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· Nov 7, 2022
Stream Compression

Does anyone have insight into how the Stream Global Compression works in 2022? I'm particularly interested in the XDSb repository on the Edges. As I understand it anything new will be compressed. Is there a compression method that is used that can be utilized by other code? How are the retrievals aware that the contents are compressed in order to de-compress them?

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Hi Team ,

Can I please check if anyone has encountered SOAP authentication error when trying to submit a certificate signing request or when trying to get certificate .

I configured a local CA server without SMTP configuration and I configured a local CA client. These steps worked okay.

Then I tried to Submit Certificate Signing Request to Certificate Authority server and I am getting the following error :

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The last days I've work with the great new feature: LOAD DATA With this post I would like to share my first experiences with you. The following points do not contain any order or other evaluation. These are only things that I noticed when using the LOAD DATA command. It should also be noted that these points are based on the IRIS Version 2021.2.0.617 which is a preview release. So it may be that my observations do not apply to newer IRIS versions.

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InterSystems Official
· Dec 16, 2022 1m read
How do I apply for the NoPWS Early Access Program (EAP)?

Early Access Program (EAP) is a way to to deliver specific features early to a group of people who will test and provide feedback on that feature.

One of those EAPs is about the the discontinuation of the Apache web server installation (a.k.a. NoPWS) from IRIS product installers. If you're interested in this topic and want to test it, the way to register is to send an email to Use this same email for any other feedback.

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· Nov 14, 2022
SSL Configuration for Gmail

Hi Community,

I am configuring new SSL Configuration for Gmail (For sending errors to gmail in ensemble production) by following the below steps.


Step2:Giving the server address

Step3:Giving the port number , I have tried giving 465,587,25 as port number still is not connecting

Can anyone please tell me where i am doing wrong on configuration?



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Python has become the most used programming language in the world (source: and SQL continues to lead the way as a database language. Wouldn't it be great for Python and SQL to work together to deliver new functionality that SQL alone cannot? After all, Python has more than 380,000 published libraries (source: with very interesting capabilities to extend your SQL queries within Python.

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We are upgrading from Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS Health Connect 2022.1, and one thing that we are particularly hesitant about is if our Business Rules will work in the new version.

I am trying to come up with a testing process for bulk testing our rules, and wanted to know if this could be done programmatically instead of having to modify all the Business Operations to have them write the HL7 data to a file. I caught Orlando Health's presentation at GS2022 but I am not sure that will work for my team.

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Hi All,

Hopefully someone can help me with this case. I need to encrypt a text(querystring) with an AES265 encryption. An other vendor is decrypting this information. I have a working class in C#. I've tried to build the same in Objectscript for the encrypt part but there's a missing link somewhere. What's the difference between the C# and Objectscript implementation?

Objectscript code (until now):

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In the previous article, we've discussed the origin of the standard HL7v2, the structure and the types of messages. Let's now look at one of the most used types of messages and an example of its structure. I'm talking about ADT.

HL7 ADT messages (Admit, Discharge, Transfer) are used to communicate basic patient information, visit information and patient state at a healthcare facility. ADT messages are one of the most widely-used and high volume HL7 message types, as it provides information for many trigger events including patient admissions, registrations, cancellations, updates, discharges, patient data merges, etc.

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HI ! I'm working on a caché upgrade to IRIS.

in some abstration cls classes, to get a property was used $METHOD(..Obj, propertyName_"Get").
On Caché 2018, had as a return property value, if the property does not exists, an exception of type <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST> throwed

Now, on IRIS 2022.1, will always be throwed an exception of type "<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>".

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My team works on implementing an Interoperability solution utilizing InterSystems Kubernetes Operator on Red Hat OpenShift container platform.

We are trying to determine how many messages we can process in any given time. We have a Feeder app running in 10 containers sending 50k messages each to a load balancer all beginning at the same time.

Messages are received via HTTPS protocol by webgateway containers.

Interoperability production runs in compute pods with persistent data, journals, and WIJ volumes.

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InterSystems announces another developer preview release, as part of the developer preview program for the 2022.3. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2022.3 and there are also brand new capabilities, such as the new FHIR SQL Builder, improvements for Columnar Storage, and support to Oracle Linux 9. Some of these features or improvements may not be available in this current developer preview.

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I am familiar with $TEXT which can get you any line in the current routine provided you know the offset. For example, $T(+1) will get you the first line of the current routine at the run time. In the same vein, how do I reference the current line number/offset at the run time? Something like $T(+$CURRENTLINENUMBER) where $CURRENTLINENUMBER is not yet known to me function. The sample below would write 3 as the line number.

S A=1

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· Dec 6, 2022 3m read


This is a demo of the OCR functionality of the pero-ocr library.

It used in the iris application server in python.


This is an example of input data :


This is the result of the OCR :

In this example you have the following information:

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