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Member since Jun 6, 2021
You can override the Page() method of %CSP.Page and redirect output to a stream, process the resulting stream and write it to the original device the page is using to send data back to client.
Here is a quick and dirty example, using IO-Redirect package available on OpenExchange.
The redirecting page :
Class test.src.RedirectedPage Extends %CSP.Page
ClassMethod Page(skipHeader As %Boolean = 1) As %Status [ ServerOnly = 1 ]
#dim sc as %Status
#dim ex as %Exception.AbstractException
#dim pageStream,processedPageStream As %Stream.Object
#dim len as %Integer
#dim buffer as %String
s sc = $$$OK
try {
Set pageStream = ##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New()
Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).ToStream(pageStream)
Do ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).RestoreIO()
Set pageStream = ##class(IORedirect.Redirect).Get()
while 'processedPageStream.AtEnd {
s len = 32768
s buffer = processedPageStream.Read(.len,.sc)
write buffer
} catch (ex) {
s sc = ex.AsStatus()
return sc
ClassMethod ProcessPageStream(pageStream As %Stream.Object, Output processedPageStream As %Stream.Object) As %Status
#dim sc as %Status
#dim ex as %Exception.AbstractException
s sc = $$$OK
try {
s processedPageStream = ##class(%Stream.TmpCharacter).%New()
d processedPageStream.Write("<div><span>original page had "_pageStream.Size_" bytes </span></div>")
} catch (ex) {
s sc = ex.AsStatus()
return sc
The original page :
Class test.src.OriginalPage Extends test.src.RedirectedPage
ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status [ ServerOnly = 1 ]
<span>Hello, world, again</span>
return $$$OK
To see the content, the CSP Gateway has an HTTP trace facility, see documentation.
To access the response just before it is sent back to client, override methods of %CSP.Page
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Another approach would be to write a custom router class extending EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine, overriding OnRequest() method.
In OnRequest(), before calling ##super(), assign the JSON %DynamicAbstractObject build from the input request stream to a property.
Use the property in the router rules.