InterSystems Official
· Feb 20, 2024
What's new in VS Code, 2024

I recently realized it's been far too long since I talked about the latest features in the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension for Visual Studio Code.

I'm pleased to announce version 2.12.1 of the ObjectScript extension, containing a number of enhancements that make a developer's life easier. Some highlights are described below, including the #1 requested feature from Global Summit -- XML import!

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We conclude this series of SMART On FHIR articles with Auth0 and InterSystems IRIS FHIR Repository by reviewing our application developed in Angular 16.

Let's remember what the architecture defined for our solution is like:

Our front-end application corresponds to the second column and as you can see it will be in charge of two things:

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The 2023.1 Clinical Viewer appears to have data dependencies that need to be met in order for data to surface from the SDA to the chart. Examples:

1. Lab results need to have a collection date or they will not display.

2. Observations need to have their UoM and codes in the portal txt files in order to display.

Are all of these requirements documented?

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Not so long ago, I came across the idea of using Python Class Definition Syntax to create IRIS classes on the InterSystems Ideas Portal. It caught my attention since integrating as many syntaxes as possible gives visibility to InterSystems’s products for programmers with experience in many languages.

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· Feb 18, 2024 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #39

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

I also placed a bunch of Pull Requests on GitHub when I found a problem I could fix.
Some were accepted and merged, and some were just ignored.
So if you made a major change and expect a changed review just let me know.

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Hi Community,

Is there a way to call HL7 Data transformation directly from Business service without using Rule functionality in the production

In this scenario i need to call a data transformation in directly in business service and give the transformed message to Business operation

Please share if you have any ideas to implement this.


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· Nov 9, 2016 5m read
How the Ensemble Scheduler Works

The Ensemble Scheduler is used for automatically turning on and off business hosts at certain dates and times. You could use it if, for example, you wanted to only run a business host from 9am to 5pm every day. Conversely, if you want do to trigger an event to occurr at a specific time, for example, a job running at 1am to batch up and send off all the previous day's transactions in one file, we recommend other methods such as the Task Manager.

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InterSystems announces its second preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2024.1 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems IRIS® for HealthTM, and HealthShare® Health Connect.

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We have messages that are in a queued state for various reasons and when we do a manual shutdown of the instance, they are moved to a Suspended state. I thought I saw in the documentation somewhere a setting to make sure these messages stay in a queued state and not suspend them. Can someone confirm and point me in the correct location for that documentation, as I am trying to ensure that if we do have to manually shutdown a instance, someone doesn't have to remember to go back in and check for suspended messages and resubmit them?


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Hey Community,

Watch this video to learn how to copy existing HL7 V2 production components in InterSystems products to save time and effort:

Copying and Reusing HL7 V2 Production Components
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I am trying to connect to node js on iris community version . Node js is properly installed .

I am executing the demo hello world from github .

these are the parameters :-

var ip = "localhost"

var port = 51773

var namespace = "USER"

var username = "SuperUser"

var password = "SYS"

when executing >node demo.js i get a connection error .

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Has anyone noticed that when IRIS is forced down that the EnsLib.JavaGateway.Services do not properly shut down and release the ports? While we can write a shell script to kill the processes at the OS level, I was wondering if anyone experienced this issue.

We are working on our Mirroring setup/failover and had the team testing forcing the Primary down to make the Backup to become the Primary Server. When this happened and we failed back, IRIS could not restart the JavaGateway.Services because the ports were still in use.

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I am trying to connect to a web socket endpoint that potentially has a number of different IP addresses for load balancing purposes.

I have been asked whether it's possible to use a DNS name to resolve the IP address rather than statically assigning one specific IP address in the TCP Operation.

If it's not possible to resolve on a DNS name directly on the TCP operation, then I wondered whether it was possible to provide multiple IP addresses.

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Hi all,

I'm very new to this ecosystem so please bear with me:

I've startted learning online and have installed everything I need. I have VS code and I have most definitely installed the pack (3 packages) needed for working on it with ObjectScript. Even though this is the case I'm running into 2 problems:

1. when I type "class" I only get 4 option for auto complete. no "class with multiple inheritances" or anything of the sort. In fact, no Class at all, only ClassMethod. ClassResponse etc.

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InterSystems announces its third preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2024.1 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems IRIS® for HealthTM, and HealthShare® Health Connect.

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Hi Community,

I have below scenario

We have IRIS BI Reports in my application. Now these reports currently being acessed by users through dashboard url's.

I want to create a automated utility (background cache system task) which run these bi reports and export them to a specific path.

I am looking for a system method through which we can open these dashboard url's through code and export the excel report to a speciific path.

Thanks in advance.

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