· Sep 7, 2017 3m read

How to make phone calls using Caché Objectscript and Twilio


Twilio is a great tool for programmatically initiating and managing phone calls. In this example we'll go over basic account setup, create a Cache Class to manage our interaction with the Twilio API, and initiate a phone call from the Cache Terminal.

The full Class used in this example is available on GitHub as well.


  1. Create an account on twilio
  2. Add a new phone number under the Manage Numbers Page.
    • This will be the number you call from.
  3. Add a new caller ID under the Verified Caller IDs Page.
    • This will be the number you call to.
    • If you have a trial account, you are only able to make calls to verified numbers.
  4. Make sure you have an SSL Configuration defined.
    • This can be done through the Cache Management Portal under System Administration > Security > SSL/TLS Configurations.

Our helper Class

 /// Cache implementation of the Twilio REST Client
Class Twilio.Rest.Client Extends %RegisteredObject

  /// Twilio's REST API
  Property server As %String [ InitialExpression = "" ];

  /// Twilio Account SID found on
  Property Sid As %String;

  /// Twilio Auth Token found on
  Property AuthToken As %String;

  /// The name of the SSLConfig to use with each request (Required for HTTPS)
  Property SSLConfig As %String;

  Method %OnNew(pSid As %String, pAuthToken As %String, pSSLConfig As %String) As %Status
    Set ..Sid = pSid
    Set ..AuthToken = pAuthToken
    Set ..SSLConfig = pSSLConfig
    Quit $$$OK

  /// Make a call using the Twilio REST API.
  /// pFrom should be a registered Twilio Phone Number. It needs to follow Twilio's formatting.
  /// pTo should be the phone number you would like to call. It needs to follow Twilio's formatting.
  /// pUrl is the URL where your TwiML markup resides. Use the TwiML to dictate how the phone call should
  /// be handled.
  Method Call(pFrom As %String, pTo As %String, pUrl As %String = "") As %String
    Set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
    Set httpRequest.Server = ..server
    Set httpRequest.Https = 1 // Twilio requires HTTPS
    Set httpRequest.SSLConfiguration = ..SSLConfig // Pass in SSL Configuration to use with HTTPS request
    // Determine endpoint we will be posting to
    Set endpoint = "/2010-04-01/Accounts/"_..Sid_"/Calls"
    // Add Credentials to request
    Set httpRequest.Username = ..Sid
    Set httpRequest.Password = ..AuthToken
    // Add form data to http request
    Do httpRequest.InsertFormData("From", pFrom)
    Do httpRequest.InsertFormData("To", pTo)
    If "" '= pUrl {
      Do httpRequest.InsertFormData("Url", pUrl)
    // Post request to server
    Set status = httpRequest.Post(endpoint)
    If $$$ISERR(status) Quit status }
    Set responseString = httpRequest.HttpResponse.Data.Read()
    Quit responseString


  1. Open up a new Terminal and navigate to whichever namespace you defined your Twilio.Rest.Client in.
  2. Instantiate a new Twilio Client using the Account SID and Auth Token found here
	Set sid = "your_sid"
	Set token = "your_token"
	Set sslConfig = "name_of_your_ssl_config" //Step 4 of Setup
	Set twilio = ##class(Twilio.Rest.Client).%New(sid, token, sslConfig)

  1. Make a call
	Set from = "+18001234567" 				// Twilio phone from step 2 of Setup
	Set to = "+18008675309" 				// Verified caller ID from step 3 of Setup
	Set url = "" 	// web page containing TwiML instructions
	Set response = twilio.Call(from, to, url)
	// optionally read/handle response here


Twilio determines how the call is handled based on XML instructions called TwiML. You can see the instructions used in the above example by visiting Check out the TwiML docs to learn more.

To change how the call is handled, create a webpage and have it return your own set of TwiML instructions. Then pass that url to the Twilio.Rest.Client instead.

Happy coding!

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