· Mar 10, 2017

Ensemble AS2 interface

Hi community,

I am looking into a way to make Ensemble work as an AS/2 interface. So I would like to ask, if anyode did ever make AS/2 work with Ensemble and what is the way to go.

I found an old article regarding integration of third party interfaces (incl. AS/2 - ) into Ensemble but no further mentions, neither in the docs.



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Hi Jiri,

The article you're referring to is from the early days of Ensemble, when we used an adapter library from a partner. This arrangement changed a few years ago, when the important needs of our users were sufficiently covered by our native adapter library. At that point, support for some non-critical interfaces was dropped.

I've looked around for examples of AS2 use with Ensemble, but so far I've drawn a blank. Perhaps others can comment, but failing that, my advice is that you speak to your local InterSystems representatives about your requirements and potential ways forward.

Kind regards,
