I need to develop a tool to help to get what data is being consumed by a certain process, in order to get all data used to build an automated test scenario.

For example, some user process will pull data from ^GLOBAL(1)="dataString", ^GLOBAL(2)="dataString2", ^GLOBAL1(1)="data1String", ^GLOBAL2(4)="data2String4". Amidst all other data on these Globals, I will ignore everything that was not used in the user process, and get the specific keys used on it.

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0 415

Hi Developers,

Tap to watch the brand new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Using InterSystems Reports for Insight @ Global Summit 2023

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0 163


Part 1

  • Introducing Flask: a quick review of the Flask Docs, where you will find all the information you need for this tutorial;
  • Connecting to InterSystems IRIS: a detailed step-by-step of how to use SQLAlchemy to connect to an IRIS instance;

Part 2

  • A discussion about this kind of implementation: why we should use it and situations where it is applicable.
6 2
0 578

Hi colleages!

This is very easy to setup a FHIR server in InterSystems IRIS for Health.

It could be even one IPM command with this package:

USER>zpm "install fhir-server"

But which FHIR portal could you recommend to use?

I used to work with this one, which is very easy to install too:

USER>zpm "install fhir-portal"

but it doesn't work at the moment and I'm not sure if its main contributors @José Pereira and @Henrique Dias plan to support it.

What do you use? What do you recommend? Ideally installable with IPM package manager. Thanks!

2 3
0 253

Creating information dashboards, pivot tables, and widgets is an important step in analysis that provides valuable sources of information for informed decision-making. The IRIS BI platform offers many opportunities to create and customize these elements. In this article, we will take a closer look at the basic techniques for developing them and the importance of using them.

7 1
0 411

Hello Everyone,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is in the process of developing an exam focusing on creating and working with TrakCare Reports, and we need input from our InterSystems TrakCare community. Your input will be used to evaluate and establish the contents of the exam.

How do I provide my input? We will present you with a list of job tasks, and you will rate them on their importance as well as other factors.

How much effort is involved? It takes about 10-15 minutes to fill out the survey.

How can I access the survey? You can access it here:

InterSystems TrakCare Reports Specialist

1 0
0 199


An exception occurs randomly.
I expect the value of ^TEST to be 20, but it's not.
Did i miss something like closing, flush the stream or locking the global?




0 13
0 388

Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Configuring Secure File Transfer in Health Connect Cloud

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 170
· Oct 28, 2023
escape bracket in SQL

I've written a stored procedure for SQL as follows. The second parameter is a search path that may use a single quote or bracket as part of its expression.

When the expression uses a single quote, I can double it within SQL, and it works well. In this example, 'testDate' is written as ' ' testDate ' ' .

Select HISOL_MEAS.SQLProc_JSONpath(fullAnnotation,'HbA1cTests.sort(''testDate'',false).resultValue') As reverseSortedTests

In the next example I'd like to use brackets (see below), which causes an error.

0 5
0 298
· Oct 27, 2023 1m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #35

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

I also placed a bunch of Pull Requests on GitHub when I found a problem I could fix.
Some were accepted and merged, and some were just ignored.
So if you did a major change and expect a changed review just let me know.

4 1
0 169
· Jun 12, 2023 3m read
LangChain fixed the SQL for me

This article is a simple quick starter (what I did was) with SqlDatabaseChain.

Hope this ignites some interest.

Many thanks to:

sqlalchemy-iris author @Dmitry Maslennikov

Your project made this possible today.

The article script uses openai API so caution not to share table information and records externally, that you didn't intend to.

A local model could be plugged in , instead if needed.

9 7
3 3.3K

This applies to embedded and dynamic SQL queries in Caché ObjectScript. If I attempt to terminate the process via Management Portal, nothing happens. Neither does Ctrl C nor closing the terminal window in which my program is running, nor setting a stop flag in a global which is read by the program on each loop iteration. The only way to stop the query appears to be restarting the Caché server (which is running locally on my PC).

0 6
0 470

I am very new to IRIS. We are developing a PHP application that connects to an IRIS instance of one of our vendors. I am having trouble with a specific table. When I need to query this specific table for specific fields, I am receiving an error. However, if I change the call to get all columns (`*`), there is no error. I get 37K records returned.


0 4
0 340

I'm dealing with a situation that leaves in doubt what I understand about CACHE.WIJ (C:\Roche\CobasInfinity\HealthShare\mgr)..
Journal files store records already written to the base.. and CACHE.WIJ records not yet written to the base..
theoretically, the data contained in CACHE.WIJ is temporary... until the record is written to the base (consequently generating journal).

0 4
0 253

In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Why containers?
  • Containers infrastructure
  • CD using containers
  • CD using ICM
  • Container architecture

In this article, we would talk about building your own container and deploying it.

4 14
3 1.3K