· Jul 21, 2017
how to redirect IO

I get a third party routine which outputs some messages to standard output during execution.

Is it possible that I could direct the messages to other device so my terminal would never see this messages?


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Hi Devs!

For me, one of the most painful things about ObjectScript is ##class(Class).Method() typing to call a class method in code or in a terminal. I even submitted an idea to simplify it in ObjectScript.

But! There is a new feature in VSCode ObjectScript that was just introduced to the plugin - Copy Invocation!

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2 567

Simple problem:

  1. I leave a long-running command in terminal
  2. Switch to another task(s)
  3. Remember that I need to check on my command after a few hours

Is there any way to force terminal to the foreground after current command ends?

This is Windows with cterm/iristerm although Putty/Kitty solution would also be nice.

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0 558

I am using the free Intersystems Cache installation (CachePCkit V2017.1) on Windows 10 for my own use & personal development.
I am writing routines in Studio & running them in the Cache terminal TRM:3672 (TRYCACHE).
From a routine, how do I control print position within the terminal screen. I have tried using $X and $Y but this does not work and I cannot find what I need within the Cache terminal documentation.

Hope this question is not too simplistic for Members.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

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1 543

Hi Developers!

There is a recent update came for developer community images of InterSystems IRIS and IRIS For Health.

This release comes with Environment variables support.

Currently 3 variables are supported:

  • IRIS_USERNAME=user to create
  • IRIS_PASSWORD=with password
  • IRIS_NAMESPACE=create namespace if doesn't exist

Here is what you can do - see below.

Start iris with your username and password created:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d -p 9091:1972 -p 9092:52773  -e IRIS_PASSWORD=demo -e IRIS_USERNAME=demo intersystemsdc/iris-community

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NewBie's Corner Session 3 More Read and Write commands & Multiple commands

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

Write command with carriage return and line feed

When the exclamation point "!" is inserted after a Write command, a carriage return and line feed combination is produced. Note in this example, that a comma separates the exclamation point from the variable "X".

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0 496

Hi Developers

Is there any way that we can pass the values to the read prompts via cache routine.

For example, we have a couple of reports/routine in our system which accepts some inputs and after taking the inputs it generates some data. Right now it has proper UI and where User enters the value and in routines we have Read statements which accepts those inputs for further processing.

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0 473
· Sep 28, 2017 1m read
Terminal license expire message

If you are facing out the license expire warning message on your terminal ("*** Warning: This Cache license will expire in 3 days ***") and you do not want that message to be displayed, you can disable/enable that by rinning the following commands:

Do ExpirationMessageOff^%SYS.LICENSE - Disable

Do ExpirationMessageOn^%SYS.LICENSE - Enable

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0 468

I am trying to capture the write of a method to test the response in an unit test. I know everything works because one of my colleagues ran the code and did not froze on his machine.

I don't what is the cause of the freeze. I know that at line Use $io::("^"_$ZNAME) it stopes because i have put some write functions after every line in WriteCapture method and i only saw the first write function in terminal

I also used debug and in this case it didn't froze

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0 466

Hi developers!

Every day coding with IRIS and docker I call the following 3 commands in VSCode terminal. Always the same for any projects:

docker-compose build   ; to build the container

docker-compose up -d   ; to run the IRIS in container

docker-compose exec iris iris session iris ; to open the IRIS terminal

Is there any way to map the key sequence which will type me the rest?


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0 465

I tried to make atelier look more like XCODE with this simple trick or tip: change the default font to SF Mono and size 14.

To do it I did:

1) Install SF Mono font in the system which is the default font for XCODE and needs to be installed in order to use it.

You can find it in: /Applications/Utilities/

Double Click SFMono-Regular.otf file and install it. You will get a warning of "serious problems" but it will work all right.

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0 465

This post is meant to provide a quick possible explanation for a very perplexing problem.

Scenario: You’ve just created your own administrative user in your 2014.1 (or later) instance of Caché. You gave it every possible security role (including %All), so it should in theory be able to do anything within the instance.

You’ve written a very advanced routine with a break command in it for debugging:

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0 458

Is it possible to make the cache terminal available over a mirrored vip address for a healthshare mirrored environment? So that connecting to a terminal for a mirrored environment will always connect to the Live Node?

I'm looking to write a Powershell script to run against the system and need to connect to the Live Node in a mirrored setup. Is this possible or am I going to have to log onto each node to establish which is Live. Or does this even matter?

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0 447
· Jun 20, 2016 4m read
NewBie's Corner Session 8 Not

NewBie's Corner Session 8 Not

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out these commands.

NOT operator ('), single quote or apostrophe

The "NOT" operator reverses the truth-value and is intended for numeric operands, however it can be used on alphanumeric operands.

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0 445

version cache for windows, 2017.2.1 build 801_3 - windows 10

I had this system set up for 3+ years now, and background tasks such as converting emails, have always worked, suddenly it's stopped working and I've tracked it down to any network references.

reading the emails, I look for any attachment files, and save them to a network drive before processing them within a class method,

I've been testing it by sending exactly the same email repeatedly and checking the saving of the attached file in both the background and in the terminal.

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· May 25, 2017
Problems with zlib1.dll


I'm having a problem with %SQL.Statement.

I have a ClassMethod on Cache that I'm trying to access via - this.db.invoke_classmethod.

When I get to my %Prepare I get a <DYNAMIC LIBRARY LOAD> error. Upon checking cconsole.log I find the following...

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