· Nov 9, 2017
Detecting and managing failover

I have Ensemble/Healthshare running in a production environment which is setup with a mirror failover and an arbiter sitting between them.

In the event of a failover we have a number of connections that need stopping/monitoring and starting in a certain order.

Is there a programmatic way we can detect the failover and stop certain services and operations immediately and then start them up again in the required order, checking their connection state before starting the next connection.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,830 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hello All,

what is the best method for search a portion of text in a non-indexed global?

I need to implement an autocomplete kind of search, in a global of >1M registers (text type, not $lb)

Maybe the best way would be use a SQL mapped class, with 'Bitmap' indexes?

Thanks in advance!

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Sorry for my epic english :(

I have a strange issue.

I have generated an encryption key with the tool (UI.Portal.EncryptionCreate.zen).

Then I activate my key for data encryption (UI.Portal.EncryptionManaged) and encryption work fine.

But when I reboot my server the key is removed from the data encryption key list (UI.Portal.EncryptionManaged) and I have to re-activate the key.

Perhaps somebody have an idee ?

Cache version : Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.2.2 (Build 853U)

Windows: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

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A request came from a customer to estimate how long it would take to encrypt a database with cvencrypt utility.

This question is a little bit like how long is a piece of string — it depends. But its an interesting question. The answer primarily depends on the performance of CPU and storage on the target platform the customer is using, so the answer is more about coming up with a simple methodology that can be used to benchmark the CPU and storage while running cvencrypt.

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So this may sound trivial, but I'm seeing conflicting information on this topic and hoping to get clarification.

According to Enslib.HL7.Message class definition, the maxlength of RawContent is 10,000 characters. So when using encoding like UTF-8, that is 10KB. When using Unicode, that should then be 20KB.

But then also coming across some forums and documents where 32KB is maximum size before HL7 fields are truncated.

What is the sure way to determine and modify an interface's maximum supported message size?

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Hi all, This is a bit embarrassing, and not that critical. I have a local instance of Caché 2016 on my computer, for playing around with. I was attempting to set up two-factor authentication on this instance, and I thought I simply disabled all users except for my own user and enabled two-factor for this user. The next time I tried to login to the Management portal, I received a Server Availability Error:


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· Nov 6, 2017
Looping through a DTL

I have a DTL that reads an xml file and I want transform that to a list of objects but I have a problem looping through my xml as when I try I get the first instance on the xml not the whole XML being transformed. here is my example. Here is the output



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Hi Developer community

Does anyone know where the custom message filters for the message browser live? You can load and save by name and existing filters appear in a list. I want to export them from an existing production and import then into a new one.

Thanks in advance


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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : goto to article

The input in today's challenge consists of an encrypted name, a dash, a sectorID, a dash and a checksum between brackets.
A name is real if the checksum is equal to the five most common letters in the encypted name.

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0 422

This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : goto to article

The challenge of day 5 is to calculate a password of 8 characters by finding the MD5 hash of the input and an increasing integer index.
The password is constructed by taking the 6th character of the first 8 hashes that start with 5 zeroes (in hex representation).

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0 391

Hi, team

i configure my authorization server and client and i want define access rights for different users , how can i do it?

knowing that we have our own database with different users ID and access privilege ?

is there any one who can help us? thank's

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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

The challenge of today has nothing to do with real two-factor authentication ! (sorry if you came to this article by searching the real thing)

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0 252

So we are still fairly new to the ensemble app and getting set up. I have 3 seperate batch record file services that pull in files and send to 3 seperate processes. there is no real rules other than an when condition=1 use this said DTL and send to operation. all 3 of these routers use different DTL's as they are seperate files but all go to the same operation. for some reason i am seeing the files sit in the Process and say Delivered. 2 of the three process after up to 10-15 mins of sitting and the third gets an error i am very unfamiliar with, so this post is two-fold.

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· Nov 7, 2017
Custom Schema


Please excuse my rather limited knowledge of HL7.

In Ensemble, I have a HL7 message that contains several Z segments. I have created a custom schema to represent the new Z segments along with the new DocType Structure and Message Structure

How does Ensemble/Health Connect know which custom schema to use? I believe it has to be indicated in the MSH segment somewhere, but not sure where exactly that would be. Is the version simply updated with the new schema name or is there some other field?



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Hi, Community!

If you want to become an Atelier power user for back end development, this video is exactly for you:

Atelier for Server-Side Development
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Hi Community. I have a vendor sending us X12 837 claims, they are sending a mixture of 4010 and 5010 formatted claims. Is there a way I can examine the file contents and determine the message format and route to two separate folders based on format (4010 vs 5010). I've tried setting up a record map, stream container and vdoc services and processes with no luck. Any help would be appreciated.

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I am a newbie to Cache and we are using dBeaver product to query against Cache tables.
I have the following query which does a GROUP BY to aggregate the columns:

SELECT PtNumber,cpt4_OVR,CollDateODBC, COUNT(*)
FROM site.MGBILL_View 
  WHERE cpt4_OVR IN ('36415', '36416')
     --AND ChargeFlags = '0'
  GROUP BY PtNumber,cpt4_OVR, CollDateODBC
  HAVING count(*) > 2

-This returns a count of 3 for each patient (aggregated)

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Hi I've created a word macro in order to convert doc to txt via the command line, this works fine via the command line by myself or another user but when I try as an the intersystems user which runs under LocalSystem it doesn't work.

So can I change the user, or set the $ZF to run as a different user?

Or do I have to try another way to convert doc to txt - it's looking like libreOffice?

I just wanted to stick with word because I could be guaranteed on the result being accurate.




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If you want to dynamically serve images as a property of JSON then there is no perfect encoding solution. One method used frequently is to Base64 encode the image. Whilst there are some negatives to doing this, such as data inflation, there are some positives to working with Base64 images inside the browser.

Let's say you have an image placeholder on a web page...

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1 1.8K

I have an Ensemble installation with an FTP business operation which I would like to connect to a server over SSL in explicit mode (see also: I keep running into timeouts while attempting to do this via Ensemble. Does Ensemble actually support SSL in explicit mode??? Because I can't seem to find any setting where to switch it on.

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