· May 27, 2016 1m read

Java Business Hosts for Ensemble

Java Business Services and Operations

In Ensemble 2016.3 ‘Java Business Hosts’ provides the means to create new Business Services and Business Operations using Java without need for any ObjectScript coding. There are two major reasons to use this capability:

  •  Add new protocols to Ensemble using available Java libraries.
  •  Allows Java developers to create custom business services and operations without needing to learn Caché ObjectScript..

At Global Summit there were two sessions and an experience lab covering Java Business Hosts that got a lot of attention and a very positive reaction.

Maxim Vershinin described the basic technology in his session “Exploiting Java Interoperability Libraries” and Michael Broesdorf described a practical case of incorporating MQTT in his session “How Do I Connect IoT Devices?”

You can see Max’s slides and hear his presentation at

Michael’s presentation is at

To download the field test kit and documentation go to Pre-Release Trial Program.

I would love to get feedback on this new capability.

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