· Aug 7, 2018

About the synchronous encoding of Atelier

Hello,every body. 

I am having a problem when using atelier. I found that the web front-end related files (such as csp, css, js, etc.) will change in format when they are synced to the server.

For example:

The original format of the js file may be UTF-8. However, when I edited and saved in atelier, the file version format on the server became ANSI. I tried to configure the environment in eclipse, but it doesn't seem to work.


Because the file contains Chinese characters, this has a significant impact on the actual use.

So, what should I do to solve this problem. Thank you in advance.

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Hello Eduard Lebedyuk,First of all, thank you for your answer.

Sorry, I forgot to say that I tried it before. But it doesn't seem to work either.

It should be noted that the file format of the local client is consistent with the expectations, but the server side seems to be affected by the difference.



While, the server side:

Thank you again for your help~

The operating system I am using now is win10 Pro. The original regional setting was China, and it was later changed to the United States. However, it still seems to have no effect.

Later, I found out that as long as the text file does not contain Chinese characters, such as "乱码", the file encoding format on the server side is normal, that is UTF-8. Otherwise, the file format is automatically saved to ANSI (very likely corresponding code page For 936 GBK).

I don't know if this involves the relevant settings or processing of the Chinese code for the operating system, and whether this information is enough to provide more clues or tips for everyone.
But still thank you.

You can to change default file I/O from GB18030 to UTF8.

To do that, execute do ^NLS and choose:

2) Select defaults
2) I/O tables
4) File

And choose UTF8 there. After that, your I/O table should look like that:

I/O table              Current default
---------------------  --------------------
4) File                UTF8 (*)

After that, restart Cache and delete/reimport faulty files in Atelier

Note that this action (changing NLS defaults) can be disruptive to existing Cache applications.