
I work on deploying IRIS inside Docker container. I really like %Installer class can automate many steps. I want to establish an ECP connection to a mirror database and then define a remote database on the application server. I have already seen we can create local database and namespace in %Installer. What code is needed to establish ECP connection?

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· Mar 7, 2023
Questions about using ZSTOP

I am working on setting up our Failover techniques as we move to a Mirror Environment with a Arbiter, 2 Failover Nodes, and a Async (DR) Node. There are some system commands that I would like to call when the Mirror moves, and I am working on a ZMIRROR routine for that, but I also wanted to create an additional step if we wanted to manually shutdown and for the Mirror to move. So I was looking at using ZSTOP to call a couple of different items while shutting down, while the documentation has an example a couple of questions come to mind about using ZSTOP.

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that can result in data integrity problems in environments that use InterSystems mirroring in conjunction with parallel dejournaling. This problem exists for currently released Caché and Ensemble versions beginning with 2017.2 and for InterSystems IRIS Data Platform version 2018.1.

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The task Mirror Monitor Launch Task recently failed and is placed in Suspend leave. Although it says USER it is not known as a task for us.

The code runs is HSSYS which is not our main system or namespace for production items.

The task name is HS.Util.Mirror.Task runs

If $system.Mirror.IsMember() Do ##class(HS.Util.MirrorMonitorAgent).StartAgent() and just says the description

/// This is the task definition that Launches the mirror monitor on any mirrored instance

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Has anyone noticed that when IRIS is forced down that the EnsLib.JavaGateway.Services do not properly shut down and release the ports? While we can write a shell script to kill the processes at the OS level, I was wondering if anyone experienced this issue.

We are working on our Mirroring setup/failover and had the team testing forcing the Primary down to make the Backup to become the Primary Server. When this happened and we failed back, IRIS could not restart the JavaGateway.Services because the ports were still in use.

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· Mar 4, 2019
Missing Mirrored Database

Hi guys

I've added a new mirrored failover member to an existing one.

They are both Arbiter controlled.

When I do Add database to mirror on the primary I'm always getting an error. Missing Mirrored database.

I followed everything in the documentation and always get the same error.

I've copied the CACHE.dat file after umounting the database on both servers. then mounted them.

Could you help me out?

Kind Regards

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Hi All,

When I log into Backup mirror member it becomes too slow to load and navigate, I tried to check message log and I saw the error message about Database mirror latency and database disk issue which when I check it looks fine to me. Please have a look at the below screenshots and advise what the issue could be.

When I run df -h through SSH :

200G is the volume size, 194G is used space, 6.5G is available space and 97% IS %Use

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Hello everyone!
Maybe someone will tell me what could be the reason for such messages in the message.log file

05/03/23-06:46:27:155 (6584) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] Mirror state: Member type = Failover, Status = Transition
05/03/23-06:46:27:350 (1620) 1 [Utility.Event] Failed InstanceLookup (agent probably not running): instance not found
05/03/23-06:46:27:351 (1620) 2 [Utility.Event] Failed to become either Primary or Backup at startup

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0 310
· Aug 2, 2016
Use of $ZUTIL(49) is deprecated

Hi all,

I'm using $ZUTIL(49) to get information of the databases I want to add to a mirror. This information is passed to ##class(SYS.Mirror).CatchupDB(plstPathDatabases) in order to Catchup all databases addes to a Mirror.

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· Mar 15, 2019
How to shrink a WIJ

I have a DR Mirror with a WIJ that is 5 times as large as the Primary Failover member. My Read-Write Reporting mirror WIJs are the same size as the Primary. I don't know why the DR WIJ i so large and would like to shrink it to the same size as the others. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

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0 475

Hey everyone.

I have noticed that my backup mirror is warning that the MirrorDatabaseLatencyTime is having a bad time (time in ms is 3000, and warnvalue is 3000). While I look into what may be causing this latency between the two servers, I was considering if reducing the size of the journal files would improve this value in any way.

My assumption is that reducing the file size would mean that the frequency of the journal files being created would be increased, but the reduced size would mean that the transfer and application of each file would be reduced.

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· Aug 18, 2016
Read only Async mirror setup

I have setup an async reporting mirror member with Read only access. My problem is that if I try to do any sql reporting against that data I am getting errors. I am sure that this is because the DB is read only, but I had assumed that setting up a reporting mirror would handle this.

I there a setting or mapping I am missing?

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I've setup ODBC connection so I can access Cache data within SQL Server.

I want to be able to write SQL queries for internal monitoring purposes, similar to what's possible with SQL Server. Specifically I want to be able to check mirroring status (i.e. check which is the current primary mirror member), check the status of any Ensemble productions (started/stopped), check the status of business hosts etc. I want to do all of this from SQL Server to go with our other system monitoring solutions.

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0 288

Hello Everyone,

We currently have CSP application that runs under 2 servers(usually primary), and every month the server reboots for patching SERVER1(primary) in the morning and SERVER2(backup) at night.

Whenever the SERVER1 reboots SERVER2 behaves as primary and when SERVER1 comes back up it will act as backup server.

First Patching:

So, when SERVER1 is down, I need to start httpd service for SERVER2 and stop httpd service for SERVER1 (which is now backup server).

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Hi! I am planning to move my Arbiter from a Unix server to a container(again on linux). To do this, I need the ISCAgent tar.gz file to configure Arbiter for our mirrored servers. I have tried searching for it on the Intersystems help forums but couldn't find it. Is it possible for someone to redirect me to the correct website to download it?

Thank you in advance!!

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Is it possible to make the cache terminal available over a mirrored vip address for a healthshare mirrored environment? So that connecting to a terminal for a mirrored environment will always connect to the Live Node?

I'm looking to write a Powershell script to run against the system and need to connect to the Live Node in a mirrored setup. Is this possible or am I going to have to log onto each node to establish which is Live. Or does this even matter?

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In the context of IKO (Iris Kubernetes Operator) the question of Service not redirecting dynamically to the correct Pod is still pending.
In production this can be dangerous since an overload (or any other simpler problem) can cause you to change the main Pod and leave the application inoperable until we intervene.

Intersystems support warned that this is still an issue of IKO, but there are some possibilities that I am studying.

To explore an idea I had, I would like the help of this Forum to answer the following question:

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