· Jul 5, 2018

Developer Community July 2018 Release

Hi, Community!

Here is the July and I'm pleased to update with new features on DC appeared with July release.

What's new? Bookmarks, better group/tag subscriptions, new filters and cosmetic fixes. See the details below.

1. Bookmarked Posts

We introduced the feature of bookmark posts. It's a small star in the left corner of the post, like it is shown on the picture:

This star is clickable to add/remove bookmark for the post. The bright yellow star indicates that you bookmarked it. The figure in the left shows how many members already bookmarked it. You can find all your bookmarks in My Account->Bookmarks. E.g. here are my bookmarks.

2. Following posts

Now you can follow posts you want to get email notifications for all new comments and answers. Literally it is the posts you subscribed for. 

You can follow/subscribe manually to any post - click on the envelope icon to make it happen. You can find this icon in the left bottom corner of every post.Like here:

Click to subscribe and click again to unsubscribe. The number on the left indicates how many other members follow this post too.

If you answer or comment the post following starts automatically for you.

You can find all the posts you subscribed to in My Account->Following Posts menu, e.g. here is my Following Posts section. Also this information is available in My Account->Subscription section along with other subscription settings.

And yes! There is nothing very much new in this two features - we just separated the subscription and bookmarks services to let you bookmark and not subscribe and vice/versa.

3. Read more 

This is a link in the end of teaser of every post on main which indicates that there is more to read inside the post. Sometimes it wasn't evident that there is a huge article inside after "Hi, Community!" phrase.  Here is how it looks like:

4. Better Subscriptions for groups and tags

If you open any group or tag now you can see the small envelope icon in the top right corner. The figure on the left indicates how many people already subscribed for the group/tag. E.g. here is InterSystems IRIS group:

Click on it to subscribe/unsubscribe to the posts of the group or tag. Subscription to groups and tags is not very popular feature, but we hope you'll use it more in your favour now.

5. Articles, Announcements, Questions

We introduced special filters on main for Articles, Announcements, Questions feeds only, if you want to filter it in that way. You can find it in the panel of filters as shown below:

6. Better InterSystems Resources visibility

This is a cosmetic change, which separates DC related links and InterSystems Resources for developers in separate sections to make it more visible and convenient, which you can find on the right of every page:

Thanks for your contribution with issues and discussions on new enhancements to DC. 

June project is closed, July is open and you are welcome to introduce new feature requests and take part in discussions!

Stay tuned!

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