· Jun 19, 2019

How to earn points on InterSystems Global Masters Advocate Hub

It’s no secret that the InterSystems Global Masters program is integrated with Developer Community, Open Exchange, and Ideas Portal. Whenever you contribute to any of these platforms, you automatically earn points and badges on Global Masters

We’ve created a short guide to help you discover the best ways to earn points on Global Masters:


Each published post on Developer Community

Published post on DC ES / PT / JP / CN / FR


1st Comment on DC / Each comment*

Comment on DC ES / PT / JP / CN / FR

300 / 30


1st answer marked as Accepted / Each accepted answer

1 000 / 150

Translate an article / a question

150 / 30

Publish 1 / 5 / 10 / 25 / 50 articles on DC

1 500 / 7 500 / 15 000 / 40 000 / 75 000

Publish 1 / 5 / 10 / 25 / 50 questions on DC

500 / 2 000 / 5 000 / 15 000 / 30 000

Each application on Open Exchange
Bonus points for each ZPM application
Publish 1 / 5 / 10 / 25 applications on Open Exchange


1 000 / 10 000 / 25 000 / 75 000

1 /  5 / 10 / 25 / 50 Accepted Answers on DC

1 000 / 4 000 / 8 000 / 20 000 / 40 000

Bonus points for each your DC post gathered 750+ / 2000+ / 5000+ / 15000+ views

200 / 500 / 1000 / 3000

Read an article on DC
Watch the video
Share an article / video in Social Networks


Write 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Articles with Best Practices tag

1000 / 3000 / 7000 / 10 000 / 15 000

50 / 100 / 250 / 500 / 1000 application's downloads on Open Exchange

2 500 / 5 000 / 7 500 / 12 500 / 25 000

Make a review for InterSystems / InterSystems products

2 000 - 3 000

Invite your colleague to Developer Community


    Create a video about your OEX application  3000   

*counted only comments that were published after registration on the Global Masters Advocate Hub.


Complete challenges, get badges and climb up the levels: Insider > Advocate > Specialist > Expert >Ambassador> Legend.*
*Please note the level system is not available on a new Global Masters platform starting from April 2024. We are working on bringing it back!

The higher level you are, the more interesting prizes available!


Please check the additional information about Global Masters:

If you have not joined InterSystems Global Masters Advocacy Hub yet, let's get started right now! yes

Feel free to ask your questions in the comments to this post.

Discussion (30)11
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Are these automated in any way? Wondering if mine is bugged because I've certainly posted questions and comments before but those badges were never unlocked. Their descriptions below say "first" question/comment and I don't know if mine are being detected:

This was more to figure out the proper way to do this in order for tracking for the badge, etc on the G.M. platform.  It makes sense that it needs to originate in a challenge (and than you to Olga for pointing that out).

I don't think that just having a form on the D.C. to invite a friend necessarily makes sense, as anyone can just shoot a friend an email with the link.  If others would like to see this as a new feature I won't object though.