· Sep 30, 2019

Class does not exist while trying to work with FHIR Resource Repository (session from GS19)

Session : Working with the FHIR Resource Repository

We tried below steps to create and load sample data from Synthea (FHIR data).

  1. Open terminal
  2. USER>zn "HSLIB"
  3. HSLib> do ##class(HS.HC.Util.Installer.FHIR).Install()
  4. Namespace  : FHIRServer
  5. Install DSTU2? (Y/N) N
  6. Install STU3? (Y/N) Y
  7. STU3 CSP app [/csp/healthshare/fhirserver/fhir/stu3]:
  8. STU3 CSP Open ID Connect (OAuth 2.0) app [/csp/healthshare/fhirserver/fhir-oidc/stu3]:
  9. Install STU3 resource repository? (Y/N) Y
  10. Install STU3 PIXm? (Y/N) N
  11. Install STU3 PDQm? (Y/N) N
  12. Install STU3 MHD? (Y/N) N
  13. Continue with Installation? (Y/N) Y
  14. HSLIB>zn "FHIRServer"
  15. FHIRSERVER>do ##class(HS.HC.Util.FHIR.DataLoad).SubmitResourceFiles("C:/Users/pdabhi/Downloads/fhir_stu3","STU3")
  16. FHIRSERVER>do ##class(HS.HC.Util.FHIR.DataLoad).SubmitResourceFiles("C:/Users/pdabhi/Downloads/fhir_stu3","STU3")


DO ##CLASS(HS.HC.Util.FHIR.DataLoad).SubmitResourceFiles("C:/Users/pdabhi/Downlo ads/fhir_stu3","STU3")



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Hi Pravin,

Unfortunately the "Class does not exist" error is expected if you are trying to perform the FHIR Lab exercise using an existing IRIS for Health version such as 2019.1, 2019.2 or 2019.3 (community edition).

FHIR DataLoad is a brand new functionality that is included in the 2019.4 release of IRIS for Health, which has not yet been officially released. IRIS for Health 2019.4 is expected in Q4 of 2019, with a preview kit becoming available weeks prior. Also, we are now working to turn the entire GS2019 FHIR Experience Lab into an online course accessible through Learning Services, so please stay tuned. In the meantime, if you need to load your FHIR repository with sample FHIR data, my suggestion would be to do that by directly posting FHIR bundles from a REST client like Postman. Thanks.