· Sep 7, 2023
Question about ISCAgent Config

We are noticing some issues with the communication between our Arbiter and our servers. Looking at the following documentation to limit connections, and logging...

if I am configuring the ISCAgent on the arbiter, would we set

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Hi folks!

Sometimes building an images via docker-compose.yml can take significant time.

And often after a minute or two of waiting it turns out that ports listed in docker-compose are busy and you need to start building process again with different ports or to turn down processes that took it.

Is there a way to check ports listed in docker-compose BEFORE starting the image baking process?

How do you deal with this problem?

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i have this simple json structure:

"nTypeTrigger": "ATR",
"sDate": "2024-04-17 15:29:16",
"tRefArray": [{"sID":"132"},{"sID":"151"},{"sID":"233"}],
"tCountries": []

I can't find an example to iterate on tRefArray.

I've tried to create a secondary iterator but it doesn't work. Here is my current code:

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Hi Guys,

I have a DB server (ser-app-db) where IRIS is installed as server.

I have a Web server (ser-app-w) where IRIS is installed as web server and configured as CSP gateway.

I followed the configuration guide and ser-app-w perfectly display the CSP and CLS pages.

But that's not working for my REST service, for exemple with the REST sample:

http://ser-app-db/REST/CRM/Get?ReqID=123(GET): work and show the request

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2 1.2K

I'm working with VS Code on Centos 8. When I install the ObjectScript extension the installation succeeds, but the InterSystems icon never appears in the left-side panel. I can change settings for the extension - set the server info, etc. No errors show-up in the VS Code debug log.

UPDATE: the same thing happens on MacOS when using VS Code 1.46.1 and InterSystems ObjectScript extension 0.8.6

Can anyone suggest next steps for me to troubleshoot? Is there another log I should check?

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0 794

I send ORUs to a process where a transform is applied before sending the message to a process where the routing is handled. A recent request was made that when OBR:25="D" the message is also be faxed with transforms that have some similarities to the original, but not exactly the same. I copied the DTC, made the alterations, and created a separate rule to handle it. However, when I run a message through with a "D" in OBR:25, it is only sent to the routing process once.

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After setting AllowedIPAddresses with a valid IP address

i get the following errors.

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <READ>zOnTask+44 ^EnsLib.TCP.InboundAdapter.1 -- logged as '-'
number - @''

what am i doing wrong?

and question:

where in the message viewer can i see the source IP of the message?


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0 132

Hello all,

I'm "playing" a little bit with IRIS as document database, as it seems really simple to use.

So far, creating a database and inserting documents is fine. Creating a Property so it can be indexed seems very useful and it works well when this property is created at the very beginning. But here my "problem": whenever a new property is added, how can the values be recalculated and inserted, so indices can be correctly updated?

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· Aug 25, 2022
SAM - Adding node_exporter

Note sure if anyone would know this.... But I presented my team with a Proof of Concept of running SAM to monitor our IRIS Development and Test Clusters. In talking with them we would like additional OS metrics that aren't provided by what is built into SAM. Looking at more OS detail I found node_exporter from Promethus. I added node_exporter to our server that we want to monitor, but then tried to config isc_prometheus.yml to use node_exporter. That did not go well and when I restarted SAM, it would not download the built in metrics to SAM.

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0 161

Hello everybody,

In the documentation I read the following:

Alerts are messages generated by production components. InterSystems IRIS automatically writes the alerts to a log file and sends then to the production component named Ens.Alert. If your production does not have a component named Ens.Alert, then InterSystems IRIS writes alerts to the log file but does not send them to any component. The component named Ens.Alert can be of any class. The most frequently used classes for Ens.Alert are:

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I'm trying to read the response to a long (indefinitely) running HTTP response with Transfer-Encoding: chunked. Ideally I'd be able to read the individual chunks from the response and do something with them as they arrive rather than needing to wait for the response to finish (because it never will) - ultimately I'm thinking to wrap these back up over a WebSocket connection which seems cleaner from an API perspective.

So far it looks like my options are:

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0 866


I am creating an import tool to convert a client's JSON data into IRIS classes. The sample file is over half a gig. I am copying the data into an instance of %Stream.FileCharacter;. My first few attempts worked fine. However I started getting an error thrown when I try to create a DynamicAbstractObject using the %FromJSON method. See the code below. The error code given is not in the documentation, at least not the doc that I was searching.

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Hello developers, I'm a newbie to Intersystems technologies and I started to work with Caché and Ensemble, and to be more specific I'm working with systems integration. In a scenario where I need to develop new software from scratch, would it be better to develop this new software using REST APIs? Does anyone have any recommendations about courses?

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