· Jun 25, 2019
Cache Ensemble


Working on to learn very basic CUSTOM Business Service which sends to a EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation.

But operation is not writing to File and erroring out (No Stream contained in StreamContainer Request")'.

How do convert the object to STREAM and wrap in the StreamContainer so the operation does not error and write to a file.


Persistent Class

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0 565

I have a requirement to update the Ensemble Host Settings Programmatically. Mainly the "AlertOnError,QueueCountAlert,QueueWaitAlert,InactivityTimeout" settings.

I used Ens_Config.Item (persistent) class to get the settings (list object) and then update it. But for some of the Business Host's, I dont see the above settings in the table, but present in Settings of that particular Host in Ensemble Management Portal. So my logic is not working.

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0 558

I have one Ensemble EnsLib.File.OutboundAdapter which has several methods, each writing a different file. In my Ensemble Production I have configured this FileAdapter to write to a certain directory, but i'd rather have each method write to a different (sub)directory instead of writing all files to the same directory. How can I achieve that without splitting the methods into different business operations?

The current code just sets the filename and the output:

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0 539
· Jul 17, 2017
Purge for "IO Log Input Data"

Hello mates,

When turning on the “Archive IO” option within the business operations, it provides us the capability of seeing the input and output communication with external systems. For instance, watching the messages sent out + ACK message sent back .

Our production has got a scheduled task that runs daily (by default I guess, as many others) and is in charge of purging “Errors and log files”. And this is likely to be linked to the “Archive IO” feature, right?

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0 517

I'm writing a SOAP client in Ensemble (2017.2.2) that is required to pass empty elements to the SOAP server in the form <xsi:type="ns:ResponsibleUser"/> where ResponsibleUser is a class that itself has no properties. I initially thought I'd found the answer with the XMLIGNORENULL parameter of XML enabled classes but this didn't make any difference for SOAP requests, only working when I wrote the XML to a file.

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0 516

Hi all,

For special definition of the company, we need to define a PoolSize according to the environment that the "Ensemble" is working.

So the first try as been add the parameter into "System Default Setting"

However, this parameter is not available in "Setting default values" in Setting tab.

I've opened the code of my production and I've noted that this parameter is a attribute of the XML element of this item

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0 498
· Jun 18, 2020 1m read
Debugging Business Operations

Often we need to debug a Business Operation. Tracing and logging work but sometimes you want to work with a BO as with your local terminal session.

Here's how you can do that on any operating system.

Windows has a great tool for debugging Business Operations - Foreground mode. In that mode Windows launches a local terminal with operation job.

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2 492

Routing Rule Usage -

Can we use Functions and Methods with multiple parameters and refer objects by reference as parameters inside Routing rule ?

How do we handle DB related workflows in Business Rules ?
How can we perform Response object based handling in Business Rules ?
Can we try by extending methods with Ens.Util.FunctionSet and pass in the Context object from the rule as a parameter for certain functions ?
Can we split the Business Operations into methods that can be used from the routing rules and create the message route request flow ?

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0 479

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a Business Operation whit an HTTP Outbound Adapter and I would like to know if is possible to adjust the FailureTimeout value based on the incoming message type. For example, I would like to have a FailureTimeout of 60 seconds for the standard operations and a FailureTimeout of -1 (wait forever) for few special operations that absolutely need a response.

Can we dynamically modify the FailureTimeout through code, based on either the incoming message type or a specified parameter?n the incoming message type or depending by a parameter?

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0 472
· Jul 29, 2020
IRIS vs Other integration engines

Hello All,

I have been using IRIS / Ensemble for over a decade and appreciate lot of it's functionalities and features, however besides having a UI of 80's era (which doesn't bother me), what I believe where IRIS is lacking is lack of out of the box connectors (services/operations).

If we look at IRIS's competitors for eg Mulesoft, Talend, Boomi they all have hundreds of pre-built connectors for major applications like Salesforce, SAP etc and cloud services like Azure, AWS etc to store and retrieve information and data.

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0 472
· Apr 20, 2018
Special Character API


Made a request for API REST.

Using HTTP Request adapter.

Adapter As EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter

Outside the Ensemble an API response is JSON (CORRECT)

Answer in Ensemble: =?Á
ÔºQZéýNÕ V{C?óò?b¢?éÍ )$
²5Å?wEë? ??©tÖã1z×2FëÊnôeË æ??]Zßq ܺ?á

Help me.

Thank you

0 8
0 461

I have a process that I am trying to duplicate from SQL Integration Services (SSIS) into Ensemble so that the rest of my team can help support any issues that may happen.

This particular job creates multiple dictionary files, but for each one of the dictionary files it creates, it also creates a control file that tells the vendor what to process.

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0 459
· Nov 7, 2019
Webservice Response Changes


I loaded a WSDL from a webservice into my project where executing it returns me a series of Orders related.

My problem is that the provider of this webservice sometimes adds new fields, which I don't even use, and from then on it starts giving Iris a bug, so I need to import the updated WSDL again so that it creates the new property that the provider added.

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0 459

What happens if you don't declare a Persistent value when you call ExecuteQuery()? What does Ensemble set as the key value for your query? I have a query that I've executed on SQL Server, and I get 15 rows, but because this is my second time querying the data Ensemble thinks it exists.

The Method in question is SelectProviderClarityAudit. If I call this query multiple times it is not returning the same number of results each time in Ensemble.

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0 453

I am trying to create a URL for Spoke Mobile to page users when our email system is down and we can't use the normal email alerts.

I was directed to and tried to create something. The best I got was a response from the webpage that told me there was an error.

I want to be able to have a default pager number when we don't have an oncall schedule and grab information from Ens.AlertMessage.

0 4
0 450

Running predictive models natively in an InterSystems IRIS Business Process has of course always been the goal of our PMML support, but somehow never made it into the kit because there were a few dependencies and choices that needed addressing and answering. Anyhow, thanks to some pushing and code kindly provided by @Amir Samary (Thanks again Amir!), we finally got it wrapped in a GitHub repo for your enjoyment, review and suggestions.

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