Have you ever been editing files in VS Code, but needed to check a global value or run a few ObjectScript commands? Now you can, with no setup required! If you have vscode-objectscript extension version 2.10.0 or later and are connected to InterSystems IRIS 2023.2 or later, you can now open a terminal connection to your server, regardless of where it's located.

There are three ways to open this new terminal:

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We have a yummy dataset with recipes written by multiple Reddit users, however most of the information is free text as the title or description of a post. Let's find out how we can very easily load the dataset, extract some features and analyze it using features from OpenAI large language model within Embedded Python and the Langchain framework.

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Interacting with Users in the Terminal: A Guide to Using %Library.Prompt in IRIS

Have you ever wondered how commands like ^DATABASE engage users in the terminal? Or perhaps you're writing an automation routine and want ways to specify options directly from the terminal. Thankfully, the %Library.Prompt class in IRIS offers a straightforward way to do so!

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· Nov 14, 2016 14m read
Mastering the JDBC SQL Gateway

As we all know, Caché is a great database that accomplishes lots of tasks within itself. However, what do you do when you need to access an external database? One way is to use the Caché SQL Gateway via JDBC. In this article, my goal is to answer the following questions to help you familiarize yourself with the technology and debug some common problems.

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· Sep 7, 2016 5m read
Running HealthShare XSLTs from Terminal

HealthShare uses a lot of XSLTs. These are used to convert IHE medical documents to SDA (internal HealthShare format) and back to IHE formats, to create summary reports, and to deal with IHE profiles (e.g., patient information query, document provide and register). Customers may customize the XSLTs to customize reports or for other reasons.

For debugging and development, it is very convenient to be able to run an XSLT from Terminal.

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Hi Developers!

There is a recent update came for developer community images of InterSystems IRIS and IRIS For Health.

This release comes with Environment variables support.

Currently 3 variables are supported:

  • IRIS_USERNAME=user to create
  • IRIS_PASSWORD=with password
  • IRIS_NAMESPACE=create namespace if doesn't exist

Here is what you can do - see below.

Start iris with your username and password created:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d -p 9091:1972 -p 9092:52773  -e IRIS_PASSWORD=demo -e IRIS_USERNAME=demo intersystemsdc/iris-community

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· Nov 28, 2023 2m read
k9s - Manage Your IrisClusters In Style

K9s is a terminal-based UI (aka kubectl clown suit), to manage Kubernetes clusters that drastically simplifies navigating, observing, and managing your applications in K8s, including Custom Resources like the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO) and ArgoCD Applications. If you are about to take your CKD, CKA, or CKS, leave k9s well enough alone for awhile as the abstraction to kubectl will become the standard for navigating the cluster and you will undoubtedly become estranged to the extended flags of kubectl and bomb the exam.

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NewBie's Corner Session 3 More Read and Write commands & Multiple commands

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

Write command with carriage return and line feed

When the exclamation point "!" is inserted after a Write command, a carriage return and line feed combination is produced. Note in this example, that a comma separates the exclamation point from the variable "X".

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This post is meant to provide a quick possible explanation for a very perplexing problem.

Scenario: You’ve just created your own administrative user in your 2014.1 (or later) instance of Caché. You gave it every possible security role (including %All), so it should in theory be able to do anything within the instance.

You’ve written a very advanced routine with a break command in it for debugging:

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Hi Developers!

InterSystems Package Manager (ZPM) is a great thing, but it is even better if you don't need to install it but can use immediately.

There are several ways how to do this and here is one approach of having IRIS container with ZPM built with dockerfile.

I've prepared a repository which has a few lines in dockerfile which perform the download and install the latest version of ZPM.

Add these lines to your standard dockerfile for IRIS community edition and you will have ZPM installed and ready to use.

To download the latest ZPM client:

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In this post I would like to talk about the syslog table. I will cover what it is, how you look at it, what the entries really are, and why it may be important to you. The syslog table can contain important diagnostic information. If your system is having any problems, it is important to understand how to look at this table and what information is contained there.

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I was searching for the most simple way to connect from visual studio code to my local instance via terminal without having to change any window.

I know this can also be achieved via telnet but seems a bit overhead if you're in your local machine.

For me the simplest sollution is to open a terminal window in VS Code, navigate to the /bin folder of your instance installation and run .\csession.exe INSTANCENAME

For simplicity you can just include your /bin folder in your path so you don't even need to navigate there

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Hello, developers!

I would like to share the history of the project - the ZAPM shell.

As soon as ZPM was implemented, I immediately began to think about how best to use it.

And immediately faced with the desire to move more quickly between namespaces, especially when there are more than 20 of them.
I had to leave the ZPM, move to the desired namespace and re-enter the shell.
I suggested an improvement - a new "namespace" command for easier navigation.
I didn’t wait - I did it myself. And so it went. If you need it, get ready to do it yourself.

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· Sep 28, 2017 1m read
Terminal license expire message

If you are facing out the license expire warning message on your terminal ("*** Warning: This Cache license will expire in 3 days ***") and you do not want that message to be displayed, you can disable/enable that by rinning the following commands:

Do ExpirationMessageOff^%SYS.LICENSE - Disable

Do ExpirationMessageOn^%SYS.LICENSE - Enable

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NewBie's Corner Session 4 The Plus Sign and Concatenation Operators

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

Plus Sign (+) operator

Typically, the Plus sign (+) adds two numbers together. This is true in COS (Caché ObjectScript), but COS uses it in other ways as well.

Set the variable X to a value of +12

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This article contains the tutorial document for a Global Summit academy session on Text Categorization and provides a helpful starting point to learn about Text Categorization and how iKnow can help you to implement Text Categorization models. This document was originally prepared by Kerry Kirkham and Max Vershinin and should work based on the sample data provided in the SAMPLES namespace.

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NewBie's Corner Session 6 If and Kill commands

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

As in other computer programming languages, the If command is the primary decision makes.

If command with numeric operands

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· Jun 11, 2016 2m read
NewBie's Corner Session 7 True and False

NewBie's Corner Session 7 True and False

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out these commands.

In COS, a 0 is false and any other number (positive or negative) is true.

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I tried to make atelier look more like XCODE with this simple trick or tip: change the default font to SF Mono and size 14.

To do it I did:

1) Install SF Mono font in the system which is the default font for XCODE and needs to be installed in order to use it.

You can find it in: /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app/Contents/Resources/Fonts

Double Click SFMono-Regular.otf file and install it. You will get a warning of "serious problems" but it will work all right.

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The DeepSee TroubleShooting Guide helps you track down and fix problems occurring in your DeepSee project. A common problem is finding less records than expected in a DeepSee Cube or a related Subject Area. The DeepSee TroubleShooting Guide suggests starting your investigation by checking the following:

Check cube for build restrictions

Check if maxFacts is used

Check if Build Errors are occurring

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Hi Developers!

Create Database, Namespace, REST Applications using Portal Management is an easy task. You just need a few clicks or maybe more clicks than you expect.

But, what if you traded all those clicks for a simple command-line ?!

IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.GenerateDB).CreateNew

You just need to answer a few questions:

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· Jul 10, 2016 4m read
NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

InterSystems Caché provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called Caché Studio. Developers can use Studio to create and maintain applications.

Controlling Process Flow

Controlling Process Flow means controlling the execution path of code. The execution of code flows from the top to the bottom in a routine, except for the following:

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