· Mar 14, 2018

Error When Inserting a HL 7 Message into SQL Database

I am using SQL Outbound adapter and inserting a HL 7 Message by executing a stored procedure and getting an error 

ERROR #6022: Gateway failed: Execute.
ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: SQLState: (22001) NativeError: [0] Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]String data, right truncation

The reason i found is that segment delimiter is causing an issue and following is sample code 

Method AddMessage(pRequest As EnsLib.HL7.Message, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
    Set tQuery="{call dbo.HL7Message_Insert(?,?,?) }"
    Set params = 3
      set params(1)= "XYZ"
     set params(1,"SqlType") = 12
    set params(2)= pRequest.RawContent
     set params(2,"SqlType") = 12
    set params(3) = ""
      set params(3, "SqlType") = 12
      set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(.tRTs,.tOutParms,tQuery,"iio",.params)
      return tSC

My understanding is that the segment delimiter is causing the issue as it is truncating the message which is causing the issue, i tried to insert only the Message header and it works -- so no issue with stored procedure or connecting to database, similarly i removed delimiter between message header and PID segment and removed other segments from message and it inserts the message.

Any help to resolve this will be greatly appreciated.

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I have always called it the other way around with the outbound before the I in the Execute Procedure Parm Array.

Method InsertProviderDivisionSp(pRequest As osuwmc.CPD.DataStructures.InsertProviderDivision, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
set SPQuery = "{ ?= call usp_Interfaces_Insert_ProviderDivision_Ens(?,?,?,?) }"
set par = 4
set par(1) = pRequest.DoctorNumber
set par(2) = pRequest.Division
set par(3) = pRequest.UpdatedBy
set par(4) = pRequest.OrderBy

set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(.InsertDivision,.outputs,SPQuery,"oiiii",.par)

if 'tSC write " failed ",tSC 
quit tSC

or you can call it like...

Method InsertProviderPreference(pRequest As osuwmc.CPD.DataStructures.InsertPreferences, Output pResponse As Ens.Response) As %Status
set SPQuery = "{ ?= call usp_Interfaces_Insert_ProviderPreference(?,?,?,?,?) }"

set parm = 6
set parm(1,"SqlType")=$$$SQLVARCHAR
set parm(1,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMOUTPUT

set parm(2) = pRequest.DoctorNumber
set parm(2,"SqlType")=$$$SQLVARCHAR
set parm(2,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMINPUT

set parm(3) = pRequest.Preference
set parm(3,"SqlType")=$$$SQLNUMERIC
set parm(3,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMINPUT

set parm(4) = pRequest.PreferenceValue
set parm(4,"SqlType")=$$$SQLNUMERIC
set parm(4,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMINPUT

set parm(5) = pRequest.PreferenceDesc
set parm(5,"SqlType")=$$$SQLVARCHAR
set parm(5,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMINPUT

set parm(6) = pRequest.UpdatedBy
set parm(6,"SqlType")=$$$SQLVARCHAR
set parm(6,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMINPUT

set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(.InsertPreference,.outputs,SPQuery,"oiiiii",.parm)

if 'tSC write "Failed",tSC
quit tSC

Hi there,

I'm trying to insert HL7 messages into a DB using the Stored Procedure. 

Stored procedure contains two parameter - 1 input (for HL7  raw content) , 1 input/output parameter. 

Execute SPROC as -   EXEC sp_insertMessage @message, @result = @output OUTPUT;

Below code is not inserting the message as required. Not sure how to define the input/output parameter

               set arrParam = 2
               //for input and output parameter
               set arrParam(1,"IOType") = 2
               set arrParam(1,"SqlType") = $$$SqlLongVarchar
               //for input parameter
               set arrParam(2)= Message
               set arrParam(2,"SqlType") = $$$SqlLongVarchar
               set arrParam(2,"CType") = $$$SqlWChar
               set arrParam(2,"IOType") = 1
               set arrParam(2,"Prec") = 8000
               set arrParam(2,"LOB") = 1
               set arrParam(2,"UseLOBLen")= 1
               set arrParam(2,"SqlTypeName") = "TEXT"    

  Set tQuery="{?=call dbo.sp_insertMessage(?,?) }"
   Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(,.tOutParams,tQuery,"bi",.arrParam)

Thank you.

If the Stored Procedure is just returning a RETURN statement then you should not need to define it in tQuery. So I am imagining that it would look something like this... If you are returning something other than just the RETURN statement from the Stored Procedure it will be a little different.

               set arrParam = 2
               //for input and output parameter
               set arrParam(1,"IOType") = 2
               set arrParam(1,"SqlType") = $$$SqlLongVarchar
               //for input parameter
               set arrParam(2)= Message
               set arrParam(2,"SqlType") = $$$SqlLongVarchar
               set arrParam(2,"CType") = $$$SqlWChar
               set arrParam(2,"IOType") = 1
               set arrParam(2,"Prec") = 8000
               set arrParam(2,"LOB") = 1
               set arrParam(2,"UseLOBLen")= 1
               set arrParam(2,"SqlTypeName") = "TEXT"    

  Set tQuery="{?=call dbo.sp_insertMessage(?) }"
   Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(.InsertMessage,.tOutParams,tQuery,"oi",.arrParam)

Hi Scott,

Thanks for your reply. 

The stored procedure doesn't have any return value. Instead it has a Input/Output Parameter (IO type -2). So As you said, I would like to return the OUTPUT value from the stored procedure. Below code is inserting the HL7 message into the DB. But I want to know how do I capture the output value returned by the SPROC.

//Two parameters, one input and one input/output
               set arrParam = 2
               //define input parameter
               set arrParam(1)= HL7Message
               set arrParam(1,"SqlType") = $$$SqlLongVarchar
              set arrParam(1,"CType") = $$$SqlWChar
               set arrParam(1,"Prec") = 8000
               set arrParam(1,"LOB") = 1
               set arrParam(1,"UseLOBLen")= 1
               set arrParam(1,"SqlTypeName") = "TEXT"
               //define input/output parameter
               set arrParam(2) = ""
               set params(2, "SqlType") = $$$SqlLongVarchar
             //define the query without return value syntax. No return value defined in SP
             Set tQuery="{call dbo.sp_insertMessage(?,?) }"
         Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(,.tOutParams,tQuery,"ib",.arrParam)    $$$TRACE(tSC)
   //Here I would like to get the Stored procedure's output value - NOT WORKING currently
      set sOut = tOutParams.GetNext(.key)
   $$$TRACE("output " _sOut)
   if 'tSC write " failed ",tSC 
   quit tSC

I am not sure I am following what you are trying to do. In my experience with calling stored procs from an external SQL database, I have always returned a RETURN value to tell me if the procedure executed successfully.

I have done a few cases that MS SQL Server assigned a Identity value after the stored procedure executed. In that case I define the output as Output pResponse As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot within the Method definition, then I will return/loop through the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot within the Business Process to get the value I need.

Method FetchHospitalEntityKSp(pRequest As osuwmc.CPD.DataStructures.FetchHospitalEntityK, Output pResponse As EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot) As %Status


    set SPQuery = "{ ?= call CPD.dbo.usp_Interfaces_Fetch_HospitalEntityK_Ens(?) }"


    s parm=2

    s parm(1,"SqlType")=$$$SQLVARCHAR

    s parm(1,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMOUTPUT


    s parm(2)=pRequest.Entity

    s parm(2,"SqlType")=$$$SQLVARCHAR

    s parm(2,"IOTypes")=$$$SQLPARAMINPUT


    set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(.FetchEntities,.outputs,SPQuery,"oi",.parm)


    if tSC = 1


        set pResponse = FetchEntities.GetAt(1)



    quit tSC


No, tOutParams  returns null because I'm passing null value during the input/output parameter definition. So it is just returning the initial value. Somehow I need to define this parameter to grab the SP output value.

Stored Procedure - EXEC sp_insertMessage @message, @result = @output OUTPUT;  

     //define input/output parameter
               set arrParam(2) = ""
               set params(2, "SqlType") = $$$SqlLongVarchar
             //define the query without return value syntax. No return value defined in SP
             Set tQuery="{call dbo.sp_insertMessage(?,?) }"
         Set tSC = ..Adapter.ExecuteProcedureParmArray(,.tOutParams,tQuery,"ib",.arrParam)    $$$TRACE(tSC)
   //Here I would like to get the Stored procedure's output value - NOT WORKING currently
      set sOut tOutParams.GetNext(.key)
   $$$TRACE("output " _sOut)