I am using SQL Outbound adapter and inserting a HL 7 Message by executing a stored procedure and getting an error

ERROR #6022: Gateway failed: Execute.
ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: SQLState: (22001) NativeError: [0] Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation

The reason i found is that segment delimiter is causing an issue and following is sample code

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The company I work for has one software application that uses an IRIS database, with almost all the others using SQL databases.

On a SQL database, we can create local tables and create views. These are invaluable when it comes to reporting, and everyone here is quite up to speed with using SSMS to create functions, stored procedures, etc.

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I need support for my case!!
I have 18 GB health care cache Database i face delay with filter and transmit data around 20 - 45 Minutes, I need solution to fixed my issue.

I did Rebuild indexes & Tune Table .


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At the moment I am trying to write a documentation file for a project and intend to use LaTeX for it.
Has anyone already had experience with this? I haven't found syntax highlighting with the LaTeX packages I know yet.
I found a request on Pygment but it was from 2016 and there was no reply on it since then.

Does anyone know a simple way for syntax highlighting COS in LaTeX?
Thanks for your input!


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0 475

I have the object query:

s Rset=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%SYSTEM.License.UserListAll")

I can loop through that query and it generates the report information that I need.

I have a Python process where I use the intersys import to connect to the Cache instance. But I have been unable to determine the correct syntax in Python for this query. Being that 'UserListAll' is a query I attempted to user:

res = <query>.prepare("select * from %SYSTEM.License_UserListAll")

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0 315
· Mar 24, 2022
generate random password


I need to create strong random password including letters and integers. Does Cache Object Script has methods to generate password or I have to create my own method ?

0 6
0 501
· Mar 24, 2022
Insert Row by enforcing ID

Hi Guys,

Can I insert a new row and enforcing my own ID not the default id increment?

&sql(INSERT INTO Sample.Person
VALUES ('205','Swift,Jonathan','111-22-3333'))

IF (SQLCODE = 0) {
Write "New Person inserted with ID: ", %ROWID,!
{WRITE !,"SQLCODE=",SQLCODE," ",%msg }

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0 300
· Mar 18, 2022
HL7 in general business rules

I'm trying to create a general business rule, not an HL7 message router. (This is because i want to return values from the rules and message routing rules don't appear to be able to return values.) But, I want the business rules to be able to look at HL7 messages; I've copied a simple when condition from an HL7 message router but the error log throws up <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST> ...... *HL7

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0 507

The task Mirror Monitor Launch Task recently failed and is placed in Suspend leave. Although it says USER it is not known as a task for us.

The code runs is HSSYS which is not our main system or namespace for production items.

The task name is HS.Util.Mirror.Task runs

If $system.Mirror.IsMember() Do ##class(HS.Util.MirrorMonitorAgent).StartAgent() and just says the description

/// This is the task definition that Launches the mirror monitor on any mirrored instance

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0 312


Are we correct to assume that the IKO topology only allows for the use of one 'data' node type, and one 'compute' node type? So if we want to use several different iris based compute nodes (or data nodes) we have to apply several yaml files? So the following topology config is not possible:

image: dvza.healthexchange.nl/mmres:0.1
image: dvza.healthexchange.nl/mmauth:0.1
image: dvza.healthexchange.nl/somethingelsethatisbasedonirisimage:0.1

Thanks in advance.

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0 251

I have developed a process that pulls data elements from a cache instance using the tools provided with the "intersys.pythonbind3" import. This is a windows box. After validating the process, the next step is to install the process on a site (Windows) that does not have an installed version of cache and access the cache instance remotely. But, since intersys.pythonbind3 is part of the cache install, I am not sure what to do to allow this process to function because of the missing import.

0 1
0 371
· Mar 22, 2022
Cache 2007 x64 / x86

First of all, I apologize if I got the topic wrong.
But I'm also looking for the 2007 cache version for Windows x86 / x64.
If anyone else has it, or can help me.

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0 264
· Mar 22, 2022
Time handling and Json

I am having trouble formatting %Time to a JSON format. I have tried configuring the parameter "FORMAT" of my property but that didn't work. For some reason, it keeps putting a Z and the end of the time.


Property TimeCollected As %Time(FORMAT = "2");

0 2
0 201
· Mar 18, 2022
EnsLib.HL7.Message Querying

We are trying to track down the source of Orphaned messages and noticed that we are unable to query EnsLib.HL7.Message with any kind of WHERE or ORDER BY clauses in our SQL statement.

I know EnsLib.HL7.Message is a system table, but is there a way we can add additional Indexes to the table to make the query run better/faster without affecting the system?

0 4
0 531

Hi everyone,

Does anyone have any experience / examples of converting an .rtf file into an HL7 message (ORU^R01). My example is a histology report which is placed on a server to pick up and then convert if possible for downstream systems who receive HL7.

Struggling to find any sort of examples or even whether its feasible at this stage - there are certainly better knowledged people on here than me so thought id ask.

With thanks


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0 527
· Mar 10, 2022
Visual Studio Code Development

Please, I am having trouble connecting to one of several Health Share servers using ISC's Visual Studio Code add-on.

Installation seemed to go smoothly. I have InterSystems's Studio and was able to automatically pull in my existing connections. However when I try to make a connection it fails.

Here is a configuration of one connection slightly edited for security:

"xxxx-hsiecommon-base": {

"description": "This has been created by the CCR system export.",

"username": "therock",

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