· Apr 25, 2022

InterSystems IRIS Backup mirror member is very slow

Hi All,

When I log into Backup  mirror member it becomes too slow to load and navigate, I tried to check message log and I saw the error message about Database mirror latency and database disk issue which when I check it looks fine to me. Please have a look at the below screenshots and advise what the issue could be.

When I run df -h through SSH :

200G is the volume size, 194G is used space, 6.5G is available space and 97% IS %Use

Datababase view from management portal for the same db volume


Disk space error message from message log:


The below error shows sometimes when the system tries to load

Product version: IRIS 2020.2
$ZV: HealthShare 2020.2 [HealthShare Modules: Active Analytics:20.0.8620 + Core:20.0.8620 + Patient Index:20.0.8620] - IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2020.1 (Build 217_1_20418U) Tue Nov 17 2020 15:48:44 EST
Discussion (3)1
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Hello Ephraim,

This seems like a better question for InterSystems Support / WRC who can look at the full log and system to try and determine what's happening.

From a file system disk space perspective, the database is almost filling the disk, but there is free space WITHIN the database from the IRIS perspective.

Regarding the performance side of things, what did you check such that it looks fine? CPU / memory / disk? When did the warnings start and are they ongoing? What's being done on the system, anything abnormal?