
I do not really have much information yet about an upcoming mission but i know it is about to seal a flatfile and then send it further. I think SHA256 HMAC will be used. There is a fixed sealkey to be used each time. Does anyone know if the Ensemble supports this ? I have looked in the documentation but not really found anything .


Michael Lundberg

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Hello everyone,

Does anyone know how to create integration tests using the Cache unit test framework in order to test an Ensemble production?

For example, what would be the best way to create automated tests for a BPL that calls multiple business operations (SQL, WebService ...)?

Should we create some kind of mock service/operation to simulate the response from the business operations ?

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· Aug 25, 2016
New keys for Field Tests?

The FT keys InterSystems currently make available to us in the zips from the download pages are due to expire at the end of this month (31-Aug-16). Will there be new keys soon?

Also wondering when we might expect new FT builds for 2016.2 and 2016.3. The last published ones were 24-Jun-16 and 16-Jun-16 respectively.

I haven't seen an Atelier update for a while either.

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Is there an out-of-the-box or accepted standard method for loading up mappings between different code sets and then referencing these mappings (both directions) from DTL? First thought was the built in Lookup() and corresponding data tables but these only work in one direction (key -> value) and not the reverse. Obviously I can build my own classes to support a two way mapping but am wondering if there's a standard way of achieving this. The mapping should contain the code and display name from each of the code sets and allow mapping based on either code or display name.


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Hello community,

I have productions running in several different namespaces. They all use a common credentials ID for sending email, which is set up in only one of the namespaces. The documentation says that credentials are entered by namespace. When I ran a production in a second namespace, the error log said that credentials were not found (expected), but later attempts to send a file thorugh the production did successfully send an email. I'm wondering if Ensemble is able to look in other namespaces for the same credentials ID?

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We are using the Ens.Alert alerting process to send alerts (via email) to our external service desk application (Service Now).

Is there a way to suppress multiple alerts for the same error (within a specified timeframe)? (Either Rule or BPL?) (i.e. a system starts sending bad data which fails validation or is NAKd by a downstream system -- causing every message to create an Alert.)

Otherwise, every message creates an Alert, which creates a ticket in Service Now.



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· May 9, 2016
Production Monitor

At the Global Summit several folks had mention that they developed their own production monitor. I am looking to create a monitor similar to eGate that we only display those Services/Processes/Operations that are in trouble, and those Errors that are showing up in the Event Log. Does anyone have any examples of this?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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I'm doing some Schema changes. I used our existing standard schema as a base, which was already based on 2.3. So let's call our existing one Custom.MHC.Schema (based on 2.3). I created Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced (based on Custom.MHC.Schema) and copied down one of the code tables then made a change to it.

When I ran a message through, the code table change didn't show up. I noticed in the message viewer that the DocType is still Custom.MHC.Schema:ADT_A01 but the DocType Category is Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced.

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I was asked about using date-based criteria in the file spec for an inbound file adapter.

It looks like the file spec field only accepts simple wildcards (*, ?), so I'm wondering if someone knows of a clever way of doing this preferably without creating a custom adapter/service class.

An example of the use case:
An upstream system continually writes records to a file named with the current day's date. At midnight it opens a new file with the new day's date:

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We had a major problem recently where a participant was sending unexpected data. It was not enough to throw an error or warning in the actual trace, but when examining the message in the viewer it did show the following:

Build Map Status = 'ERROR <EnsEDI>ErrMapSegUnrecog: Unrecognized Segment 4:'CON' found after segment 3 (CON)'

How can I query for these or be notified of them? This caused major ramifications but we did not notice it. I have Managed Services investigating but I want to cover all my bases.

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Hi. This about a migration of code from a DEV environment to a PROD environment.

If an (under development) business host is Enabled in DEV environment and the production class is migrated across environments, this means that the Enabled status of the same business host in PROD would also become enabled (even if it may have been disabled before the update)

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0 1.7K

Hello Community,

I am trying to create a simple Ensemble DTL transform using the GUI. In order to test something very simple, I have created a transform that does nothing.

I'm using test data from here: https://www.emedny.org/HIPAA/5010/5010_sample_files/835%20Sample%20(Institutional%20Claims%20only).2014.txt

It's a very small test 835 file.

My transform looks like this in the compiled class:

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Does anyone have a sample that demonstrates how to use the Data Transformation option create='existing', in order to update an existing object by its ID? My use-case is that I have an HL7 message coming in which contains data on a patient that may or may not already exist in a (non-HL7) table. I want to use the PatientID from the (source) HL7 message, check if that patient exists in the (target) object, and if so, insert some new data into the existing patient, or if not, create a new patient.

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· Jun 9, 2016 1m read
Ensemble monitoring

First post! In order to somewhat redeem myself for an unnecessary call to support, I've decided to post some classes that I've written to monitor certain metrics inside our Ensemble Live instance (yeah, Kyle, you WERE laughing at me, but it's okay). What the classes do is to run queries and code to get database sizes, status of the mirror, counts of rows in tables such as EnsLib.HL7.Message and Ens.MessageHeader. The data is collected and written to tables and then an email is sent out daily upon completion. I've found this quite useful in keeping an eye on what's going on. It's help

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I'm trying to perform a SELECT with parameters using the EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter. The SELECT returns results but seems to discard the parameters I try to send. I have tried two methods.


Set par(1) = "20160630"
Set par(1,"SqlType") = 12
Set sql = "SELECT Cod, Ing, score FROM [bbdd].[dbo].[vw_Test] WHERE MyParam >= '?'"
Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteQueryParmArray(.QueryResultSet,sql,.par)


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0 1.2K
· Jun 21, 2016
Business rule doubt

Hello guys,

I've built a simple rule , as follows:

Thing is, in rule 2, the operation succeeds, the message reachs BO HL7, but in rule 1 it does not go through. In rule 1, I have two different conditions, but they are linked by an OR and one of the conditions is simply IF 1=1.

Do you guys have any clue on why rule 1 does not reach BO HL7?


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· May 27, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.665.0

Steve Glassman is on vacation today so in his place I wanted to announce the availability of a new kit for the 2016.2 Field Test. The kit details are: 2016.2.0.665.0

There is a wide range of changes to the 2016.2 Field Test, 145 of them in total. You can find a complete listing here:


Bill McCormick

Director of Product Management

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