InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,189 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

We have a program set up in the HealthShare Facility Registry. And we have some patients enrolled into this program. In the HealthShare Registry management, we set up following consent policy for this facility (we call it program), Default Block Except: Block data except for the groups specified below, unless overridden by patient. There is no program in the Selected Programs so the consent should be applied to everybody.

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· Nov 17, 2017
Token Generate Method

Hi community ,

i develop my LogUser Method on my rest API , the scenario is as follow :

when user enter his login & password , i check first in my table if he exists (this stape is done), now i want know how generate acces token from authorization server , i've as idea to call the "%OAuth2.Server.Generate" which is implemented on the configuration party (we find the correspondint attached screenshot ), but i don't know if i'm sure , we find here the developped method:

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I've written several custom classes to add additional search capabilities to the user / clinician search defined in HS.UI.Registry.User.Find. I've tested it out, and it looks and works how I'd like it to, but I've run into a snag when trying to implement it.

The documentation for registering custom user interface pages shows a table of about 50 configuration registry keys for UI pages, but it only lists:

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I'm trying to connect to one of our Ensemble servers Cache database from a C#-windows form . I'm running the client from my local computer with OS win7. Using .NET FW ver 4.5.2 in the client.

ODBC local setup using "InterSystems ODBC35"

In this ODBC konfigurationview i can put my userID and password and try a testconnect (or ping). And that run successful.

However, we don't want to leave credentials in the ODBC-configuration it self (open up for anybody to use the source) but instead send it from the klients.

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I'm looking for guidance on how best to normalize Height and Weight values to standard units. For example, to accept height as Feet/Inches, Inches, and Centimeters from various sources, but always display Feet/Inches in Clinical Viewer, etc.

If anyone has done this before, please share details of how it was implemented. Things I'd be specifically interested in:

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Let's consider you would like to efficiently store your historical data in a similar structure than the one used for your current data, but without sharing the same physical storage (ie : not in the same global). What is the most efficient way to do it ?

Below a simple class of your current data :

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· Feb 22, 2022 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - Feb.2022

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only own YOUR package. The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review. It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
New with this edition:
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Creating Virtual Models with InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi developers!

As you probably noticed in IRIS 2021 the names of globals are random.

And if you create IRIS classes with DDL and want to be sure what global was created you probably would want to provide a name.

And indeed you can do it.

Use WITH %CLASSPARAMETER DEFAULTGLOBAL='^GLobalName' in CREATE Table to make it work. Documentation. See the example below:

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Hi Community,

This post is a introduction of my openexchange iris-python-apps application. Build by using Embedded Python and Python Flask Web Framework.
Application also demonstrates some of the Python functionalities like Data Science, Data Plotting, Data Visualization and QR Code generation.



  • Responsive bootstrap IRIS Dashboard

  • View dashboard details along with interoperability events log and messages.

  • Use of Python plotting from IRIS

  • Use of Jupyter Notebook

  • Introduction to Data Science, Data Plotting and Data Visualization.

  • QR Code generator from python.

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Hi Community, we continue to gather feedback about Data Loading & Packaging. In particular, we're interested in hearing your impressions on some of the new capabilities added with InterSystems IRIS 2021.2 We'll be using this feedback to improve InterSystems IRIS, so please feel free to share any details and feedback:

>> Link to the survey (14 questions, 5 min) <<

Note: this is the same survey we already published during the contest, on Global Masters and Discord. If you already participated, you don't have to do it again. Thank you for the feedback!

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Hey developers!

Sometimes we need to insert or refer to the data of classes directly in globals.

And maybe a lot of you expect that data structure of global with records is:


And this article is a heads up, that this is not always true, don't expect it as granted!

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