· Sep 26, 2023 1m read
Create JSON Objects and Arrays by SQL

The related package avoids adding %JSONAdaptor to each class but uses instead
SQL functions JSON_OBJECT() to create my JSON objects. With this approach, you can
add JSON to any class - even deployed ones - without any need for change or recompiling.

The trigger was the Export of M:N relationships as JSON objects or arrays.

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Earlier this year I announced availability of a VS Code extension for coding in ObjectScript, Embedded Python or SQL using the notebook paradigm popularized by Jupyter. Today I published a maintenance release to correct a "getting started" problem.

Here's a video of the installation steps from the extension's README:

Why not try it for yourself?

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Hello developers,

In this article, I'll show you how to run code at compile time with ObjectScript macros.

Here's a use case that recently led me to use this feature:

As part of a medical application developed for more than 20 years, we have a large number of parameters. Although we have procedures for documenting these settings, it can be helpful to have a quick view of which settings are actually used by the application code.

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As noted in the previous article Native API has some limits.
So I did some research on a more Terminal-like interface that
provides me with access like a console or the IRIS terminal
to allow my $QUERY over a global and other nice commands
that are not supported/mapped in NativeAPI for ObjectScript.

The basic tools are well-prepared and available.

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Hi Developers, I'm currently doing a demo about building a front end UI doing data analytics and setup a performance test with large data objects, therefore using "Populate Utility" could help me auto generate some sample data that I can play with.

Within this post I would like to share my experience of using Populate Utility, including using POPSPEC Parameter.

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· Jul 6, 2023 1m read
How to overload methods in ObjectScript

InterSystems FAQ rubric

The InterSystems ObjectScript language does not allow you to define methods of the same name with different arguments. It is generally classified as a programming language called a dynamic language.

In ObjectScript, you can freely control which arguments are used when executing a method, so unlike languages ​​such as Java, which are not dynamic programming languages, there is no need to strictly distinguish methods by the number of arguments at the compilation stage.

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Hi Community

In this article, I will introduce my application irisChatGPT which is built on LangChain Framework.

First of all, let us have a brief overview of the framework.

The entire world is talking about ChatGPT and how Large Language Models(LLMs) have become so powerful and has been performing beyond expectations, giving human-like conversations. This is just the beginning of how this can be applied to every enterprise and every domain!

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Excuse if this is obvious to Python programmers but for those crossing over from ObjectScript this may be a useful tip.

The scenario is developing some Embedded python commands.

Testing out functionality is being confirmed via the shell:

Python 3.9.5 (default, Mar 14 2023, 06:58:44) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type quit() or Ctrl-D to exit this shell.

When Python evaluates an expression in the shell, it prints the result of the expression to the terminal.

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We are looking at what we need to do to migrate from our current usage of Zen reports to InterSystems Reports. One of the hurdles for us is figuring out ways to interact with InterSystems reports programmatically from ObjectScript routines. There is a Java API for it, but it is possible to generate a report from InterSystems reports to a stream object in ObjectScript without diving into Java by using a %Net.HttpRequest. Here is a code example, followed by an explanation:

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Methods written in ObjectScript can use pass-by-reference arguments to return information to the caller. Python doesn’t support pass-by-reference arguments, so Embedded Python in IRIS doesn’t support them either. That's it, that's the end of the post, hope you liked it. 😉 But wait, what about the Classic Rock & Roll?

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

Using the Config.Configuration class and SYS.Database class methods, you can create and register a namespace database from the terminal.

Below is a series of execution examples that create database file /CacheDB/AAA/cache.dat and register database AAA and namespace AAA in the configuration file (cache.cpf).
* Execute in the %SYS namespace. *

* Make sure that this script runs as the user that is used for all IRIS processes to ensure that the directory has appropriate ownership and permissions *

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Creating your own commands or shortcut is one of the strongest features of ObjectScript
If you create your own Language Extensions to ObjectScript you mostly have to find the
proper %ZLANGC00 or %ZLANGV00 or %ZLANGF00 and add the extensions manually.

A few utilities do it already automatically (ZPM, ZME, ..)
This utility allows you to add your extensions also programmatically.

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· Apr 16, 2023 4m read
Tuples ahead


Cross-Skilling from IRIS objectScript to Python it becomes clear there are some fascinating differences in syntax.

One of these areas was how Python returns Tuples from a method with automatic unpacking.

Effectively this presents as a method that returns multiple values. What an awesome invention :)

out1, out2 = some_function(in1, in2)

ObjectScript has an alternative approach with ByRef and Output parameters.

Do ##class(some_class).SomeMethod(.inAndOut1, in2, .out2)


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Hi all!

In this article I would like to review those VS Code extensions which I use myself to work with InterSystems and which make my work much more convenient. I am sure this article will be useful for those who are just starting their journey to learn InterSystems technologies. However, I also hope that this article could be useful for experienced developers with many years of experience and open up new possibilities for them when using VS Code for development.

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This article is intended to be a simple tutorial on how to create ODBC connections and working with them, since I found starting with them a little bit confused, but I had amazing people to take my hand and walk me through it, and I think everyone deserves that kind of help too.
I'm going to divide each little part in sections, so feel free to jump to the one you feel the need to, although I recommend reading everything.

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· Feb 7, 2023 5m read
IRIS quick query service idea sharing

Hello, friends who are developing IRIS. I recently participated in the InterSystems Developer Tools Contest. This time, I made a tool based on the idea described in an article I published earlier as a template for quick query of messages. Currently, you only need to establish entity classes in IRIS, Then record the message corresponding to the entity class in the specified lookup table, and all the key fields generated in the message can be inverted indexed (the concept in ElasticSearch), which is convenient for quick query. The following is the design idea of my program.

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In our team, there are several developers working in parallel on different projects. To ensure this distributed collaboration and high-quality code reviews, we rely on version control with Git. Our challenge is to harmonize the unique characteristics of InterSystems products and the possibilities of Git and Docker.

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Hi Devs!

For me, one of the most painful things about ObjectScript is ##class(Class).Method() typing to call a class method in code or in a terminal. I even submitted an idea to simplify it in ObjectScript.

But! There is a new feature in VSCode ObjectScript that was just introduced to the plugin - Copy Invocation!

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