InterSystems FAQ rubric

If you want to run an OS executable file, command, or a program created within an InterSystems product when the InterSystems product starts, write the processing in the SYSTEM^%ZSTART routine. (The %ZSTART routine is created in the %SYS namespace).

Before you write any code in SYSTEM^%ZSTART, make sure that it works properly under all conditions.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To disable the timeout, set the query timeout to disabled in the DSN settings:

Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) > System DSN configuration

If you check Disable query timeout, the timeout will be disabled.

If you want to change it on the application side, you can set it at the ODBC API level.

Set the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT attribute when calling the ODBC SQLSetStmtAttr function before connecting to the data source.

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I came up with a challenge for myself to come up with a way to make a variable watch itself for a certain value and do something when it hits that value without having to check it every time something touches it. Basically, a way to say "if at any point during the execution of this code, if x = 0 (or whatever the condition is) do this thing." The class I ended up with watches a %Status:

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Hi developers!

Just want to share an old but always relevant best practice on namespaces changing @Dmitry Maslennikov shared with me (again).

Consider method:

classmethod DoSomethingInSYS() as %Status


set sc=$$$OK

set ns=$namespace

zn "%SYS"

// try-catch in case there will be an error

try {

// do something, e.g. config change


catch {}

 zn ns    ; returning back to the namespace we came in the routine

return sc


And with new $namespace the method could be rewritten as:

classmethod DoSomethingInSYS() as %Status


set sc=$$$OK

new $namespace

set $namespace="%SYS"

// do something

return sc


So! The difference is that we don't need to change the namespace manually as it will be back automatically once we return the method.

and we don't need try-catch (at least for this purpose) too.

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InterSystems IRIS family has a nice utility ^SystemPerformance (as known as ^pButtons in Caché and Ensemble) which outputs the database performance information into a readable HTML file. When you run ^SystemPerformance on IRIS for Windows, a HTML file is created where both our own performance log mgstat and Windows performance log are included.

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4 653

InterSystems FAQ rubric

If the journal file is too large to be searched or filtered using the Management Portal, you can refer to it using the following two methods.

① How to use the ^JRNDUMP utility
② How to reference it in a program

================================================== ==========

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· Sep 7, 2016 5m read
Running HealthShare XSLTs from Terminal

HealthShare uses a lot of XSLTs. These are used to convert IHE medical documents to SDA (internal HealthShare format) and back to IHE formats, to create summary reports, and to deal with IHE profiles (e.g., patient information query, document provide and register). Customers may customize the XSLTs to customize reports or for other reasons.

For debugging and development, it is very convenient to be able to run an XSLT from Terminal.

13 1
4 1.4K

InterSystems FAQ rubric

Record maps are used to efficiently map files containing delimited records or fixed-width records to message classes used by the interoperability function, and to map files from interoperability function message classes to text files.

Record map mapping definitions can be created using the Management Portal, and we also provide a CSV record wizard that allows you to define while reading a CSV file.

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Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a free source code editor made by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS. It provides built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js. You can add extensions to provide support for numerous other languages including ObjectScript.

The InterSystems extensions enable you to use VS Code to connect to an InterSystems IRIS server and develop code in ObjectScript. The Visual Studio Code Documentation is an excellent resource on VS Code, so it is a good idea to be familiar with it.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can use the %IndexBuilder class to perform index rebuilding using multiple processes.

Here is an example for the purpose of defining the standard index HomeStateIdx for the Home_State (state information of contact address) column of Sample.Person.

The steps are as follows:

1. Hide the index name to be added/rebuilt from the query optimizer.

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The objective of the article is to provide the reader with the following informations:

  • Configure and use the FHIR server
  • Create an OAuth2 Authorization Server
  • Bind the FHIR server to the OAuth2 Authorization Server for support of SMART on FHIR
  • Use the interoperability capabilities of IRIS for Health to filter FHIR resources
  • Create a custom operation on the FHIR server

Schema of the article:


8 3
6 363
· Feb 24 2m read
The bewitched line terminator

I want to address the nasty problems about reading a flat text in ASCII, UTF*
explicitly excluding HTML, EBCDIC, and other encoding.
According to Wikipedia there are at least 8 variations of control characters.

  • CR+LF is typical for Windows
  • LF is typical for the Linux/UNIX world
  • CR is Mac's favorite

As you can deduct from the names the inspiration comes from mechanical typewriters.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To remove InterSystems products installed on your Windows system, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel (in Windows 10, select Apps from Windows Settings).

Since we will be making changes to the system, you will need to log in as a user with administrator privileges.

1) Log in to the system as an administrator.

2) From the system tray, exit the launcher of the InterSystems product instance you want to uninstall (click launcher → exit).

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