· Jun 27, 2022

Possible to mirror Ensemble and Iris?

Is it possible to mirror the same database on Iris and an older Ensemble instance?

Specifically to try a zero downtime upgrade

Product version: IRIS 2022.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2021.1.1 (Build 324U) Thu Feb 24 2022 13:20:39 EST
Discussion (6)2
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Nicki, I would start with your account manager and have a chat about how best to migrate.  Since Ensemble and IRIS for Health are different products, the specific versions involved matter a great deal.  A sales engineer on your account team probably has seen migrations such as the one you propose.

As for differences between IRIS and Ensemble, check the Migration Guide which you can download from the WRC.  There's a lot there, but it includes the result of a lot of testing and migration experience.

And of course, if you are finding something that doesn't work as it should, reach out to the WRC.