
Just today updated Atelier to the latest Beta release.Getting the following error in Eclipse:

Plug-in com.intersys.eclipse.legacy.extension was unable to load class com.intersys.eclipse.legacy.extension.Startup.

Unable to open Atelier perspective.

Does anybody else get this issue, how to go back to previous version?



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I am having trouble configuring the environment in eclipse have download eclipse for java script and web developers followed the video but could not connect to the server I have my Apache server 7.0 added to the java environment and I can start and stop the server through eclipse IDE but when I fire atelier and add server I get the above error any help please .This is the first time I am trying to use the plug in through eclipse .Just in case There is another installation I need to do please advice but I am guessing something to do with atelier not seeing my configurations or permissions

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0 776

Hi there.

I'm really interested in using Atelier for its source control ability, and I have found a fair bit of info when it comes to starting a new project and then pushing that project to a chosen source control system.

However, my environment has a lot of existing code which was developed within Studio and Ensemble, and placing entire namespaces within a single project file feels wrong.

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Suppose I want to create an Eclipse plugin designed to be added to Atelier, and my plugin needs to perform some processing on the server that the current Atelier project is configured to connect to.

Is there a way I can use the connection credentials that have already been entered by the user? I don't really want to make them enter these again into my own plugin.

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I'm trying to connect to a Caché server from Atelier; the Caché server is 2015.x.

The address and port I'm trying to connect to is the SQL gateway server; and I get, each time, an "unexpected end of file from server".

Note that unfortunately, for the moment, I connect as _system... And the Caché install has the default privileges.

What am I doing wrong?

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· May 30, 2018
Atelier 1.2 csp sessions

I have just upgraded to Atelier v1.2 beta and find that I'm using up the license pool.

The longer I work within Atelier the more csp sessions for application /api/atelier I'm creating. It seems that each class I'm opening in the editor creates a new session. This is ok up to 25 sessions at which point I'm consuming 25 licences units and soon after nobody can log in any more because I'm consuming all licenses. I never really looked at this with v1.1 but that is because I never experienced this problem, so my assumption is that something changed with v1.2.

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· Sep 6, 2017
Atelier + class query

Atelier seem so be having some issues with class queries.

If I try to collapse the query it will collapse everything that comes after it. Also nothing after this query will show in the outline.

This is on version 1.1.351

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Well my last post got cut off for some reason. I am trying the new beta and wondering about the following functionality from Studio that I don't find in Atelier:

F12 = Open the routine and jump to the tag of the current call the cursor is on in a routine

F2 / <Ctrl> F2 = jumping to a bookmark / toggling a bookmark

<Ctrl> G = Jump to a tag in the code

When might these things be in Atelier? I use them a lot in Studio and the absence of these really slows me down.

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I'm just getting started with Atelier and HealthShare. I created a persistent class, then realized I didn't want it. There is information in help about resetting storage definitions, where you use 'delete' in Studio. I tried that in Atelier. It deleted the class but not the storage. I can't delete the table directly because I didn't set it to allow DDL. This was done in a development environment and there is no data in the table. So, two questions:

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Thanks for all replies in advance. In monitoring our audit log we are getting the error below. We have 4 different servers running CACHE 2014.1.1 and this is happening on all 4 of them. I have not been able to find what process is trying to logon but it is happening every 30 minutes. We have no user processes that are running so this has to be a CACHE process. Does anyone have an Ideal what could be running to cause this? What kind of trace can I run to determine what process is running it?

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· Sep 14, 2017
Conflict Resolution Wizard


When trying to sync a class to the server where the server class has been updated by another user, I, as expected, get the Conflict Resolution Wizard.

I can then use the wizard to copy code from the server side to my local copy using the arrows also as expected.

But when I have integrated the remote code into what I think is my local copy how do I save it so that it gets integrated into my local copy and synchronised to the server.

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