
I have a problem with an Ensemble instance on Windows to access to a network shared directory. Ensemble service (services.msc) is executed with a user which has access to this network shared directory :

- When I try to copy or access files from a terminal ==> this is OK : the command w ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).%OpenId($Job).OSUserName returns the user defined in Ensemble service logon screen.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,112 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hello Developer Community!

We are looking to better understand how our users use the Documentation. If you have a few minutes, please fill out this quick survey - https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HK7F5P7!

Feedback from real users like you in invaluable to us and helps us create better product. Your feedback can go further than the survey - we would love to interview you about your experience, just indicate in the survey that you’re open to talking to us!

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This is the seventh in a series of releases that are part of the developer preview program for 2022.2 Future preview releases are expected to be updated biweekly and we will add features as they are ready. Many updates, fixes and enhancements have been added in 2022.2, in SQL management, cloud integration, Kafka and JMS adapters, the SQL Loader, and other areas.

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· Mar 31, 2017
Atelier BPL editor

Is there a way to graphically edit BPL processes, or do we still need to use Studio for doing that?

Looking at the documentation, it appear there should be an Atelier BPL editor option available under Open With, but all I have is Atelier Class, HTML, INT, and MAC editors.

There is a BPL editor in the list, but it throws a "Bad editor input" error when trying to open the class file.

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1 1.1K

I have an EMR sending double quotes "" as the value. How do I write criteria to find this match in a DTL?


source.{PV1:DischargeDateTime()}="""" didn't work

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· Sep 20, 2022
Read Only Service Registry

I'm trying to create a read-only role for most pages on the Management Portal. However, I cannot figure out resource permissions for the HealthShare tab or how to assign custom resource permissions, if any, to the registries. I would like for the role to include read-only access to the registries (service, consent, otherwise). How do I go about doing this?

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There is a large file that needs to be processed, with over 500 000 rows. Each row needs to be verified for various data and then all the results collated and reported into a single report. What is the most efficient way to do this? I tried calling the processing function with Job , where each function jobbed off would report results to a different node of a common global. But the jobbed functions are not updating their respective rows even though I am passing the global name and root node. What is the most efficient way to process this large file?

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We are in the process of setting enabling SSL on a soap web service exposed via InterSystems, but are running into trouble. We have installed our certificates on our webserver (Apache 2.4) and enabled SSL over the default port 57772. However, we now get an error when sending a soap message to the web service (it used to work over http). Specifically the CSP gateway refuses to route te emssage the soap web service:

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Hi Community!

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Real World NLP Use Cases

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Basically the title, I couldn't find anything concrete in the documentation regarding this. The documentation states 'The user-defined ^ZMIRROR routine allows you to implement your own custom, configuration-specific logic and mechanisms for specific mirroring events, such as a failover member becoming primary.' I didn't see any more details on what exactly those mirroring events are besides a failover member becoming primary, which I wasn't sure if that included a DR async becoming primary.

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I am currently having the experience activating prometheus for iris db.

This environment that I speak uses IKO as a base.

I need to put 3 notes in the iris service area.

Are they:

   prometheus.io/path: "/monitor/metrics"
   prometheus.io/port: "52772"
   prometheus.io/scrape: "true"

I'm not finding this possibility in the IKO documentation.

Has anyone had this experience and can help us with this challenge?

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Does anyone have a good example of setting up an Inbound Email Adapter Service to retrieve an email? I am thinking of sending this email to a BPL to retrieve the Attachment that is in the email. Would that be the correct method to do that?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

The Data Architecture that Leaves You Glueless @ Global Summit 2022

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· May 7, 2020

We are getting CoClass not available [80040111] when using %Net.SSH.Session. Does anyone know if there is a security setting that would disable this object?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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