the growth of the months compared with the month from the last year.

The way I found to develop that, it was with a kpi. So, I overrode the %OnLoadKPI method with two mdx:

SELECT NON EMPTY [DataD].[H1].[MothYear].Members ON ROWS, [Measures].[CountVisits] ON COLUMNS FROM SubjectAtendimento %FILTER [DataD].[H1].[Year].&[2016]

SELECT NON EMPTY [DataD].[H1].[MonthYear].Members ON ROWS, [Measures].[CountVisits] ON COLUMNS FROM SubjectAtendimento %FILTER [DataD].[H1].[Year].&[2015]

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Hello, our customer, large industrial company, is considering modernizing their old CSP application so it can run on multiple client device types, using responsive design.

They have a lot of experience with CSP and some ZEN.

They are new to REST and have some limited knowledge of javascript - perhaps not enough to the extent used by client framework.

Does anyone have a framework or a set of templates that you would be willing to share?

Thank you!

Dan Kutac

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I'm trying to connect to a Caché server from Atelier; the Caché server is 2015.x.

The address and port I'm trying to connect to is the SQL gateway server; and I get, each time, an "unexpected end of file from server".

Note that unfortunately, for the moment, I connect as _system... And the Caché install has the default privileges.

What am I doing wrong?

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This is a bit weird. I'm trying to use `DATEDIFF()` to calculate the time since the last message on an interface. For some reason, when no messages are received, the number steadily decreases. This is the opposite of what should happen. Here is my current query and a few sequential result sets:

SELECT getDate() as now, max(TimeCreated) as latest, DATEDIFF (s,getdate(), max(TimeCreated)) as difference
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message
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· Apr 20, 2016
Consistent window/tab names

When a class is opened from the Atelier explorer the full classname is used as the tab name. However classes opened from the server explorer only use the class shortname.

It would be nice to always use full classnames so it is easier to navigate open files:

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· May 13, 2016 1m read
mySQL data importer tool


If you want to import data from a mySQL export file (exported with mysqldump), you will find here a little script that could help.

Only the INSERT commands in the sql file are executed into Caché. Indices are not computed for better performance.
%NOINDEX, %NOCHECK and %NOLOCK are generated on each INSERT line.

Currently, the file can not contain a "),(" pattern inside the values part of the INSERT command. If this is the case, the line is skipped. This feature may be implemented in the extractValuesList method.

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0 535

Hi -

I've been trying to create a "sub packaged class" (i.e. TopPackage.SubPackage.Classname) but the current version of the "New Class Wizard" doesn't seem to allow me to do this.

If I try to specify a \project\subdirectory in the "Project" or I try to specify a Package.Subpackage form in the "Package", or I try to specify "Subpackage.Classname" in the "Class Name" they ALL fail to give me a "next" or "finish" button that works (the buttons stay greyed out)

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0 423

Hi -

I'm trying to figure out what is the best (or at least pros & cons) on how to manage login accounts in a multi-tenant SaaS web based application context.

Assume that a company is designing a collections of web based applications that they will be selling as "services" to their clients, and that these clients will each have their own "users" and "customers" that will be logging into these services.

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