Making a blog using Python + IRIS Globals

Since I started to use internet (late 90's), I always had a CMS (content management system) present to make easier post
any information in a blog, social media or even an enterprise page. And later years putting all my code into github I
used to document it on a markdown file. Observing how easy could be persisting data into Intersystems IRIS with the
Native API I decided to make this application and force myself to forget a little of SQL and stay open to key-value database

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,069 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Just starting to use Atelier and having problems with making server connections. I have tried both the super server port and the web server port and both fail with either Unexpected end of file from server (Secure connection disabled) or PKIX path building failed (Secure connection enabled). On a different server I get Connection refused: check the web server configuration.

Anyone run into this before?

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Hello, I am trying to write a script that will output a .log file. When I get PowerShell to parse the file with Get-Content, I find that there are extra spaces in the parsing. How can I edit my Intersystems script to output a logfile encoded differently? I think its outputting in unicode by default.

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Routing acks from one operation to another:

I was working on a scenario in which I wanted the acks and/nacks received from one downstream system to another interface which is not the source of the original message. Is there a way to achieve this scenario?

The reason being there's a separate interface handling the acks and will be used to manage the errors.

Thank you for the help!

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· May 10, 2018
2015.2.2 .json format

Is it possible to produce a .json format using Ensemble 2015.2.2? Not sure what the trigger will be as of yet, but we have our local Department of Health trying to develop a reporting piece using .json.

Not sure how this will work with our Ensemble instance not being in the DMZ to send outside our network, but I thought I would ask anyway to see if it is possible.


Scott Roth

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Hi Community,

Whenever I insert a decimal value with trailing zero(ex:12.0000) value in my JSON object dynamically through %Set method. It truncates the trailing zeros. However If I use literal constructors { } It working as expected. So, In my case the JSON will be generated dynamically. I can't go with "Curly Bracket { } " and the JSON schema not string as well.
Is there any way to fix this?

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We have this challenge at our site. When we first designed it many years ago, we decided that the best way to store files was with a unique identifier, which matched one of the fields in the corresponding record. For example, if the unique identifier was a nine-digit field (such as a SSN), we'd save a file as nnnnnnnnn.ext, where nnnnnnnnn is the nine-digit number, and ext is the file extension. If we needed a change to the file, we'd file as nnnnnnnnn_hdate.ext, where hdate is the horolog date.

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The Eclipse environment persists perspective data to enable layout customization and other features. Sometimes when this data becomes out of date, Eclipse fails to clear references to it. For example, upgrading a plug-in can leave behind data about an earlier version of that plug-in. This mechanism applies to all Eclipse plug-ins and is not unique to the Atelier plug-in.

In light of this: You may find that after upgrading from Atelier 1.1 to 1.2, your Atelier perspective looks something like:

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· Aug 16, 2023
Web client from SOAP Service

I created a web service and used the Studio SOAP Wizard to generate a client from the WSDL file of the service. But the client is throwing the error as shown below

WebServiceClientClass '' could not be instantiated, or the WebServiceURL Location could not be determined

What have I missed?

Is there a better way to create a client?

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InterSystems SAM is a great tool to monitor your InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS For Health clusters on prem or in a cloud environment. This article describes how you can implement a customized alert handler. This is currently an undocumented and most likely an unknown feature of InterSystems SAM. With future releases it will be probably made easier to leverage this useful concept.

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Trying to write multiple records to a file via Record Mapper from a single inbound DFT transaction with multiple FT1 segments. DTL with HL7 DFT inbound and Record Mapper outbound checks field values in both FT1 segment and PV1 segment within a "foreach" loop, and if criteria are met for a particular FT1 then the target fields in the record map are set with values from multiple segments (MSH, PID, PV1, and FT1). Currently in this setup, only the last qualifying FT1 segment's fields will write to the file (if there is more than one qualifying FT1 segment)....How can I set it up so that a ne

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I'm attempting a first-time installation of IRIS for Health on my home Mac for eval purposes. I want to be able to install IRIS and Ensemble. I downloaded the package but it doesn't come with instructions, and I'm running into issues. Is there a straightforward install instruction set online, or does anyone have one you can pass along?

Thanks, Jim Winski

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When I delete a class package, it seems to delete it from my workspace but the delete action is not synchronized with the server. Is there a way to delete this package both locally and on the connected server within Atelier?

#UPDATE - Added product version information
Atelier version: 1.2.118 (Beta)
Caché $ZV: Cache for UNIX (IBM AIX for System Power System-64) 2017.2 (Build 744) Fri Sep 29 2017 11:04:53 EDT

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Hey Developers,

This August, you've posted 90 new questions on the Developer Community:


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Hi everyone,

I am still learning the platform for a student project and have to do some streaming and data analysis next. Since for my case I have no "live api" I wanted to just stream json files and output the data as it comes in from the files. (basically to emulate a incoming data scenario)

So thanks to the documentation and community posts I have figured how to create a stream and read data from a JSON but since I'm also new to JSON I have some parsing problems. I don't know how to access subarrays/sub-objects via objectscript.

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1 2.5K

Hi I am getting below error in xDBC error log

: Dispatch+14^%SYS.BINDSRV ServerLoop

When I check the detail of error I am getting below information. Please suggest as our schedule job getting failed due to same error.

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Hi Community!

In this post, you will find info about the Levels of the Developer Community & InterSystems Global Masters Advocate Hub.

All Global Masters members (Advocates) can achieve various levels of advocacy which depends on contributions Developer Community and activity in Global Masters.

Every new level opens new types of challenges/tasks and new types of rewards.

To level up, you should earn a number of badges from the next level. Badges can be earned for completing various challenges at the Global Master.

Now there are 6 Levels:

1. Insider (you start here)
2. Advocate
3. Specialist
4. Expert
5. Ambassador
6. Legend

➡️ Place the mouse cursor over the badge to see how to earn it.

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1 1.7K

IMPORTANT NOTE InterSystems no longer provides a separate InterSystems Reports Server container. To run containerized InterSystems Reports Server, use Logi Reports Server container and your InterSystems Reports Server license. Documentation.

InterSystems Reports is powered by Logi Report (formerly named JReport), a product of Logi Analytics. InterSystems Reports is supported by InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health. It provides a robust modern reporting solution that includes:

  • Embedded operational reporting which can be customized by both report developers and end users.
  • Pixel-perfect formatting that lets you develop highly specific form grids or other special layout elements for invoices, documents, and forms.
  • Banded layouts that provide structure for aggregated and detailed data.
  • Exact positioning of headers, footers, aggregations, detailed data, images, and sub-reports.
  • A variety of page report types.
  • Large-scale dynamic report scheduling and distribution including export to PDF, XLS, HTML, XML, and other file formats, printing, and archiving for regulatory compliance.

InterSystems Reports consists of:

  • A report designer, which provides Design and Preview Tabs that enable report developers to create and preview reports with live data.
  • A report server which provides end users browser-based access to run, schedule, filter, and modify reports.

From InterSystems documentation.

This article focuses on the Server part of InterSystems Reports and provides a guide on running Report Server in containers while persisting all the data.

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is it possible to avoid the display of certain properties in a custom message class in the message viewer content section. The message class is a common Ens.Request with a bunch of properties alongside one property of Type enslib.dicom.document wich in Turn is Not extended By %XML.Adaptor so the content display of course displays an error.

My idea is to avoid the display of That certain property When output is rendered (Text/XML). Using Ens.Util.MessageBodyMethods and method %OnShowContents could be a way to do this But i don‘t find a way to do so.

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· Sep 28, 2023
Dynamic Rendered Connections


I'm trying to configure a specific process which dynamically sends messages to different endpoints based on datalookup keys, I've configured this aspect. What I'd like is to be able to visually see these connections without hardcoding them so is there a way to dynamically link them, i'll share what I tried below.


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· Sep 13, 2018
Purge Task History manually


I've read into console.log that there is some problems writing the global Task History

09/13/18-09:33:00:109 (9052) 0 Error al escribir en global de historial de tareas - Error (ERROR #5002: Error de cache: <DATABASE>%SaveData+20^%SYS.Task.History.1 ^SYS("Task","HistoryD",66179),c:\intersystems\healthshare\mgr\)

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I have a ZEN PDF report that prints headers and footers with images correctly but when I try to embed an image into a table it does not print.

Are there examples snippets where a fully url qualified image can be embedded within the <table><item><img> tags?

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Healthcare interoperability is instrumental in improving patient care, decreasing healthcare provider costs, and providing a more accurate picture to providers. However, with so many different systems, data is formatted in many different ways. There are many standards that have been created to try to solve this problem, including HL7v2, HL7v3, and CDA but each one has its drawbacks.

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Hi community members!

Recently a customer ask me about a problem that detected when they were trying to send a post call to an external HTTP service, this service has changed and now it redirects to another URL, so they have setted to true the FollowRedirect parameter (setted to false for POST calls by default), what is the problem? They are sending a custom header in the post call and after the redirection this value is deleted.

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