· May 20, 2024

ObjectScript: Cannot Read OpenId, Result Doesn't Display

Hello My Friends,

I have a problem with my script, In another code it works fine, but in this script It not display anything in InterSystems portal, when I try to debug, it gives the data, but why in portal it show nothing?

Can anyone help me please? Thank you

in Portal it show nothing

Product version: IRIS 2023.3
Discussion (5)3
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Without seeing the entire method it is hard to tell.  Accepting that you have proven that the data is being retrieved I would look for issues with how it is being passed on.   The GetMasterOPDataExecute method of a custom query only does setup for the query.  Tasks such as initialization or defining a SQL cursor (if that is what you are using).

The GetMasterOPDataFetch method is what will return rows of data.  If this value is needed at that point you should include it in any information provided in the qHandle parameter.

In case you are not familiar with this I am including a link to the documentation for custom class queries.

Defining Custom Class Queries