· Feb 18, 2019

Charset or encoding to access Caché terminal through Powershell


is anyone using Powershell to access Caché terminal in non-english systems?

I'm trying to access using: csession INSTANCE

But from the beginning it fails to represent spanish characters like ñ,...

It doesn't recognize  up-down cursor keys to see previous commands...

Any idea?

Discussion (6)1
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Is that a production instance?

Is that 8bit or Unicode instance?

What I/O tables NLS routine shows? (Note that modifying locales/defaults can be potentially application-breaking change so do it only if you know what you're doing)

zn "%SYS"

do ^NLS
1) Display current locale
2) Select defaults
3) Change locale
4) Display loaded settings
5) Advanced
NLS option? 2
1) Internal tables
2) I/O tables
3) CSP files
4) Date, time and number formats
Category of defaults? 2
Items marked with (*) represent the locale's original default
I/O table              Current default
---------------------  --------------------
1) Process             RAW (*)
2) Cache Terminal      UTF8 (*)
3) Other terminal      UTF8 (*)
4) File                UTF8 (*)
5) Magtape             UTF8 (*)
6) TCP/IP              RAW (*)
7) System call         RAW (*)
8) Printer             CP1251 (*)

OK. We're improving a bit.

I've changed Cache Terminal to CP850 which is the code page that Windows Powershell uses by default:

Now, any idea how could I make up-down keys work so to see the commands' history? Also, as Robert C. also mentioned… it seems that Ctrl-C quits not only from the command/function in execution but from Caché Terminal itself...