· Jun 17, 2024

New on Open Exchange: Top contributors, List view and Setup of release date

We've implemented some notable new features and enhancements inspired by your feedback.

Here's what's new:

  1. Acknowledgement of Active Contributors: The main page now highlights the most active contributors from the past 30 days. This includes members who posted reviews, published apps, made major app releases, and participated in contests. It's our way of celebrating and recognizing your contributions!
  2. New List View Catalogue on Desktop: By popular demand, we've introduced a list view catalogue for desktop web users. Navigating and finding the apps you need is now easier and more convenient.
  3. Flexible Release Dates: Another community request fulfilled! You can now set a release date different from the publishing date on OEX. If your release was actually in the past, simply adjust the date accordingly. If you leave it untouched, the release will default to the current date.

Thank you for your continuous support and feedback. Keep contributing and let’s make Intersystems Open Exchange even better together!

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