· Mar 24, 2020
Cannot type password in Terminal

I just tried to log into our QA server and connect to Terminal (v 2013.1).

I can type in my username but when I attempt to type my password, no characters are typed. When I press ENTER the password is invalid.

I can connect to the management portal and the studio development environment without any problems. Also, I do not have this problem when connecting to the terminal in our production environment (2010).

Does anyone know what can cause this type of problem?


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· Feb 19, 2020
Disabling Telnet

Good Day;

looking at disabling Telnet - on Windows - Cache 2012,2017. The security scans don't need it on network.

But still leave users able to use `Terminal - direct - on the box should be fine.

am posting here for quick refs (as this is a common security vulnerability out there).



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Forgive me if this is a rather low-level question - I am a physician informaticist who is learning cache/mumps for the first time. I am sure this probably relates to some setting but I can't find a similar issue anywhere.

When I create a list, and then try and return that list - I get a bunch of symbols back along with my results, or sometimes I just get symbols.

I pasted a screenshot below. Thank is advance for the help!


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I am wondering the best way to disable a user account using this class in Cache (Security.Users).

Example User Account = jhipp

Currently is Enabled

I know that we can use the auto-generated EnabledGetStored method, for example:

%SYS> w ##class(Security.Users).EnabledGetStored("jhipp")

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I am taking the 'Creating an InterSystems Class Definition' course, and the Exercices asks to open a Terminal from the Management Portal to create and interact with a new object. I didn't found how to acces tot the Terminal from the Management Portal, and the documentation I have seen doesn't help me... sad

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· Oct 2, 2018
Terminal Access Denied


I have been using evaluation version of Cache 2017.2, it was working fine and I was using Cache studio, SMP & Cache Terminal/console till yesterday.

Today, cache was in shutdown status, then I restarted. But, Cache terminal is not working and showing as Access Denied while otherthings like studio and SMP is working as expected. I checked all security level services on SMP, all are fine and enabled.

Can anyone help me to diagnose the problem and make it working.


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· Aug 12, 2019
write #


Is there any way to control what control sequence is sent to a device when a "write #" is executed?

I have an application that establishes a banner at the top of the terminal window and when we do a "write #" the banner disappears. I need to be able to recreate the banner line as part of the screen clear.



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I am struggling to print out the actual property values of the Security.System class.

I was hoping to be able to print the Authentication Enabled properties of a system from the command line using the Get or GetProperties class method. Currently, however, I am only able to get a return 1 or Invalid Oref error.

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Hi developers!

Every day coding with IRIS and docker I call the following 3 commands in VSCode terminal. Always the same for any projects:

docker-compose build   ; to build the container

docker-compose up -d   ; to run the IRIS in container

docker-compose exec iris iris session iris ; to open the IRIS terminal

Is there any way to map the key sequence which will type me the rest?


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Have enabled LDAP for our numerous , Ensemble, IRIS and cache instances with many namespaces. All is working fine and the ldap logins work.

But have noticed that the first instance that the user logs into the namespace is assigned to that user, but when that user than logs into another instance the default namespace from the first login is still there and doesn't update to the new namespace.

So this doesn't effect the ldap login but is now effecting the terminal logins where the user is now getting access denied.

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Hi Community!

When you run IRIS container out-of-the-box and connect to it via terminal e.g. with:

docker-compose exec iris bash

You see something like:

root@7b19f545187b:/opt/app# irissession IRIS

Node: 7b19f545187b, Instance: IRIS

Username: ***

Password: ***


And you enter login and password every time.

How to programmatically setup docker-compose file to have IRIS container with OS authentication enabled? And have the following while entering the terminal:

root@7b19f545187b:/opt/app# irissession IRIS

Node: 7b19f545187b, Instance: IRIS


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0 443

Hi guys,

Mostly the title. Let's say my commands are stored in a text file "inFile". Here was my best guess:

<dir to iris> console IRIS2018 <inFile

For reference, here's an example of the analogous structure that works on Cache:

C:\InterSystems\Cache2018\bin\cache -s C:\InterSystems\Cache2018\mgr -U <namespace to start as> <inFile

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0 955

Hi global developers!

I am using terminal but I have some problem with it.

I use $C(1) (ascii code 1) to separate data but I can't see it in the terminal and This is really hard to see in the table.

So I want to get you guys good brain and skill :)

how can I see it in the terminal ?

Terminal(intersystems) :

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