· Aug 25, 2023
Reply Code Actions Question

Hi Everyone

I'm just wondering if anyone might have a list (or the experience to make a list) of the most often used / useful Reply Code Actions?

In the Help section of Health Connect Management Portal, it lists

'E=F' and ':?R=RF,:?E=S,:~=S,:?A=C,:*=S,:I?=W,:T?=C'

as the default options, though I'm curious if anyone else has found other codes or strings of codes useful?

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes


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· Dec 14, 2023
LDAP Logging

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue with LDAP and a specific user. Besides what is in the Audit Database is there another way to look to see the LDAP functionality that is being called and the response, like there is with OAuth and the ISCLOG? The Audit Log is returning a failure (Unexpected - /api/atelier login failure | InterSystems Developer Community) for this particular user, and I want to get proof that it might be something with the LDAP and not IRIS.



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Recently, we scheduled two tasks (1008 and 1009) within Task Manager. Task ID 1008 is set to run after Purge Tasks (%SYS-ID:3), and Task 1009 is set to run at 7:00:00 each day.

In attempt to provide as much detail as possible, each of the tasks are as follows:

  • Task 1008

    WHILE (($p($h,",",2) < $ZTH("10:00 PM")) && ($P($g(^Task.1008(+$h,$j)),"^",1) = +$h)) { J ^ROUTINE, ^ROUTINE2 D SUB^ROUTINE3 H 5 }

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0 743


I am wondering the best way to disable a user account using this class in Cache (Security.Users).

Example User Account = jhipp

Currently is Enabled

I know that we can use the auto-generated EnabledGetStored method, for example:

%SYS> w ##class(Security.Users).EnabledGetStored("jhipp")

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0 375

A question has come up that I am not finding the answer for.... Does the daily purge process re-index EnsLib.HL7.SearchTable or other SQL tables? In looking at the purge process documentation I am not seeing anything that mentions EnsLib.HL7.SearchTable. Do we have to manually constantly re-index tables that we create? For example I created another search table based off of EnsLib.HL7.Search table, will I need to constantly watch this as it grows? How do tables get index, is there some kind of mechanism that automatically does it, or are we responsible for indexing tables ourselves?

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0 255

Can someone confirm that HealthShare Health Connect 2022.2 is the correct latest release that is available via the Online Distribution? I tried looking at the HealthShare Health Connect on WRC and now do not see a 2022.2 or 2022.3 version. Is this correct? So I shouldn't be running 2022.2? Did Health Connect get renamed? A couple of months ago I downloaded HealthConnect-2022.2.0.368.0-lnxrh8x64 but not seeing it now on the WRC site.

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0 191

The following situation always catches out new Ensemble users, and is likely to continue doing this until it is addressed..

A business operation, service or other host that is configured with a dedicated # of actors, (ie, not using the actor pool) runs with the version of compiled code that existed when the host was started. This code is loaded in memory.

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· Nov 10, 2016
ODBC issue

Hi All,

We are accessing the InterSystems`s cache database via UNIX ODBC and displaying the data in PHP website . Recently we have upgraded the PHP version to 5.6. We are getting the nondisplayable characters (�) for only strings. But the numbers and date fields are displaying correctly.

While querying the database via ISQL everything working fine (No Special characters).

I have looked around the internet and found the PHP 5.6 changed the default character to UTF-8.

For this issue anything, we can do from cache side.

cache version :

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0 1.3K

Can someone direct me to where in the documentation we can find how consumption may be calculated for global storage?

Caché Version2010.1
Operating SystemHP OpenVMS 8.4

EDIT: After receiving some responses, it seems I was unclear in my initial inquiry. I am looking to determine our rate of consumption of storage; however, I am having some difficulty in doing that.

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Currently, we are running 2014.1 on two different servers (OpenVMS, RHEL). The plan is to transition from OpenVMS to RHEL, but our Write Daemon is in a Troubled state on both servers.

On the OpenVMS server, we have a WIJ file that's 26G and can grow to 40G (size of database cache). Since it hasn't grown to 40G, we don't believe the size of the WIJ file to be the issue.

What else should we be looking at regarding the performance of the Write Daemon?

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0 861

Hi, I have used CSP to exec SQL selects from any own NAMESPACE. But in our servers we have many SQL GATEWAY CONNECTIONS.

I'd like to create a CSP page that could use these gateway to exec SQL using these gateway connections, only Administrators will use that page to launch many select at many dsn. I'm not sure if we must deploy that CSP on %SYS namespace and how to use DSN(SQL Gateway connections) that are defined on server.

Anoyone has made that?

For example:



CSP Webpage:

TEXTBOX: Introduce your select:

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0 271

Just wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to get daily emails or alerts about changes to a cache database. I know that all of that information is contained within the journal files, just wondering if there is a way to bundle it up each day and send it off for auditing, etc.

Any solution where a plain-text/readable format of changes to the cache database could be sent or stored for review would solve the issue.


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0 392

Hello community!

I'm creating a script to remove an item (component) from the Ensemble production, I know there is a manual way to do it but as there are several components the idea is to use a script to be faster.

I tried using %Delete() and doing a select on Ens.Config.Item, but this ends up generating several errors in production. Does anyone have any idea how I can do this simply?

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