
I have a problem with an Ensemble instance on Windows to access to a network shared directory. Ensemble service (services.msc) is executed with a user which has access to this network shared directory :

- When I try to copy or access files from a terminal ==> this is OK : the command w ##class(%SYS.ProcessQuery).%OpenId($Job).OSUserName returns the user defined in Ensemble service logon screen.

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In this post, I am going to detail how to set up a mirror using SSL, including generating the certificates and keys via the Public Key Infrastructure built in to Caché. The goal of this is to take you from new installations to a working mirror with SSL, including a primary, backup, and DR async member, along with a mirrored database. I will not go into security recommendations or restricting access to the files. This is meant to just simply get a mirror up and running.

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Currently, we have an application running in one namespace ("Database B") that has globals and routines mapped to another database ("Database A"). After enforcing clean up on Database A, we found that 90% of the disk is free. We would like to compact Database A and release the unused space. However, we are running OpenVMS, which seems to be the issue.

For databases consisting of only globals, we are able to use ^GBLOCKCOPY; however, we need to ensure that the routines and mappings are also copied.

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I have been asked to assist in the planning of the a new server for our database, which we will be changing operating systems from OpenVMS to Linux (RedHat distribution). However, its difficult to find material regarding what would be recommended, which is likely due to the database being proprietary.

In looking at the information provided below and hoping to decrease processing time, would anyone be able to recommend type of configuration we should have for the new Linux server? Please feel free to ask any clarifying questions.

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Can someone direct me to where in the documentation we can find how consumption may be calculated for global storage?

Caché Version2010.1
Operating SystemHP OpenVMS 8.4

EDIT: After receiving some responses, it seems I was unclear in my initial inquiry. I am looking to determine our rate of consumption of storage; however, I am having some difficulty in doing that.

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· Jan 13, 2017
GitLab CI examples?

Recently I started working with GitLab - GitHub self-hosted foss alternative. So far so good, liked the UI, ease of administration, and available functionality (I was on Phabricator previously, and still use it for repo mirroring).

GitLab has GitLab CI (GitLab Continuous Integration) which looks promising (pluggable docker/vm/ds to run code) , but I wondered if someone uses it already and can share scripts for it?

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Ansible helped me solve the problem of quickly deploying Caché and application components for Data Platforms benchmarks. You can use the same tools and methodology for standing up your test labs, training systems, development or other environments. If you deploy applications at customer sites you could automate much of the deployment and ensure that system, Caché and your application are configured to your applications best practice standards.

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I use DataGrip (JDBC client) to query Caché server via JDBC.

The problem I encountered, is that if I wait 10 or more minutes between queries I get an error:

[08S01][461] Communication link failure: Socket closed

To fix that I need to disconnect and connect to server again. Is there a JDBC timeout setting somewhere I can change?

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· Dec 14, 2016
Intergity test for cbk files

Hi, Community!

We have our internal backup system which produces *.cbk files for Full, Incremental and Cumulative backup modes.

Does anyone have an automation procedure to restore this files on some target testing system, check the integrity and mark the files as "restorable"?

Please, share?

Thank you in advance!

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· Dec 15, 2016 1m read
Version history for the production class

Last week I was onsite with a new customer of ours, implementing Deltanji to give them control of their development and deployment cycle. One particularly satisfying part of the visit was seeing their pleasure at how their production class now records its changes over time, allowing them to quickly diff the versions and see what configuration items have been added or what settings altered. ​

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· Dec 14, 2016
How do I free licenses?

I have a server with public web application with Unauthenticated access and there seems to be a problem that CSP session ends, but associated license persists for some time (hours). If several users log in, we can hit license limit and all the other users get 503 Service unavailable error.

We are currently debugging it and moving to authenticated web applications, but is there a way to free these licenses quickly?

Here's how it looks like in SMP:

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One of the great availability and scaling features of Caché is Enterprise Cache Protocol (ECP). With consideration during application development distributed processing using ECP allows a scale out architecture for Caché applications. Application processing can scale to very high rates from a single application server to the processing power of up to 255 application servers with no application changes.

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